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Washing machine "Westel": technical characteristics and reviews

Who said that women get along badly with technology? It's a lie! In Russia, a new technique has emerged from Vestel, which offers modern and high-quality washing machines. The firm produces several series of necessary instruments, which are so fond of ladies. For example, the washing machine "Vestel" - model AWM 1034 S - is able to do everything to facilitate the work of the hostess. There are various programs in it. They include rinsing, washing of soft tissues, energy saving, fast washing and other necessary functions.

"Westel" - a company that brings together several major manufacturers of household appliances. It is one of the leaders in the world market. Has a large number of branches in large countries of Europe and Asia. In 2003, the company's activities spread to the territory of Russia. And already in three years there was a first factory on which various products began to be made.

Washing machines «Vestel»

To choose a washing machine for a budget variant, it is necessary to pay attention to the models from Vestel. The company is constantly expanding its borders. And now I have reached the Russian Federation. Why not pay proper attention to it? The washing machine "Vestel" is currently sold in almost all stores, so it will not be difficult to purchase. After all for the domestic buyer is presented about 18 models. They have both excellent and similar features.

If we talk about similar factors, we must say about the front load of laundry. Also the dimensions are the same - 85x60 cm. Only the depth of the hatch will be different. It is either 42 cm (narrow versions) or 37 (very narrow). The latest models have a maximum weight of not more than 3.5 kg, while others - 5 and 6 kg. Water for one approach is consumed from 39 to 47 liters. Differences are in the design. They will be discussed below. The main color of all models is white.

Smart Washing Machine - AWM 1034S

Like other washing machines "Westel", reviews about which are positive, this model has many interesting functions. For example, it is protected from current surges. This will help in case of voltage surges protect the device from the combustion of the wiring. And as in the current life this happens quite often, then the question of security measures is quite topical. Particularly useful is the function that regulates the amount of water supplied, and also balances the weight of the laundry. The washing machine "Vestel" has a built-in system that changes the spin speed. This helps things not to be damaged and not to crumple. The manufacturer took care of the rinsing function, as well as the ironing.

The maximum weight that can be loaded into the washing machine is 3.5 kg. This will be enough for a small family. In addition, there are several modes that provide for the washing of wool, synthetics and cotton. Automated control - this is what this washing machine can boast of. Vestel not only draws attention to the design of its products, but also carefully monitors the technologies that are used. That is why the machine belongs to the class A.

BWM - Bora

What idea do you have when looking at the abbreviation? Of course, I remember a German car. But in this case it's not about him, but about an unpretentious series from Vestel. It includes four beautiful models. The appearance of the series has minimalist notes, to some extent it is too trivial. It immediately becomes clear that this technique is from a budget variant with a cut-off number of functions. There is no display in any of them.

But speaking about the programs built into the system, you just need to clarify - they are 23. All of them provide for the washing of different types of fabrics, so you should not be afraid that things will be spoiled by the wrong process. Moreover, there is a hand wash function for woolen products. Vestel is a washing machine that will satisfy the demands of even the most strict housewife. In the models of the Bora series there is no timer, which greatly upsets customers who like to wash at night to save electricity. You can not adjust the temperature as desired. That's why there are so many programs that have their own link to the degree regime.

BWM 3260

It is a narrow model, which has a depth of 37 cm. At the same time, the maximum weight of laundry is 3.5 kg. The option is quite simple. There is no possibility to choose the spin speed. It is tied to each program separately. There is no soaking system here either. The drum rotates at a speed of about 600 revolutions per minute. Spin class is E. However, this will not be a problem for those who do not disdain to dry things on the street. Especially such a machine is suitable for those who live in villages or in their own home.

One of the fine nuances that fully justifies the "stuffing" of the washing machine is its cost. If you try, you can buy equipment for 6 thousand rubles. You can always find out more about the characteristics of such a device as a washing machine "Vestel". The instruction is always included. It contains the necessary information.


This is the second series of Vestel. It is rather a modification of the previous line of washing machines described. This is indicated by external and technical similarities. There are four narrow variants in total. There is a second handle that adjusts the speed of the drum. There is an additional rinse function. It will be useful in case if a large amount of contamination (and, accordingly, and powdered into the compartment) was selected for intensive washing. Repair of a washing machine "Vestel" this series will cost less than the first.

The main difference from the model line with the aristocratic name BMW is the presence of a display with a LED screen. It shows the remaining time, the key for closing the door and the lock, the temperature mode, faults for malfunctions and malfunctions, and washing steps. There is also a timer, which is designed for pause. Its duration is from 1 hour to 23. Another difference from Bora is that there is no ironing function, after which things almost do not crumble.

Washing machine «Westel-840»

This model is constantly praised by buyers in their reviews. It is noted that it is small-sized, like all washing machines of the company. Has a capacious hatch. The technique is silent, has a quick wash function, which takes about 30 minutes. It is possible to soak the laundry. With an even field and good installation, the machine does not jump on the floor. Out of shortcomings, buyers note the absence of a sound signal and display.

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