Finance, Currency
What is it - the currency of different countries in the world?
Money in the hands of man appeared many years ago. Since the individual has learned to produce something in volumes exceeding the norm of his consumption, he began to change with other people. But the inefficiency, and often the injustice of barter relations, pushed humanity to think about creating money. The currency of different countries of the world is a phenomenon that arose long ago. In the usual banknotes of different denominations, it was not transformed very soon. The reincarnation of money into new forms continues to this day. But all the same, for each country its monetary unit is a distinctive feature, a special symbol that serves as an indicator of the independence and uniqueness of the state.
How many people - so many opinions
This phrase can be "replayed" as follows: "So many countries - so much money." Although, to be precise, there are not so many currencies in the world. Despite the fact that the planet officially recognized 251 states, not everyone has their own currency. Why is this happening? The currency of different countries of the world often depends on many factors. For example, whether this or that state consists in economic or political unions, and also whether it was formerly a colonial territory. So, many EU countries use one currency, common to their union - the euro, and in countries that previously obeyed England, Spain, France, the currency of suzerains still runs.
At the same time, participation in a particular community of powers is not a prerequisite for abandoning the national currency. For example, Great Britain - one of the main EU members, did not abandon its pound sterling, which, incidentally, is not surprising, because this monetary unit is one of the reserve in the world economy. On the same path, other members of this union also joined, Poland, where the zloty, Sweden with its nominal crown, Slovenia, on whose territory the officially recognized Slovenian dollar, and Romania, which produces lei, are used.
Currency designation - why?
In the international classifier, each currency is assigned a special code and number. This greatly simplifies the procedure for banking transactions, various transactions and contracts. The developed standards are recognized all over the world and are used in every country.
Write all the currency designations in one article is quite problematic, because there are quite a lot of them, but the main ones can be given in the form of a table. Currency of different countries of the world - designations:
The state | Currency name | Designation | Symbol |
Russia | ruble | RUB | ₽ |
EU countries | Euro | EUR | € |
USA | American dollar | USD | $ |
China | yuan | CNY | ¥ |
Japan | yen | JPY | ¥ |
United Kingdom | GBP | GBP | £ |
Israel | shekel | ILS | ₪ |
Ukraine | Hryvnia | UAH | ₴ |
India | rupee | INR | ₨ |
Each visitor to the bank, looking at the scoreboard with prices for currency, paid attention to the fact that the names of monetary units are not written completely. They consist of several letters. This was done in order to avoid confusion, because there are quite a few monetary units of the same name. For example, the dollar is not only American, but also Canadian, Australian, Slovenian and even Liberian. The same is true of the dinar, called Kuwaiti, Libyan, Thai and Tunisian, as well as the peso, which actively rotates in the economies of Argentina, Cuba, Mexico, the Philippine Islands.
Interesting Facts
All monetary units have their own unique history. The currency of different countries of the world is a special distinctive feature of each power, its "face". The design of money is carried out at the state level. For banknotes and coins even unique beauty contests are held. So, according to experts, the most attractive and aesthetic is the Ukrainian hryvnia. More than 50 currencies participated in the contest, and the selection criteria were rather stringent. Banknotes tore, crumpled, testing for strength. In addition, the quality of the pictures depicted on the bills and the overall stylistics were evaluated.
Making money is the prerogative of the state, but impure businessmen are very fond of making fake banknotes. And this practice has existed for a very long time. For example, American dollars - this is perhaps one of the most forged currencies, according to extras, in 1865, every third note in the US was not real. Although surprising in this there is nothing, because the first money in the country was made in the attic of the "treasury" during the Civil War. The difficult situation at that time clearly did not contribute to compliance with all the rules and security measures that apply to modern banknotes.
A special requirement, which must correspond to the currency of different countries of the world - is strength. Standard bills are calculated that they can be bent up to 4,000 times, and the average period of "life" of a banknote is about seven years.
Global currency
People who do not have a direct relationship to banking and financial activities do not know which currency is acting on the territory of other countries. For example, they do not know that Morocco enjoys dirham, Panama - balboa, and Brazil - cruzeiro. Instead, all Russian citizens heard about the dollar, euro or pound. What currency in different countries of the world - actively exploited in other states or not very popular - depends on how highly developed the economy of a particular power. The stronger it is, the stronger the national currency.
There are countries in which in free (albeit not very honest and lawful) household transactions and transactions are carried out not only in the currency of the country, but also in so-called universal money. First of all, they include the euro and the dollar. Today, amid the aggravated geopolitical situation, there is much talk about creating a new currency that would not feed the economies of individual countries. The most ardent ideological creators of such a message are China and Russia, because their economies are developing quite rapidly, and the need to use foreign currency for international settlements does not contribute to an equal status of things.
Money - will mankind get rid of their influence?
Is it possible to imagine a person's life without money as such? I think no. But 50 years ago no one would have thought that people would almost completely abandon the use of real banknotes and coins. But it happened! Electronic payment systems, bank cards, online banking systematically and confidently displace cash from the pockets and purses of a person. This process is most pronounced in developed countries, where the financial system is developed at a very high level.
In addition, recently in the constant confrontation there are so-called virtual money and currency of different countries of the world. Photos and articles in solid financial publications detail this struggle: who will be the winner? The answer to this exciting question is still a mystery for everyone. What is virtual money is not clear to many, but their creators insist that the future is behind them. Well, we'll see.
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