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What is the humanities and what is the specificity of this type of activity?

Often we hear such words as "the humanities" and "techies". However, not everyone accurately represents what is at stake. We are so used to these definitions that we have established quite established stereotypes. Whom you ask about what a humanist is - without hesitation a person will answer that this is a synonym for the word "philologist", and technicians are mathematicians. The truth is in this. However, it is worthwhile to talk in more detail about what the humanities and techies are.

By dictionary

So, the first thing I would like to tell you about what definition the term is given by the dictionary. The first interpretation is an expert who is associated with activities related to human society, culture and people in general. But this is not the only definition. What does "the humanities" mean besides this? This is something that is addressed to a person's personality and is related to his interests, as well as rights. And, finally, the last interpretation, explaining what a humanist is. This is a synonym for the word "humane". Only this expression is already obsolete, and almost no one uses it.

False stereotypes

People, thinking about what a humanist is, often come to this conclusion: "So, I like to read, I like a variety of literature, newspapers and books - probably I'll become a philologist." I definitely have a humanitarian mindset! " Many have heard such phrases, but this is a very superficial opinion. Because of him, unfortunately, many are mistaken in choosing a further profession.

Loving books does not mean being a humanist. I like to read many-sided people with a well-developed imagination. If this is the case, then why did the well-known physicist Einstein adore Dostoevsky? Or Korolev, who created far more than one project relating to spacecraft, why he could freely quote Yesenin and regularly read War and Peace? They and many other famous personalities loved to read, but this fact does not make them humanists.

But it's not altogether absurd, it's much worse, when this word is called for those people who stayed all 11 years in school, but did not learn the multiplication table. "Lazy" or "lazy" sounds insulting, but here is the "humanist" - no.

What is the truth?

Razibaras in what is a humanist, it should be noted that the sciences related to this category differ from the exact ones. However, not as many people think. Natural sciences are aimed at building an objective picture of our world. But the humanities are studying human consciousness.

It is a mistake to think that technicians in life are more difficult. This is not true. Human consciousness is non-linear, there is no place for formalization, but there is subjectivity. It is very changeable, and it is impossible to study it until the end, while this or that theory has been proved long ago, and it remains to be applied in practice. Of course, you can not compare natural and humanities . They are completely different, and that alone, that others are incredibly complex. But to think about the statement that the humanities do not do anything - it's worth it.

Humanitarism is not a profession, but a mentality

The list of specialties can not be listed - there are a lot of specialties. But no matter what kind of a humanist he chooses a profession, he alone has to be able to - see the complexity and ambiguity of all phenomena, and also be able to analyze them. It's not for nothing that the psychologists claim that each phenomenon can be explained differently seven times, and any situation can be solved as many times.

So, what is the humanities - it is clear, but it is worthwhile to give some illustrative examples that would help to understand the whole essence of this activity. Take, say, a plain text. What is special about it? It would seem nothing. However, the humanist sees in him not just words. For him, text is a way to know the world. Analyze what is described in it. Find similarities with reality. Use the read in life. The Humanist sees not just a set of proposals. He understands how, how and from what this text was created. He feels the thoughts of the author. He knows what he meant. And this, of course, is a real gift.


To be able to perceive reality in different ways, to see several possible solutions to problems, to be able to look at the problem from different angles, to analyze absolutely everything that happens in our life, and then be able to apply the information obtained in our activity is the whole of the humanities. The professions that belong to this category are multifaceted - they are choreographers, journalists, architects, psychologists. Literary critics, designers, art historians, calligraphers, photographers, critics, playwrights, stage designers, historians, linguists are still a very small list of specialties that relate to the humanitarian sphere of activity.

But in fact, if you think about it - all people belonging to any of the above-listed professions are very individual. They must take reality in a special way to create something unique, to embody what they see in their work.

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