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We learn how useful the cucumber

Crispy fresh cucumber to eat is always nice, and salted or pickled cucumbers adorn any table. Grown up, these vegetables are even more delicious, every gardener knows about it. And about what good fresh cucumbers are, not everyone knows. And completely in vain, because this vegetable can rival with many others.

What is useful in cucumbers?

Many doubt the benefits of these green vegetables because of their too watery consistency. But for those who adhere to a diet, this property in itself is a plus. Another property of those useful cucumber, is a large amount of fiber in fresh fruits. It is useful for constipation, and also helps to cleanse the body of cholesterol. The cucumber contains pectin, which controls the putrefactive processes in the intestines. In the vegetable is not too much calcium, but the alkaline compounds that neutralize heartburn, it contains enough. In addition, it contains sodium and potassium salts, which contribute to the harmonious work of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. With hypertension and articular rheumatism, a vegetable should be consumed one hundred grams with each meal. But if there are problems with the kidneys, it's worth it to eat a little, so as not to harm the body.

How useful is a cucumber in the form of juice?

The juice of this vegetable is characterized by an analgesic and soothing effect, beneficial for gastrointestinal diseases. If you drink half a cup of this drink three times a day, the improvement will not slow down. You need to consume juice forty minutes before eating, adding a little honey to the glass. Thus, you can even relieve pain with gastritis or ulcers. The same remedy will be an effective treatment for respiratory diseases - three tablespoons of juice with honey three times a day will help to defeat a painful cough. For adherents of natural beauty products, juice will serve as a bleaching, moisturizing and cleansing agent. For teeth, hair and nails, its effect is also extremely favorable. One of the reasons why the remedy is so effective is the presence of iodine in it.

What is useful for a cucumber for children?

Some young mothers believe that the baby should not be given this green vegetable. But the disorder of the chair can not be feared if the child eats in moderation. At ten months, it is already possible to offer the baby a cucumber puree, cooked with a blender. When the teeth appear, you can give a small vegetable to chew. Crumbs usually gladly eat such a useful treat, it can even not be cleaned, especially since the skin contains vitamins - carotene and ascorbic acid. If a cucumber is bought in a store, it still needs to be cleaned, because nitrates can be contained in the peel.

What is useful for a cucumber if it is bitter?

Vegetables become tasteless if they are improperly grown. But cucumbers are not to blame for anything, so it's not necessary to throw them out. If such vegetables are preserved, the bitterness will be lost. And for health they remain useful, so you can have a fresh and bitter cucumber. Determine whether the cucumber will be tasteless, when buying in the market can be in shape - large and curved vegetables should be feared.

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