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What can I draw as a gift

Approaching the holidays is always an exciting period, because it's time to receive gifts, as well as their offerings. And it can be as nice to give as to receive gifts. You can, for example, present the photo frame. And so that it does not gap empty, connoisseurs suggest inserting into it some drawing of its own production. But what can you draw to be both moderately romantic, and connected with the event, and beautiful?

What can I draw to give ?

Images of flowers are always relevant on holidays. You can draw a bouquet of chamomiles or a rose. Of course, a rose will require the artist to have certain drawing skills. It is especially difficult to put shadows on an already finished image. But the flower outline itself should be performed accurately and accurately. First draw a circle of auxiliary hair lines, to it draw a semicircle of smaller diameter - a cup of a flower. On the sides of the circle, the tangents are drawn upwards, which are connected by a curved curve running parallel to the upper outlines of the arc enclosed between the tangents. Gradually, inside the flower, rose petals loom. Thin sepals leave the calyx. On the stem are spikes and leaves. After the outline of the rose is highlighted, and the auxiliary lines are removed using the eraser, you can cast a shadow on the drawing. It should be remembered that the petals of the rose are, as it were, waxy, so they have a reflective effect. Hence, where the light falls, the petals must remain white. Do not paint over the protuberances of the petals. But towards the middle of the flower, the shadows lie thicker, denser. If the artist wants to depict the painting in color, he can use colored pencils or paints. But you should also colorize this particular feature of the rose, leaving the part of the petals not painted over.

What can I draw as a gift for the New Year 2014?

The answer is simple: of course, a horse! On the eve of the coming year, the Horse (according to the Eastern calendar) this figure is perfect as a gift to a man of any gender and age. Whether the boss is a close friend, beloved girl or dear granny, everyone will be happy to receive such a present. And the main thing in this business is to make a beautiful drawing. Although it should be noted that you can draw a pencil horse, but you can paint. In any case, you should first familiarize yourself with the structure of the horse's muzzle. The head of the horse somewhat resembles an invertebral trapezoid with smoothed corners. Especially it is necessary to allocate on a head cheeks, and also an outstanding lower lip - a chin and nostrils. The eyes of the horses are large, almond-shaped, with occasional but long eyelashes. When casting shadows, one should take into account the fact that on the muzzle of the horses there is a double convexity passing in the middle, from the forehead to the upper lip. On both sides of it small depressions are formed, in the figure they should be shaded with a pencil. Do not forget about the ears, bun and mane. By the way, having successfully drawn a drawing, you can digitize it, process it with a special program for black and white images, and then cut it out on a black polishing board. The fact that the figure was black, carefully removed - becomes white, and the white, on the contrary, remains dark. The image is similar to the negative of a photographic film. It's extremely beautiful!

Embroidered picture with a horse as a gift

If the contour image of the horse's muzzle turned out to be close to the real image, you can proceed to paint the painting with colors. But do not completely paint the horse's head with one color - it can ruin the whole picture. Where depressions are meant, one should take paints of a darker shade, down to black, and on the bumps reduce the intensity of the color. In some places, and at all because of the reflective effect of the polished horse skin, there may be no color. Also, the realism of the image will be added to the spots on the forehead and near the nostrils, the black color of the tip of the muzzle and lips. It is interesting that you can draw a picture not only on paper. A smart gift for the New Year 2014 will be the embroidery of a horse with floss threads. Of course, before embroidering, you should prepare a drawing in color. So you can paint the future layout of embroidery, process it with a special computer program that will give out the design-drawing. On it also it is necessary to carry out the future picture by means of a needle and a string. To embroider a picture in color, sometimes it takes up to 150 threads of a mulina of different shades! But the result will surely please not only the performer, but also the one who will receive this wonderful masterpiece as a gift.

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