Sports and FitnessWater sports

Water temperature in the pool: norm, requirements and recommendations

The popularization of water sports has led to the opening of many swimming pools around the world. In our time, more and more people are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. That's why everyone likes to visit swimming pools, and also to instill love for swimming to their children.

Premises for swimming pools

The facilities in which the basins are located differ from the houses. The climate that sports facilities have is different from the climate in other buildings. In order to provide comfort to visitors and not to harm their health, a certain temperature and climate regime is maintained in the pools. Air circulation is carried out in such a way that in all rooms there are no evaporations of chlorine and other cleaning agents. In addition, it is necessary to eliminate drafts so as not to undermine the visitors' immune system. To ensure that athletes and swimming lovers feel comfortable, a certain water temperature in the pool is maintained. Special organizations establish the norms of this indicator.

Air temperature in the swimming pool

After bathing, moisture evaporates from the body of a person, so the person becomes cold. The temperature in the room is maintained in such a way that it is constantly greater than the temperature of the water in the basin by 2-3 degrees. That's why people after swimming are not so cold to get out of it.

If you maintain a higher temperature in the room, with a high humidity, there may be a feeling of stuffiness. Therefore, to select the necessary water temperatures in the pool and the room in which it is located, allow for a constant heat exchange of the water surface and the environment.

Moisture of the pool

A feature of swimming pools is the constant high humidity in it. In the pools there is always a special atmosphere created by the presence of a large amount of water.

In addition, shower rooms also contribute to the high evaporation of water. The concentration of steam in the room is characterized by pressure, vapor density, moisture content in the air, and the water temperature in the pool. The norm of these parameters allows maintaining the humidity within the recommended limits. There is also a term moisture capacity. It is characterized by the relative humidity of the air, which is saturated with vapors. The water capacity depends on the water temperature in the pool. The water temperature norm allows you to keep it in the recommended indicators. It is directly proportional to temperature.

Air humidity in the pool

Saturation of air with moisture at a certain temperature is determined by the relative humidity. The moisture in the pool room evaporates much more slowly if the relative humidity in the same room is higher. And just the opposite happens. With a low humidity in the pool, evaporation takes place faster. The mass of water vapor, which is contained in 1 cubic meter of air, characterizes the presence of moisture. The temperature of the water in the basin is related to the humidity of the air. The air humidity in the pool area is related to the comfort of the person, as well as the water temperature in the pool. The norm of its content is more favorable for the person's health in the basin. At a high temperature of the pool water, it evaporates more rapidly. Under certain conditions, air humidity can rise to 90 percent.

In addition to the negative effect of high air humidity on the well being of a person, it is harmful to the room in which the pool is located. To reduce the humidity, special ventilation units are used. In addition, installations for dehumidifying air are used.

What should be the temperature of the pool water

In order for visitors to enjoy swimming, it is necessary to provide comfort in the swimming pool. The temperature of the water, as well as the rooms in which people change clothes and go undressed, should be comfortable. The water temperature in the basin is set according to SanPiN. If these requirements are neglected, then the possibility of the occurrence of various diseases increases. The air temperature in the pool area depends directly on the water temperature. If the pool water temperature and room temperature are the same, then the possibility of cooling in water is much higher than in the air.

The recommended water temperature in the swimming pool is 22 to 24 degrees. With the maintenance of a lower temperature, there is a risk of seizures.

For therapeutic gymnastics and water therapy, another water temperature in the basin is maintained. Norm for such pools is from 26 to 28 degrees.

But not only for adults, you need a comfortable bath. The children also like to splash. But for them there must be a very different temperature of the water in the pool. The norm for children is between 28 and 30 degrees. Temperature standards for babies need to be maintained at a constant level.

Water in the sports pool

The preparation of water in a sports pool is different from the preparation of a private pool. During the construction of such an object, official rules are taken into account. All sanitary rules and regulations are specified in the international organization FINA. That is why all the necessary equipment and financial costs are taken into account already in the design of the pool. When building a sports pool its shape can only be rectangular. All the water that is in it is cleaned, heated to the required temperature and re-enters the reservoir. In addition, the length of the sports pool can be 25 or 50 meters. A special role is played by the water temperature in the sports pool. The norm for such pools is from 25 to 28 degrees. The water level should be constantly maintained at the same level during the competition. In order to comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards in the sports pool, additional water supply is allowed, but without creating currents. The water is taken for analysis in the deep and shallow parts of the basin.

Features of water in the pool for children

Child swimming started back in 1939 in Australia. On the advice of the doctor, one of the mothers took her child to the pool during the hot weather. There she saw that the child was getting better. Now many mothers are engaged with their children's children's swimming. First use a home bath, 3 weeks after birth. When the child begins to get used to the water, you can walk with the baby in the pool (after about 2 months). For the first procedures in the bath, the water temperature should be 37 degrees. With each subsequent bath it should become cooler. So, in the twentieth session, the temperature should be 35 degrees. Gradually it is necessary to bring the temperature of water equal to the temperature in the basin, ie, 28 degrees. The water temperature in swimming pools for children from 2 to 3 months is 37 degrees, and for the age of 6 months - 32-34 degrees. No less important is the temperature of the air in the swimming pool for children. It should be around 26 degrees.

Feature of Olympic pools

All requirements, according to which the Olympic basins are built , is indicated by the organization FINA. According to all recommendations, the temperature of the water during the Olympic events should be maintained at 25-26 degrees. It must be continuously cleaned, after which a discharge into the bowl takes place. Just like in all sports pools, it is allowed to pour water into the bowl without creating currents. In order for the tank to be used for the Olympic Games, it is recommended that all these requirements be met.

That's all about what should be the temperature standards of water in the pool.

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