HealthSupplements and vitamins

What vitamins are better to take in the spring

Spring is a wonderful time of the year, but it is often disturbed by avitaminosis. Many people in the spring feel much worse in the spring than ever: weakness, dizziness, drying and deterioration of the skin, broken nails, inflamed gums - these are signs of hypovitaminosis, which must be combated, otherwise they can develop into beriberi and cause significant Harm to health in general. What vitamins should I take in the spring? Whether it is necessary to give preference to ready preparations, or it is better to receive necessary vitamins from food? These questions in the spring are always relevant regardless of whether a person has a lack of vitamins or not.

If hypovitaminosis makes itself felt, then you can not eliminate it by adjusting the diet. The same is true with a lack of mineral substances, in particular calcium or iron: no matter how much we eat foods that contain them, and their level in the body can not be raised significantly. This is mainly due to the fact that any products contain a relatively small amount of nutrients, in particular, in order to get a daily dose of vitamin C, you need to eat a few kilograms, for example, oranges. With some vitamins and minerals the situation is even more complicated: products with their high content are assimilated only in a small amount, for example, iron-rich meat, no matter how much we eat it, it will be assimilated only in an amount of about 100 grams, and the rest will be removed from the body, or else And will stay in the form of slags. All this suggests that no diet will help restore the disturbed balance of nutrients, and in addition to adjusting the diet will still have to take vitamin complexes.

What vitamins are better to take when there is such a variety of different drugs in pharmacies? On the one hand, it is better to give preference to vitamin-mineral complexes, but on the other - some biologically active substances interfere with the assimilation of each other, and it is not entirely advisable to take them together at once. Of course, today there are also such complexes in which the compatibility of substances is thought out, but you can do otherwise - choose a few simpler drugs and take them separately. What kind of vitamins is best for each individual, will help determine the doctor, preferably on the basis of laboratory research. This will help not only to achieve the greatest effectiveness of the drugs, but also to avoid the excess of certain vitamins, since in complex vitamin complexes can contain those substances that you absolutely do not need, and the excess is just as bad as the defect. For the same reason, do not take vitamins all the time: usually the package is designed for a course, and it should be limited.

Also it is worth paying attention to what vitamins to drink in spring to this or that person. For example, there are children's vitamins, vitamins for women, a special group for pregnant women, vitamins for the elderly: in principle, if their producer is a serious and well-known organization, then they can be guided by their purpose, indicated on the package.

When choosing which vitamins to take better , you should not overlook the biological supplements. Recently, the attitude towards them has seriously deteriorated, in a number of cases it is completely unjustified. Various inexpensive dietary supplements of natural origin are quite appropriate for the prevention of avitaminosis. In particular, brewer's yeast and their extracts are a great way to make up for the lack of B vitamins. It is not necessary, however, to buy into stories about their incredible and miraculous properties, on the basis of which disgruntled citizens try to get more than one thousand rubles for such drugs. For example, most recently banal sea kale under the proud name of kelp (this is its Latin name) was declared by some entrepreneurs a remedy for everything, and for the drugs from it asked for several thousand - in such matters it is worth to be more careful and to study the information in advance.

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