Homeliness, Do it yourself
We make entresol with our own hands: quickly and simply
Everyone who does not have enough space in the apartment to store their belongings should be aware of how to make mezzanine in the corridor with their own hands. It is necessary to understand that the design, executed with the mind, will harmoniously complement the interior, and the ceiling will not seem lower.
What does this construction look like?
What is mezzanine? It is a superstructure that resembles a cabinet, which is installed under the ceiling. Strictly speaking, the design is a shelf, to which the doors on the frame are fixed. The mezzanine is installed in such a way that it adjoins the walls and ceiling with all the remaining sides.
Where it is better to install mezzanine?
This design will look good in any room, particularly in the bedroom or in the kitchen. But in most cases, people prefer to install it in the corridor, which is the most suitable place for it. Even an untrained person will be able to make his own mezzanine. This does not require special skills.
Conventional and angled structures
There are two types of mezzanine: common and angular. The latter are made in the form of a triangle. The choice of species depends on the taste of the owner of the house, but both options are quite good. The shelf can be as long as the owner of the room wants, but it is important that households can reach the things at the very end of the mezzanine. Its height is usually about half a meter. Doing the entresol with your own hands, you need to take this moment into account.
Preparing for installation
Before the immediate installation of the mezzanine, some preliminary steps must be taken. It should be understood that the design is easiest to do if the hallway is narrow. First of all, you need to make sure that there is no wiring in this area. To do this, use an indicator screwdriver or detector. If you do not have these tools, you can just take a look at the part of the wall above the switches. Usually the wiring is on top.
With doors or without?
Do not hurry to start making mezzanine above the door with your own hands: first think about whether you need doors or not. Open design makes it easy to get things lying inside, which means you can save time. If you want a mezzanine with doors, you need to understand how to properly manufacture them.
Sequence of manufacturing mezzanine
- First of all, the site where the construction is planned to be installed is marked. To do this, you need to determine where the shelf will be and how the mezzanine walls will be placed. You need to do all this in advance.
- In the wall, where there is a mark indicating the bottom edge of the shelf, make holes, the distances between them should be 10 cm. When you drill holes in the corridor for a mezzanine with a drill, you will have to clean up, as the room will be polluted. But you can do without this, if the instrument is located working vacuum cleaner.
- Further, aluminum guides are attached, which must be fixed by the building level. You should be able to do this if you are thinking about how to make mezzanine with your own hands.
- Then the bottom of the shelf is made, and absolutely different materials are allowed to be used. Often the bottom of the mezzanine is made of plywood, but it can buckle under the weight of the things lying on it. Therefore, it is recommended to use the board: it can be simple or sexual. You can also use a lining made of wood. It is necessary to know that the walls in the apartments are often more or less curved, so you should make sure beforehand that all the planks will fit easily in the space provided for them. If all this is envisaged, the mezzanine will turn out beautiful. Please note: the boards should not be wet! You may think that it is difficult to perform an entresol with your own hands, but this is only because you did not do it before. Next time it will be easier for you.
- Elements of the bottom mezzanine are fixed at the corners. At the same time, the last bar must be shaped to match their edges. This is a prerequisite. Each of the boards should be fixed with four screws.
- Further, the bottom of the structure is finished: it can be lacquered or painted, it is also possible to cover with plastic panels.
- Then the door frame of the mezzanine is manufactured, it is made of narrow boards. This is a very important point. If you want to make mezzanine with your own hands, you must strictly observe all these conditions.
- After that, the box is fixed to the walls, giving it a configuration corresponding to their shape.
- Now the doors are hanging on the hinges in the box. They can part or expand. If you want an open design, then you do not need to hang doors. So you simplify your task.
- If there is a desire, it is possible to carry out facing of a structure, for example, having finished it with polyvinylchloride panels.
Now you know how the built-in mezzanine is made. You can make it quickly and easily with your own hands. Only it is necessary to seriously approach this case and take into account that not one item can be neglected. Having made mezzanine, you will be proud of the fact that this task has been yours. Perhaps you will have a desire to do something else with your own hands. And this is quite good, because the house, whose construction is built by its owner, is usually very cozy. In such a dwelling and guests it is not a shame to call: they will surely appreciate its beauty and your talent.
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