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Rare resources of the game "Terraria": chlorophyte

One of the best resources of the game "Terraria", chlorophyte, is not so easy to get. This material is necessary for making mushroom ingots. And of them they make the best armor, weapons and bullets in the game "Terraria". Chlorophyte can be found in several ways, and in this guide we will tell about them all.

Where to find the resource

Find this ore can only be in one place in the game "Terraria". Chlorophyte is located in the hard-core underground jungle at the level of the stone layer of the dungeons. And that's about 500 feet. In order to extract the ore, you will need special tools, because a common pickaxe does not destroy this block. How to get chlorophyte in the "Terraria"? A tool with a picking strength of at least 200% is suitable, and this is Drill, Kirkopor, Holy, Spectral or Chlorophyte pickax, mushroom claws.

Quick way

Bloks of chlorophyta begin to appear only after the transition of the game to hardmode mode. Hiking for this resource is tiresome, because you sometimes have to search the entire dungeon and destroy a lot of blocks to gain enough of this resource. There is one quick but slightly expensive way of extracting chlorophyte. In order to use it, wait about 20 game days after the first ore generation and only then go to the underground jungle. Next, make a vertical tunnel to the stone level, then throw yourself under your feet dynamite, which you can buy from a Demoman, every two seconds. Do not forget to leave this zone quickly, because the substance has a decent range of damage. Thus, dynamite will destroy all the blocks, except those that contain this valuable ore.

Farm chlorophyte in the "Terraria"

If you do not want to rummage through the dungeons every time in search of this ore, then build a special farm. As is known, this material has the ability to convert neighboring blocks of mud into chlorophytic ore. This feature will become the basis for your economy. When building, it should be borne in mind that the element ceases to convert mud if there are 26 similar blocks within a radius of 60 feet from it.

In order to create a chlorophyte farm, go down to the stone level of the dungeon and clear the territory. Now create a few blocks of dirt with a size of 5 * 5 and put a piece of chlorophyte in the center of each of them. Between each "kitchen garden" observe a distance of 30 blocks, otherwise the ore will not be converted. Please note that chlorophyte grows for a long time, so do not panic. In this simple way, you will permanently get rid of the lack of this resource in the game "Terraria".

Chlorophyte: tips

  • Always leave at least one piece of ore, because eventually it will turn mud into new deposits, and so on ad infinitum.
  • To discover the deposits of chlorophyte, go to the full screen mode of the game. This will greatly facilitate the search.
  • Often, the ore when turning mud does not update their sprite. To fix the error, restart the server and the world.
  • In the mobile application, the mechanics of the distribution of chlorophyte differs significantly from the PC version. Ore appears randomly in the stone jungle after the murder of the hard-core boss. Therefore, the search for chlorophyte after the destruction of a mechanical enemy will be very difficult.
  • Ore can appear independently anywhere in the jungle, even artificial, and this greatly simplifies the search.

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