
From what "Arbidol" and how to take it?

Modern pharmacology has thousands of medicines. Some are designed to fight bacterial infections, others are effective in viral pathologies. But there are such drugs that can be prescribed in this or that case. These include Arbidol. The appointment of a doctor is not necessary for the purchase of a medicine. It is sold without a prescription. Today's article will tell you about what diseases this remedy helps to cope with. Also you will learn about the way it is used.

general description

The drug "Arbidol" is available in several dosage forms. In the pharmacy you can buy tablets, capsules with loose contents and a suspension. The latter form of the drug has become a novelty, he recently came to the pharmacological market. Tablets "Arbidol" have a dosage of 50 mg of the active substance. Capsules contain 100 and 200 mg. In the syrup, 25 mg of the main component is present in every 5 milliliters.

The active substance of the drug is the same compound - arbidol. In addition, additional components can also be detected. Their number and name depend on the form of production of the medicine.

What is Arbidol from?

Many consumers consider this medication a medicine with unproven efficacy. But this version can be disputed. Tablets and suspensions effectively cope with their task. Due to this the drug has gained a high popularity: it is often prescribed by therapists and pediatricians. So from what "Arbidol" helps? What effect does it have on the body?

The medication is prescribed for the correction of viral and bacterial infections. It induces the synthesis of interferon. The drug has an immunomodulatory effect and has antiviral activity, confirmed by clinical studies. After ingestion, the agent stimulates cellular immunity, the phagocytic function of macrophages. The drug fights against the flu and other respiratory diseases. The drug inhibits the interaction of the virus with healthy cells, prevents the fusion of the lipoid coat of the pathogenic cell with the healthy membrane.

According to the instructions, the drug increases the body's resistance to various kinds of diseases. It also prevents the development of complications. The medicine shortens the duration of the disease and reduces the severity of its symptoms.

Purpose of the drug for treatment

From what "Arbidol" will be effective? To answer this question, you need to refer to the instruction. The annotation indicates the indications for its use. Among them are the following:

  • Influenza A and B;
  • Respiratory infections in acute form;
  • Viral diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • In combination with other agents for bacterial pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • Herpes virus;
  • Acute intestinal infection.

Most of these diseases occur with the following symptoms: high fever, sore throat, cough, perspiration, sneezing, headache and poor health. Intestinal diseases are also accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting and other signs. The instructions state that Arbidol should not be used for hypersensitivity in children who have not reached the age of two.

Preventive use

What does "Arbidol" help if it is used for prophylaxis? Such an application allows the use of the instruction . It is allowed in adults and children from two years of age. The medication is prescribed to avoid complications with the already existing viral pathology. It is proved that the use of the drug reduces the likelihood of pneumonia and bronchitis by 90%.

As a preventive measure, the drug is also used to avoid a viral infection. If you are in contact with a sick person, then Arbidol will help to protect yourself from infection. The remedy is effective in the period of epidemics, colds and colds. It is used in winter and autumn, when the likelihood of disease increases. The drug is prescribed for normalization of the immune status. As a preventive measure, "Arbidol" is used in surgery: it is prescribed before and after the operation.

Use of tablets-dragees on 50 mg

What "Arbidol" is applied from, you already know. But this is not enough. You need to find out how to take the drug correctly. If you purchased pellet tablets, the dosage of which is 50 mg per capsule, then the instruction for their use will be as follows:

  • For the treatment of adults, 4 tablets are prescribed every 6-7 hours for 5 days, for prophylaxis - 4 tablets a day for two weeks;
  • Children from 6 to 12 years should take 2 pills 4 times 5 days, for prevention - 2 tablets per day 2 weeks.

Up to 6 years of medication in this form is not used.

Application of capsules of 100 and 200 mg

This remedy is taken orally before meals. The scheme of use is as follows:

  • For adults 2 capsules 4 fold with the aim of treatment and 2 pills once for prevention;
  • Children under 12 years are assigned 1 capsule of "Arbidol" with a break of 6 hours and only 1 tablet per day for prevention.

Treatment lasts for 5 days. At the end of this time, the frequency of application is reduced, and the drug is used for another month. Preventive measures are carried out for 10-14 days. This form of medication is not prescribed for children under 6 years of age.

"Arbidol Maximum"

The dosage of this drug is 200 milligrams per capsule. This form is intended exclusively for adults. The medication is not used in children whose age has not reached 12 years. With a therapeutic purpose, one capsule is prescribed 4 times a day. Therapy takes from 5 days to a week. For the prevention of taking the drug 1 capsule per day for two weeks.

Suspension of Arbidol

Can Arbidol be liquid in the form of children? The instruction informs, that such form is not applied at children till 2 years. The drug is prescribed for both treatment and prophylaxis. Take the medicine as follows:

  • Children under 6 years of 2 measuring cups (10 ml) with a multiplicity of 4 times;
  • Children 6-12 years in 20 ml with a break at 6 o'clock.

Before use, the medicine must be prepared. To do this, combine the loose substance in the vial with water. Thoroughly mix the preparation until a uniform consistency is obtained. Before each use, shake the vial.


You already know how the instructions for use are recommended for taking Arbidol. Tablets, capsules and suspension are used not only for the treatment of viral diseases and for the purpose of their prevention. The drug is prescribed in the following age-related dosages: adult patients - 200 mg of the drug for use, 100 mg for children under 12 years, children up to 6 years of age - 50 mg. Terms of use depend on the type of pathology:

  • With intestinal infection: with a break of 6 hours for 5 days.
  • To prevent complications after surgery: 2 days before the procedure and on the 2-nd and 5-th day after it - one-time.
  • With chronic bronchitis and relapsing pneumonia: 4 times a day for a week, and then every 2 days for a month.
  • In the season of epidemics: 2 times a week for 21 days.

"Arbidol": the price, analogues are cheap

Many consumers say that the drug is expensive. You can buy 50 mg tablets for 200 rubles. Capsules with a dosage of 100 mg will cost you 250 rubles. "Arbidol Maximum" costs 500 rubles. These prices apply to packages containing 10 tablets. Suspension will cost 350 rubles.

There are inexpensive substitutes for the drug, but doctors do not recommend choosing them yourself. These are such tools as "Arpetol", "Arpefly", "Anaferon", "Cycloferon" and so on. Some of them are unacceptable for young children. Before using any medicine, be sure to read the instructions.

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