Spiritual development, Religion
What Makes a Man a Man?
The great Charles Darwin once put forward a very interesting theory, which, according to the scientist, could perfectly explain all the vague questions related to the origin of species, including the answer to the burning question of the origin of man. Far-sighted materialistic scientists, having received such a wonderful weapon at their disposal in the fight against the Christian doctrine of Creation, immediately practically erected Darwin's theory into the rank of an axiom and immutable truth.
However, now we will not enter into any disputes about how all things on the Earth happened, including man. We are more interested in another question: What makes a man a Man ...
Man is, in essence, just a highly organized animal, possessing intelligence. But there is something that distinguishes a person from primates? So all the same, what is it? What makes a person a Man? Let us analyze some opinions on this matter.
The ability to learn is what makes a person a person. Indeed, the ability to learn to distinguish a person from highly organized animals - this seems at first glance. But very many dog owners, trainers and tamers do not agree with this statement, confirming the correctness of their words by the numerous achievements of their pets. Moreover, there are computer programs that are capable of self-learning, and this can not even be called alive.
Only man is able to think. Maybe. But if you look closely at the behavior of many animals, birds and even insects and remember that no other scientist in the world has proven the opposite, we can assume that our smaller brothers can also think ...
Perhaps society makes a person? Yes, society is a great force that can influence the thoughts and actions of each individual person. But this too is not always the case. How, then, do rogues and hermits get out? After all, if society makes a person, then everyone should be the same?
Another issue that worries the minds of many is the question of morality. Just morality, as well as the capacity for creativity and Love, seems to distinguish man from highly organized animals. In this regard, too, not everything is clear. It is believed that only an educated person can be moral. But does human education become moral? You can answer this question simply by looking around. Surely in the life of each person there were brilliantly educated people who have beautiful manners, pleasant in communication, well-dressed, but at the same time capable of betraying and literally passing through the bones of those around them in order to achieve their goals. Does human education become moral? - Alas, it would be too easy ...
Love and Creativity - that's really what makes a person a Man. Only this can be peculiar only to man from all the diversity of Creation. It is these qualities that bring man closer to the Creator. "And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; Male and female He created them "(Gen. 1:27).
In another place (1 John 4: 8) of Scripture we find the wonderful words: "God is Love." So, it is the manifestation of Love that gives the person the right to this high rank? Man is the best of all the Creations of the Lord, and the Lord loved us to such an extent that He sacrificed His Son so that we might have the chance to be saved and become His Children. Great, great Love, which each of us is able to recognize, unites us with the Creator, hence, makes man a Man ...
Approaches a person to the Lord, therefore, makes a person a man and the ability to creativity, which is endowed only by man and none of the animals. But here one must bear in mind that the Creativity of God is primary. He creates from nothing. Human creativity is secondary, because works of art are created only on the basis of what is around or in the heart of a person ...
Of course, all the arguments on these topics may seem very controversial, like any philosophical conclusions, but can be regarded as a good attempt to approach the answer to one of the most exciting questions of all people: Who am I? Where from? What for?
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