Health, Preparations
Vitamins for improving memory
The memory of all is different: some remember better, others - worse. It depends not only on natural data, but also on the state of mind and health of the body as a whole. An important role is played by nutrition, as well as vitamins to improve memory, because their deficiency worsens the work of the brain. This is especially true for vitamins A, C, D, E and Group B.
The main vitamins for the brain and memory
Vitamin C - activates the work of the whole organism. Vitamin C is responsible for the preservation of blood vessels and cells, for the immunity and mental state of a person. In large quantities found in kiwi, citrus, strawberry. Valuable properties of vitamin C are best preserved in moist, preferably fresh products.
Vitamin D Preserves blood vessels of the brain, prevents aging and bone changes. Contained in products of animal origin and synthesized with the help of sunlight.
Vitamin E - protects the vessels from aging and blood clots, removes toxins, gives the skin elasticity. Insufficient amount of vitamin E leads to premature aging, weakness of blood vessels and decreased mental abilities. Contained in foods rich in fats.
Group B - vitamins for improving memory number 1
Vitamin B2 is involved in almost all important processes of the body: the formation of erythrocytes, the metabolism, the distribution of protein in the body. Lack of vitamin causes eye diseases, sleep also breaks down, reactions slow down and memory deteriorates. Resistant to high temperatures, but in the light it is destroyed. Contained in the liver, milk, onions, parsley.
Vitamin B3 satisfies different needs of the body. A good work of blood circulation and, therefore, memory - the merit of vitamin B3. Contained in the liver, fish, prunes, lean meat. Sleeping pills, alcohol and food processing reduce its amount in the body, as a result of which vitamins for memory improvement stop working.
Vitamin B6 is an antidepressant. With neuroses and stresses, the body expends in large quantities. Increases working capacity and mental activity. Contained in soy, beans, sea buckthorn, walnuts.
Vitamin B 9 is responsible for blood circulation, the formation of erythrocytes, calms the nervous system, removes toxins from the body. The lack of vitamin B9 causes fatigue, irritability, forgetfulness, neuralgia. Contained in many products, but under the influence of temperature is destroyed. A lot of vitamin in greens, yeast, dried fruits, beans.
Interacting with other microelements, vitamin B12 helps cells to store hereditary information. Reduces stress, which adversely affects the brain.
Vitamins for improving memory, as well as for full-fledged work of the whole organism, are all important. The shortage of at least one element has a negative impact on its activities. Be healthy and let the memory never fail you!
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