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What should I do: the child refuses to eat? Causes and consequences

Many of our compatriots still believe that a good appetite is one of the most important indicators of health. Since our birth, we are trying to feed our kids to the dump during each meal. But if the appetite suddenly deteriorated sharply, what should I do? The child refuses to eat for various reasons, try to deal with the most likely of them.

Why not interrupt your appetite?

If a child always ate well and unexpectedly began to refuse food, any parent is worried. Before you beat the alarm, try to assess sensibly that the baby was eating during the day. Sweets, chips and other fast food give a deceptive feeling of satiety. Do not be surprised if after eating something like that, the child refuses to eat. What to do in a similar situation? Skip or postpone meal at a later time. Henceforth, take care that the baby does not eat too much useless and harmful food. Sweets should not be in the child's free access, it is better to give them out personally several times a day. To spoil the appetite can eaten before the main meal a sandwich or fruit. Try not to feed your child haphazardly. Make a meal schedule for the baby, put in it three main meals and a couple of snacks.

Before a meal you need to get hungry

Surely you noticed that on some days you can not overcome laziness so much that sometimes we literally forget to eat. Food is the source of energy for our body. Appetite is directly related to physical activity. The more active a person leads, the more often he feels hungry. If your son has been sitting all day drawing because of bad weather, or systematically prefers computer games to mobile, to be surprised his poor appetite should not be. What to do, the child refuses to eat because of a lack of physical activity, is it worth making him eat? To force a baby is not recommended, regardless of the cause of poor appetite. If you think that the reason for refusing food is a sedentary lifestyle, it's time to make it more active. Even at home, you can play sports, play mobile games. Offer the child to help her mother in the cleaning or dance to fast music.

Do you know how much your child should eat?

Many childcare allowances contain different norms for a daily diet. This table caloric intake, some authors offer a list of specific products with exact weight. Is it worth following such recommendations? Many responsible parents tend to grow their own baby correctly. But do not forget that we are all individuals. The need for food in a child depends on its physique. Some babies do eat very little and look skinny. Their mothers often ask doctors: what to do, the child refuses to eat and badly gaining weight? However, in most cases, there is no reason for panic. If the child is active, is keenly interested in the surrounding world and looks healthy, do not worry. For your own peace of mind, talk with the grandparents of the baby. Very often children's thinness and poor appetite are inherited.

Spoofing and individual intolerance

Every child learns the world of flavors and flavors since the introduction of complementary foods. Almost all children have their own food preferences. By the age of three, any baby can call a favorite fruit, and his mother notices that he eats some specific dishes with more appetite than others. But if the kid, on the contrary, does not agree to eat certain foods, what to do? The child refuses food, motivating it with his own dislike for a particular product - this problem is familiar to many families. Persuasion to try "at least a piece" usually does not work. Is it worth making or retraining a baby?

Similarly, spoiled children often behave . But if a child for a long time does not agree to eat a small list of products, it makes sense to satisfy his desire. Many adults do not eat onions, fish, garlic and other foods that have a pronounced flavor. If the baby does not agree there is some valuable and useful product, it makes sense to pick up his counterpart. Some mothers simply learn new recipes and do not admit to the child what exactly he has for dinner.

Disturbance of appetite as a symptom of the disease

Strongest of all parents frightens, when from food the kid, eating usually with pleasure refuses. If the child has not eaten all day, it's time to measure his temperature. Lack of appetite may indicate the onset of an infectious disease. Usually in the initial stage of the disease, the children look sluggish and sleepy. To guard parents should refuse food in combination with a digestive system disorder. Such symptoms may be a manifestation of food poisoning or other disease, which requires urgent medical attention. How to understand if a doctor is needed if the child is a year old (refuses to eat)? What to do when the baby can not tell you how you feel? Try to make the simplest test: offer some kind of delicacy. With a painful lack of appetite, the child will most likely refuse even the favorite fruit or candy.

Psychological problems

Stress is one of the causes of a decrease in appetite. Parents of schoolchildren for certain noticed that on the eve of control and examinations children cease to eat and sleep in the literal sense of the word. The older the child, the more reason to be nervous in his life. But can not a child preschooler eat because of stress? Maybe a little person is frightened by many things: from darkness to loud sounds and terrible pictures. If recently in a kid's life there really were some shocks, what to do? The child refuses to eat - the reasons for this situation often lie in the psychoemotional state. Try to find out what exactly is bothering the baby and overcome all fears together.

Norm or pathology?

If a son or daughter is constantly badly eating, any sensible mother will ask the question: what to do? The child refuses to eat, the consequences of this behavior may not be the most pleasant. This is a deficit of weight, and developmental disorders due to lack of nutrients. It is these beliefs that traditional medicine advocates. There are many ways to assess the child's health. If the baby feels well, is active and cheerful, there are no reasons for the parents' feelings. Pay attention to the regularity and quality of the stool and urine. A healthy child has smooth skin, elastic muscles, a pleasant complexion. If the baby is well tolerated by physical activity and his mental state is normal, calm down, he is perfectly healthy. Parents have a sense to follow the change in weight and height of the child and periodically take general tests.

Doctor Komarovsky about problems of children's appetite

Modern pediatricians pay considerable attention to indicators of the physical development of children under three years old. Some experts even prescribe drugs that stimulate appetite, or dietary supplements to children slowly gaining weight. And really, if a child refuses to eat, what to do? Komarovsky - a specialist of the highest category - advises resorting to the treatment of poor appetite only in extreme cases. Believe me, in our time in a safe environment no child will die of hunger or malnutrition. Parents should create all opportunities for natural hardening and encourage the child to move around. If the kid will walk a lot in the fresh air, play with peers and learn something new every day, the appetite problem will be solved by itself.

Secrets of a good appetite

What can I do right now so that your child can eat more and eat more? Turn every meal into a ritual. It is advisable that the whole family gather at the table. Observation of how others eat, already in itself stimulates the appetite. During the general meal, the baby learns to eat carefully and correctly behave at the table. Try to please the child regularly with new dishes and food. You can pay attention to the design of food and table setting. Surely the child will be interested to eat from a beautiful plate. You can directly draw a sauce or jam for some interesting drawings on the baby's portion. Do not forget about the classic compromises - offer an interesting dessert after the end of the meal.

We hope that a bad appetite will not spoil your mood any more, because you know what to do. The child refuses to eat? Recommendations on this issue can be reduced to a simple advice: never abuse and do not forcibly feed. It is better to wait for the baby to get hungry, and try to feed it peacefully.

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