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When it is necessary to sterilize the cat: age, postoperative care, nutrition

Cats are perhaps the most beloved pets. Lovely, kind, fluffy kittens, which, curled up in your arms, soothingly murch ... From the presentation of this picture involuntarily poured tenderness and peace comes. Cats do not require daily walks. This makes more people get such pets.

Soon the question arises: "When to sterilize a cat, and whether to do it at all?" Here opinions are divided. Some believe that it is necessary to do it, based on many factors:

- the cat loses the instinct to reproduction, accordingly it does not suffer itself and does not torment the owners;

- during the estrus, cats often cope with their need in the wrong places;

- Sterilized cats are less aggressive and more domestic, they rarely escape from the owners;

- do not need to search every time for newborn kittens.

Opponents of sterilization are reminiscent of moral and ethical norms.

In any case, you decide. It should also be remembered that cat sterilization, age Which is already quite solid, can be more difficult due to the use of general anesthesia during surgery. If you doubt the health of a cat after sterilization, it is better not to resort to this procedure.

Most often, the sterilization of a cat (the age of which varies from 8 months to a year) is carried out after the first estrus. During this operation, the fallopian tubes are bandaged, and in the case of castration, the ovaries and uterus are completely removed. In general, the procedure is quite fast. A cat after a sterilization operation or castration requires special care. Restoration is carried out for two weeks, at this time, carefully monitor the state of health of the animal, for the condition of the wound, in case of bleeding, immediately consult a veterinarian.

Sterilization of a cat whose age is too small (up to 7 months) may lead to a general delay in the development of the body. After surgery, the cat should not be fed dry food and in general should pay increased attention to nutrition to prevent obesity, which is a frequent consequence of sterilization. At the end of the rehabilitation period, give your pet the necessary physical activity, play with it so that it remains mobile. In nutrition, reduce the number of calories and try to feed the cat in a balanced way.

It is believed that sterilized cats live longer, they have fewer health problems (in particular diseases associated with genitourinary organs), and they are in no way inferior to their relatives, who have not touched the operation. Often the owners of no longer too young animals are interested in whether it is possible in this case to sterilize the cat. Age, as practice has shown, in most cases does not matter much, and the operation can be successfully carried out.

If you consider all the recommendations, sterilization will not be a shock for you. It is only necessary to carefully observe the conditions of the operation and adhere to special care after it. Then your cat more than once will please you with its murring and warm your warmth.

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