Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

What do the dumplings foreshadow? The dream book helps to understand

They say that one should not go to sleep hungry, images of tasty dishes will be tormented. Why then, to a person who adheres to a normal regime, are they in a night vision of dumplings? The dream writer of the XXI century says that it's time to receive guests, soon they will knock on the door. Other sources are not so optimistic. Let's analyze specifically what the vision, in which the dumplings appear, portends.

Sonnik Tsvetkova

"Leave all the wonderful hopes generated by the pursuit of happiness," this source writes. They will soon be broken on the sharp rocks of brutal reality. It is necessary to urgently review the plans and find mistakes in them - this is what this dream book recommends. To mold pelmeni - to need or disease. Lack of resources will not allow you to realize dreams, you will have to struggle with the lack of necessary funds, accumulate strength. Cooking dumplings - get the opportunity for development. This plot pushes to activity in the business sphere. If you obey, raise your standard of living to unprecedented heights. There is this tasty dish - to receive dividends from past investments. Income will allow you to change the situation in the house or buy a new apartment. If you ate dumplings at a party - you will rejoice. They themselves treated their friends to depression. You will feel the decay, exhaustion, which will knock you out of the rut for a long time.

The esoteric dream book

Dumplings this source connects with the spiritual life of man. Traktuya plots, he pays special attention to seasonings. So, if you are enjoying dumplings with sour cream - your business will go uphill. You will rejoice in luck, receiving a decent reward for the labors. Spice up the dumplings with vinegar - the dream book in this interpretation is unambiguous - get a blow, survive the emotional shock. Add oil to the dish - be careful with close and distant friends. Some of them will fill your life with negative. To cook dumplings is to expend a lot of energy. You want recognition too much, you are ready to give everything in order to achieve it. Is it dangerous. Resources go into the void, not drawing one iota closer to the cherished goal. It is necessary to stop, think and create a different strategy, otherwise you will long suffer from disappointment. To buy or choose pelmeni is to change interests. What now fascinates, it seems important, will cease to be so in a very short time. Refuse to buy - miss the moment, pass by an important life turn.

Modern dream book

Invite guests to the feast, the main decoration of which is planned pelmeni, means that the work completely captured the person. He spends time for it, intended for rest, communication with loved ones, hobbies, travel and so on. This will not bring good results. Distract briefly from the work, then there will be strength to achieve more, - so advises the dream book. Pelmeni to see, but not eat - to change the weather. To buy them is to plan the future. If you bought a lot of pelmeni and left the store in a good mood, then you will find a way to achieve the desired social situation. Leave the purchase on the counter - to the lack of support for your plans. A close person is too busy with his person, because he does not pay attention to the presence of problems in the relationship. Or colleagues think only about their own growth, not understanding the value of the ideas you expressed. Do not exaggerate, push the project yourself. It will pay off a hundredfold.

Culinary Dream Book

This source believes that the plot portends good in half with disappointment. Man is always striving for something, as a rule, trying to bring the goal closer. Feeling it in his hands - rejoices. All this is not exactly true, if the dumplings have caught on. Sonnyk asserts that the last stage will bring disappointment and emptiness. Whatever you are trying to achieve at the moment, this is being realized. But the joy will not be felt. By the time you lose interest in the current goal, you will have a different dream. The result will seem too ordinary, small, not worth the effort that was spent. To refuse delicacies is not to finish the plan, because of the loss of interest. To treat friends with ravioli - to a feast. If they were not enough for everyone, there will be a quarrel among relatives. You have to settle the conflict, to reconcile the quarreling people.

Female dream book

Maiden to mold dumplings in large quantities - to receive an offer from a rich gentleman. Passion he the girl in the first time will not be called, but it is undesirable to reject it immediately. If you begin to communicate with this man, he will be able to win your heart with kindness, generosity, care and diligence. If dumplings go out very large, then housekeeping is not the dream of a dreamer. She tends to spend too much money on trivia, jeopardizing the family's financial position. It is necessary to learn how to save. There are dumplings for the girl - to shame. The public will condemn her for some, quite likely, wrongdoing sin. Less spread about their affairs, then everything will do without consequences.

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