Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

What is the dream of a sparrow? Analytical selection of several dream books

A sparrow is a complicated bird, even if it does not look like it. The usual yard sparrow is attributed to a lot of different characteristics, the most offensive of which are: arrogance, unceremoniousness, thirst for easy profit and homelessness.

These personifications have appeared far from nothing. The people for centuries watched their closest neighbors from the feathered family and perfectly studied their habits. Bird habits are so well and comprehensively analyzed that even on the question of what the sparrows are dreaming, there are many answers in the people's dream books.

Taking as a basis the most popular of them (the dream book of Veles, seasonal dream books, that is, for those born at a certain time of the year, other ancient and modern solutions of dreams), one can analyze the image of sleep and draw certain conclusions for oneself.

A dream in "universal" language and a "personal" dream

To somewhat refresh the concept of "common language" in memory, and for those who do not know, tell what it is, you should refer to Paulo Coelho's best-selling book "The Alchemist." In the episode of the conversation the shepherdess with the gypsy she asked him about the details of sleep to find out in what language God spoke to the shepherd: if the images in a dream are well-known, interpreted equally by most interpreters, then the dream is easy to solve-it is "universal."

But there are such images that are known only to the sleeper, which bear for him a special meaning, which for him personally mean a lot. This is the unknown, special language of sleep, which is beyond the reach of any dream book. To guess the symbols received (or sent out) by the subconscious can only be the person who saw them in a dream.

If we proceed from this point of view, then everything that the sparrows are dreaming of is not covered by the mystery of secrecy. The values of this symbol can be found enough in any of the dream books.

Well, the sparrow, wait!

When analyzing your dreams, you must build on the events in which the sleeping and main symbol itself participates. In this case - a sparrow or sparrows.

If chasing a bird is an excellent sign. Of all that the sparrows dream about, perhaps the best, as promises or a pleasant acquaintance, or a meeting with a long-time friend, whom they have not seen for many years.

A woman who, according to the plot of the dream, caught a sparrow and still caught him, expects a pleasant acquaintance, perhaps, a meeting that, most likely, will grow into a strong relationship.

Vorobyshk pecks at the grain

What, it would seem, is bad, in a dream in which a lonely sparrow pecks grain? A standard picture of any city landscape, just cut into the memory and arose a picture during sleep ... But no. It is a symbol of sadness, sad memories and depression, which may come on the other day.

Depression now lady well-educated, without warning is not - first the birds-messengers send, and then she herself comes. Here it is what the sparrows are dreaming about!

Wedding - be!

A gray, nondescript little sparrow not only prophesies bad things. He also has good, just great news for those who are going to marry, as well as for those who do not think about the wedding, but Hymenay has their own plans for them.

A guy or a girl who wakes up after waking up, what they dream of feeding sparrows, can safely go to the jeweler for engagement rings - this sign has never failed. In the dream books of all times and peoples it is clearly stated that the process of feeding a flock of birds in a dream means an early wedding.

News from there, news from here ...

All sorts of news not only wears the tail on its tail. With this function, small birds - sparrows - are doing fine. In a dream, of course.

Everyone knows what the sparrows in the apartment are dreaming of - either to guests or to the news, which is interrelated and complementary, as there are no such guests who would come with empty hands and not updated "information field".

Guests and news - concepts are almost identical, and therefore most dream interpreters are treated as one. And if you take into account also the continuous sparrow chirping of reality, then everything that the sparrows are dreaming of is somehow connected with receiving news.

Pay attention to his condition!

To accurately understand what the dream warns about, you need to pay attention to the details. What does a sparrow (or sparrows) look like in a dream? If the sick, matched cat, sad or hungry, then the dream is likely to carry negative information.

If the bird is cheerful, happy with life, flies - then the interpretation tends towards positive.

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