
What is a stack? Dimensions of the stack

What is a stack? The term is used in agriculture. Many of us have been to the villages and seen huge heaps of hay. By the way, not all rural youth know what a stack is, and can not always explain to a person a visitor, in what is its difference from a stack or a shock.

How do they stack hay or straw?

In ancient times in our villages there were not a lot of premises for storage of straw, grain and other material. Skirda is a compacted and densely packed mass of hay or straw, which has an elongated shape. Having combined the material with a stack, it can be stored on the street even in winter. The convenience of this form of preservation of material was appreciated by many generations of Russians and Ukrainians.

Technological parameters of the shack

The real skirma has an oblong shape. This is its main difference from the similar form of saving agricultural material on the street - a stack. Anyone who does not know what a stack is, can never distinguish it from a haystack. The old inhabitants of the countryside, who worked all their lives on a collective or state farm, know for sure that the stack is rectangular, and the stack resembles a geometric figure - a circle. The standard width of the pile is 4.5 to 5.5 meters. It is these sizes that can be considered optimal, because in ancient times the stack was imposed by people with the help of forks. Without the availability of technical means, it was not possible to impose a larger stack. The height of the "embankment" usually reached 6-7 meters. Again, these dimensions corresponded to the ability of people to throw a rifle without the use of technical means. From the stories of rural residents, we can draw conclusions about the parameters of the length of this figure. It can not be shorter than 8 meters, and longer than 25 meters. In principle, such limitations are difficult to explain. Probably, this is how the tradition has developed historically, and people adhere to it.

Skyrda is usually stored on the street near the house or in the field. Before the house, peasants usually make small stacks so that they do not obstruct the passage or passage to the estate. There are no such restrictions on the field, so you can add more hay or straw.

Skirda is a symbol of the Russian village

The laying of the hay was done by specially trained people - hoarders. This work was not easy, because the material had to be laid neatly, systematically and at high altitude. Anyone could not properly lay the hay, because special skills were required to ensure the systemic laying.

We hope, now many inhabitants of our country will know what a stack is.

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