
What are the Montgomery hillocks?

Montgomery's glands are rudimentary (non-functional) mammary glands that are located in the halo of the breast. Their number in different women varies from 3-4 and up to 30 in the area of one gland. These formations are named after their discoverer, the Irish obstetrician-gynecologist Montgomery.

We can say that this structure is a modified sebaceous gland, which secrete a special secret, moisturizing and protecting the mammary gland. It is believed that Montgomery's tubercles become particularly noticeable during pregnancy. Some gynecologists consider them the first sign of pregnancy, but there is a group of women whose nodules appear before delivery. Thus, this attribute can not be considered absolute. As a rule, after giving birth, the glands gradually decrease in size and are practically not visible by the end of the lactation period.

However, Montgomery's tubercles may persist after delivery, and this is not considered a pathology. Such women need to pay more attention to breast care and protect against inflammatory diseases of the breast.

To date, there are many opinions about the purpose of nasal glands, scientists around the world can not come to a single opinion. The fact is that the segregated secretion of glands is so unique that it is very difficult to reconstruct its formula.

There are examples where women with narrow thoracic ducts or with difficulty in separating the milk of Montgomery's tubercles also begin to miss the secret of the glands. This phenomenon helps to preserve the natural feeding of the baby. Perhaps the glands begin to secrete the milk themselves, or they open small thoracic ducts, but the fact remains.

Most of the glands secrete a special lubricant that facilitates the process of sucking, softens and moisturizes the nipple and halo, which prevents possible inflammatory diseases of the gland and helps the baby during feeding. There is an opinion that women with a sufficient number of sucking glands (10-15), are much less likely to suffer from cracks and inflammation of the halo and nipple.

In addition, Montgomery's nodules have a positive effect on the baby's sense of smell. Scientists concluded that the more mothers of the parotid glands, the better and longer the child eats breast milk. Such children grow up with a stable immune system, less sick, more mentally balanced.

With improper care of the breast, or with a general inflammatory process, nodules can get nagged and cause a lot of unpleasant sensations. A woman should know that if the tubercles start to increase in size, blush and yellow-gray contents are released, then you need to see a doctor. If you start treatment in time, nothing serious will happen. But in a situation where the iron is suppressed and the process spreads, an abscess may develop (and surgical treatment will be required).

In the easiest case, with suppuration of one or two glands it is enough to apply two or three times a day lotion with chamomile or aloe. You can treat the glands with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or other disinfectants, but not with alcohol.

Well-cared for ichthyol "cakes", which are applied under a bandage or gauze for the night, and then removed. It is important not to breast-feed the baby at this time. If the process started on one side, you can put the baby to another breast.

If you could not manage on your own, then you need to see a doctor for help. Do not start the process, it will only get worse.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the Montgomery hillocks - this is one of the secrets of human anatomy, to know which until now and failed.

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