The Internet, Web design
What are the main html tags used for?
Many novice web designers or just users who for some reason decide to create a website immediately encounter such a frightening concept as the main html tags. What are these tags and why are they so important in site building?
To start a little general information. Even at the first stages of the development of the Internet, when the technologies and rules for creating web pages were just beginning to form, the web master had to create the entire site, from the development of the original design to the optimization. At present, the situation has changed beyond recognition, and the construction of sites by a person who barely studied the main html tags went into the distant past. Now, in the process of building sites of increased complexity, several fairly narrow specialists participate at once, perfectly knowing their work site and not dealing with related sectors. The process of building a site is divided into several stages:
- The first stage includes the definition of the general concept of the design of the future site, setting the main task of its creation.
- The next step is layout
- Then it follows, directly, the program part, in which a competent web master, using the main html tags, turns a beautiful image into a powerful tool for working on the Internet.
- Next, the wizard is engaged in the selection of hosting and configuration of the site directly on the server.
- The last stage is the optimization of the site, that is, an increase in the flow of visitors, which contributes to the growth of the site's ranking.
As already mentioned above, the development of any site begins with the consideration of its design. Of course, in order for the site to benefit the owner in the future, it should be of interest to potential visitors, both in appearance and in the information contained on it. Often, in order to fully describe the activities of the company presented on the website, the webmaster suggests that the customer create his own corporate identity.
Here are the main stages of developing a corporate identity:
- Questioning, in order to know the wishes of the client.
- Development of variants of the logo and the choice of one of them by the customer.
- Finalization of the overall design of the site, taking into account the requirements of the customer.
- Create multiple options for applying the logo: using one or more colors and a description of these colors for the RGB and CMYK formats.
It is very important not to oversaturate the site with animated and graphic images, it is important that the site is stylish, simple and convenient for perception. Therefore, a webmaster of high class, can only become a man with a subtle artistic taste and creative thinking.
After the picture of the future site is drawn in the programs Corel Draw or Adobe Photoshop, there comes an important and important stage of dividing it into separate elements and embedding these elements in the page with the html-code. This is where the main html tags are needed.
NTML, in English, means a language for hypertext markup. This language is used to create web pages and place individual page elements using special commands. It is the commands of the NTML language that are called tags. Any command consists of English words or their abbreviations enclosed in angle brackets, and briefly describes the purpose of the tag. For example, a command to build a table is expressed in tags as follows: < table> There are a lot of basic tags and each of them has its own meaning and describes this or that action. There are tags that denote different selections, insertions, page formatting, and more. The main tags are listed in a special tag table, which all web designers are sure to use.
Separately, I want to dwell on this kind of design of sites, like creating a creeping line. Previously, this technique was often used by many webmasters. The creeping line attracted the attention of visitors to some information contained on the site and had, perhaps, even some hypnotic effect.
Currently, html crawl tags are not allowed for updated versions of XHTML And HTML 5, moreover, this design technique is now considered obsolete.
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