Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Where to put leeches for losing weight: the right points

Weight loss is a topic that worries a good half of humanity. What the modern pharmaceutical industry does not offer. Tablets, sprays, creams, patches and hundreds of other ways, effective and not very good. However, today is gaining popularity hirudotherapy. Today we want to talk about where to put leeches for weight loss. Are they surprised? Yes, and many people use this method. Despite the apparent low reliability, he received recognition and official medicine.

Medical leeches

These slippery and unpleasant creatures are in fact very useful for our body. Hirudotherapy can solve a large number of health problems. In this case, the medical leech is very different from its counterparts living in stagnant ponds. It is sterile and does not infect any infections into the human body.

They are used only once. However, today we will not talk about different types of treatment, we are only interested in where to put leeches for weight loss. Patients who have already tried this method note a rapid effect, which persists for a long time. The benefit of this method is so significant that it has great prospects.

Hirudotherapy in action

With the help of these amazing creatures, you can treat excess weight and cellulite, fight even with severe obesity. Of course, do not hope that leeches will suck out all fat from you. This is not liposuction, but only one step to winning over excess weight. The treatment itself is as follows. The therapist installs live, hungry leeches on the biologically active points of our body. Thus, the mechanism of action is similar to acupuncture.

The process does not end there. The leech bites the skin 2 mm deep and introduces its saliva into the wound. Now you can watch her body begin to fill with blood. In total, it can suck up to 10 ml of blood. It would seem that very little. But the fact is that blood, lymph and tissue fluid will drain from the wound for some time, due to a special enzyme in the saliva that does not allow blood to coagulate. After about 10 hours, the wound will be tightened.

During this time, you can lose from 60 to 200 ml of blood, lymph and tissue fluid. At the same time girudoterapevt knows exactly where to put leeches for weight loss. But if you want to perform this procedure yourself, then let's understand further.

Results of therapy

If you have never engaged in alternative treatment, then it is necessary to resort to the help of a specialist or to study the literature well. Putting leeches for weight loss is not so difficult, we now talk about this a little more detailed. What do you get as a result?

  • Reflex action, that is activation of biologically active points.
  • Mechanical - that is, discharge of blood flow, removal of excess fluid from the body and purification of the circulatory system. And if you remember that the root cause of weight gain is slagging the body, then this is a very important point in the process of losing weight.
  • Biological effects - leech saliva is very complex in its composition. Getting into the bloodstream, it promotes the splitting of fats and the normalization of metabolism.

Benefits of leeches

To begin with, the procedure is completely painless. Secondary discomfort at the time of the bite, and then a special enzyme contained in the saliva, acts no worse than novocaine. In addition, he is also an excellent antiseptic, which means you can not worry that the wound after a bite will become inflamed.

We are very interested in living examples, whether leeches help to lose weight. The reviews emphasize that the results are really very good. If you are determined to lose weight and can not do it, we recommend that you use this method.

As a result of competent treatment, the following results are achieved:

  • Out of the body goes excess fluid. As a result, you feel much easier.
  • In the saliva of leeches there are many enzymes, two of which contribute to the fight against fatty deposits, it is hyaluronidase and lipase. In the most problematic places a very unpleasant phenomenon occurs, cells of connective tissue grow. And this is the skeleton for the deposition of fat and the appearance of cellulite. What happens in the body after the blood leech is poured? Hyaluronidase is a special enzyme that breaks down the basic substance of connective tissue. Due to this, the fat leaves the water, and the tissues receive fresh blood. Thus, we need to identify places that require special attention. Now you know where to put leeches for losing weight.
  • As the blood supply improves, oxygen exchange within tissues increases. It is a powerful, fat burning and healing factor.
  • There are additional bonuses after using leeches. This is immunostimulation, which as a result leads to an acceleration of metabolism.

Do not leech single

The process of weight loss is a complex task that must be addressed in all available ways. Abuse of harmful products and inactivity will lead to the fact that all efforts of bloodsuckers will remain without result. You need to start with a cleansing diet and a complete change in lifestyle. You need to walk more and do exercises every morning, there is only useful food and give up sweets. By the way, those who have already undergone a course of such treatment note that already from the first procedure there is a decrease in appetite. Now you can without any great trepidation look at the store cakes and pamper yourself with fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, having excluded from the menu harmful products, you can saturate it not with harmful fats, but with vitamins and minerals.

Leeches and cellulite

By the way, even if you use these creatures at home, it's not at all necessary to look for the right points. Leeches for weight loss spread out in random order. However, get involved in bloodsuckers is not worth it. For one procedure, it is sufficient to use three leeches. It is enough to spend 10-12 sessions, two a week, and you will feel the result. In a month the course can be repeated.

Active points

You can use the classical schemes, according to which the herd therapist and disposes of leeches for weight loss. Where to put, the photo shows very clearly. However, in any case, you need to focus on the individual characteristics of the client.

In principle, wherever you put it, it will still be useful. An exception may be the area of large, venous vessels and places with thin skin, such as a face. It should be taken into account that there are special points that are zones of influence on the whole organism. This is the coccyx and navel, the perineum and the liver, the pancreas zone. Points along the chakras: the base of the spine, the solar plexus, the level of the heart, the cavity at the base of the neck, the middle of the forehead, and the region of the crown.

In addition to common points, you can pay attention directly to the most problematic places. In other words, it is the places of the greatest accumulation of fat stores that must be tested by bloodsuckers.

How to put a leech?

So, you decided on the procedure, you will use leeches for weight loss. The desired points (the photo will help you navigate with the placement) are marked with a pencil and you can proceed. Now the most important thing is for legible creatures to agree to suck. To do this, the body must be cleaned thoroughly without the use of flavored gels and soaps. Give up alcohol and cigarettes, as well as perfume.

The area where you will put the leech, you need to treat with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, and then rinse with water. Now wear a glove and use a small cup to catch a leech. Turning the vessel over, you can see how the leech has moved to the skin and sucked.

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