Health, Women Health
What is a cytogram of inflammation?
Every woman who at least once visited a gynecologist, knows what a cytogram is.
This is a microscopic analysis that gives a complete picture of the changes in the composition of rejecting cells of the vaginal epithelium in certain ongoing processes. A cytogram of inflammation determines inflammatory processes and possible diseases, including pathological processes of a different nature on the cervix.
The results of the study make it possible to diagnose the disease at its early stage of development, to more accurately determine the state of the uterine neck:
- Presence of oncological lesions;
- Polyposis;
- Leukoplakia.
Analysis procedure
The analysis technique consists in determining the distinctive features of the cell nucleus and its cytoplasm, counting the cells in different layers of the flat epithelium, counting the indices - EI (eosinophilic), KPI (karyopicnotic) and IP (maturation index). The results of such calculations facilitate diagnosis, especially if due to frequent inflammatory processes, diseases caused by different pathogens occur.
Inflammation Cytogram When a disease caused by a simple herpes virus, notes the sparse structure of the substance of the cell nucleus (chromatin), its uneven distribution and the increased size of the nucleus in the cells. There are deformed cells of non-standard form and cells of large sizes with an increased number of nuclei.
In diseases caused by the human papillomavirus, the inflammation cytogram shows the presence of increased in the size of the cell nuclei of irregular form, the multinucleated cells and the presence of epithelial cells of varying degrees of keratinization. All these signs are of an indirect nature and can not serve as an occasion for a definitive diagnosis.
In the establishment of an accurate diagnosis of various inflammatory processes of the cervix, a cytogram of inflammation plays a large role, the treatment is performed based on the detected virus. In the absence of treatment of the pathological process of coarsening and inflammatory processes of the cervix caused by certain viruses, background and precancerous diseases develop :
- Pseudo-erosion and leukoplakia;
- Polyps and flat warts;
- Ekropion and colpitis;
- Endometritis and salpingitis;
- Dysplasia of different degree;
- Cervicitis and endocervicitis.
The cytogram of moderate inflammation is characterized by the presence in the surface and intermediate layer of the mucous membrane of the cervix of the uterus cells with biological abnormalities (atypical cells).
The proliferation of cells and tissues does not affect the lower layers of the mucous membrane and depends on the degree of inflammation. With inflammation of a mild manifestation, the sprouting is of a moderate nature, with a strong manifestation of inflammation - pronounced.
Cytology largely depends on the age of the patient and her hormonal background. In case of doubtful diagnosis, a biopsy is used.
Cytogram of infection
So what is a cytogram of inflammation? This is the result of the study of multiple changes in the epithelium of the vagina, which indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the cervix.
If the cytogram does not determine the causative agent of a certain disease, and the inflammation progresses, a test is needed for the presence of other infections that are transmitted sexually: chlamydia, gonococci, ureaplasma. If the test is negative, a bacussi from the cervix and treatment of the isolated microorganism is performed.
Inflammations of the genital organs have a weakly expressed pain syndrome and cause only discomfort. Often not treated at all, the process goes into a chronic form, progresses and passes on to other organs. The presence of an inflammatory process in women can be a symptom of some other disease.
Along with progressive inflammation, the disease progresses. Identify the infection itself and predict the consequences of inflammation is impossible. Self-medication will lead to complications. Determine the method of treatment and make appointments should only be an expert.
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