
Walnut - the tree of life

Perhaps, the most unique and bright representative of the flora is the walnut. "Tree of Life" - such a majestic name was given to him in ancient times. This is due to the fact that with his help people were fed, treated and restored their strength for thousands of years. Virtually all parts of this plant have biologically active properties and are used by humans. And without the Greek walnut, the "green pantry" of our planet would have been much poorer.

Walnut: photo and description

People have long understood how useful this plant is. Walnut is a tree that is used completely. Take at least his leaves. Of these, you can prepare a tincture, which will be an excellent restorative for avitaminosis. Another product is used for rinsing with stomatitis and as an astringent for diarrhea.

Walnut leaves - raw materials for folk medicine

And if you take the dried leaves of this tree (1 tbsp.) And pour them a glass of boiling water, and then give them 2 hours to brew in a sealed container, you get a life-giving broth. It is recommended to drink as an auxiliary for diabetes, since this broth stimulates the absorption of glucose. It is also used to treat the inflammation of the nose and throat and helps with rickets and scrofululosis.

Green walnut

Green walnut is much more useful than some berries and fruits. For example, vitamin C immature kernels contain 9 times more than in dog rose, 6 times more than in black currant and 40 times more than in oranges and lemons. Therefore, the green fruits of the nut are used with might and main. For example, from them it is possible to prepare an alcoholic tincture, which is recommended for taking with pain in the intestines and stomach. To do this, finely chop 30 unripe nuts and fill them with a liter of alcohol or vodka. Then the container with tincture should be clogged and give it 2 weeks to brew in the sun, and then strain. It is taken three times a day before meals with a dose of 15 grams.

Walnut nourishing many products

But the most popular among the people is a mature walnut. The tree it fructifies well, and the ripe walnut kernels love everything. And this is not surprising, because if you take bread, fish, meat and milk together, their nutritional value will be less than that of walnuts. Its core contains many carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and fat. And so walnuts are indispensable in the diet of cosmonauts and athletes. They are also recommended to people with weak health, as they help to remove fatigue, add vivacity and restore strength.

Cooking also does not deprive the attention of the walnut. The tree gives a "material" for many dishes. For example, from its mature kernels, nut sausages are prepared - delicious and nutritious. To do this, the dried kernels need to be strung on a string and in an oblong form pour grape juice, condensed milk or some kind of fruit syrup, mixing it with flour. Such a sausage can be stored for a long time if it is dried and hung in a dry place, while it is no less nutritious than the usual sausage.

Walnut - a pantry of vitamins

Oil from kernels of a walnut has not less value, than itself a nut. It contains a very useful vitamin F, which plays an important role in the nervous and brain activity of a person. After all, the ancient Egyptian rulers forbade common people to use walnuts and oil from them: they sincerely feared that the mob would become smarter from these products.

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