HealthDiseases and Conditions

Viral diseases

Acute respiratory viral infections are a large group of diseases that are both morphologically and clinically similar. They cause inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, because they are pneumotrophic viruses. The frequency with which virus diseases of this kind attack humanity depends on the season, it increases greatly during the autumn-winter period. However, they circulate in the human population constantly, even in the non-endemic time of the year.

These viruses are divided into two groups: RNA-containing (parainfluenza, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus) and DNA-containing (adenoviruses). In the human body, both those and others fall through the airborne droplet transmission. Among all SARS, adenovirus infection, as well as influenza and parainfluenza, are of greatest importance for human health in terms of their effect on the body.

Influenza is an acute respiratory-viral infection that is caused by influenza viruses. Only a sick person is contagious to others. Two or four days the incubation period lasts. The first clinical sign of the onset of the disease is tracheitis, after which acute bronchitis can join. The influenza virus has the following effects on the body:

- immunosuppressive action,

- oppression of neutrophil activity (suppressed phagocytosis), monocytic phagocytes (decrease in phagocytosis and chemotaxis), immune system as a whole (allergy develops, toxic immune complexes appear);

- cytopathic effect on the epithelium of the trachea and bronchi (its degeneration, necrosis and desquamation occur);

- Vasopathic action (plasma and hemorrhage, stasis).

Immunodepressive and vasopathic effects of the virus affect the attachment of a secondary infection. These are local (pneumonia, rhinitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis) and general (dyscirculatory disorders, inflammation, dystrophy of the parenchymal elements) changes that cause viral diseases.

Not always with the introduction of the virus is the development of an acute infectious process. It is also possible a latent (asymptomatic) and chronic form of the disease, which has serious consequences, especially in perinatal pathology.

If the mild form of influenza develops, it proceeds favorably and ends in five to six days with complete recovery and recovery of mucous membranes.

If the flu is of medium severity, then the pathological process involves not only the upper respiratory tract, but also small bronchioles, bronchi and pulmonary parenchyma. In bronchi and trachea, inflammation of serous-hemorrhagic nature develops, sometimes even with necrotic foci on the mucous membrane. The outcome of influenza of medium severity is generally favorable: recovery occurs about a month later. But if it occurs in weakened people, children, old people, as well as people with cardiovascular diseases, pneumonia may begin. In this case, the occurrence of cardiopulmonary insufficiency and even death.

The severe form of influenza has two ways of development:

- Influenza toxicosis,

- influenza with a pulmonary complication.

In case of severe influenza toxicosis, general intoxication quickly occurs. In the case of fulminant influenza, pulmonary edema is possible , as well as minor hemorrhages in the brain, internal organs, mucous membranes, skin. Often in such cases, a lethal outcome occurs. Usually this happens on the fourth or fifth day of the disease from hemorrhage to vital centers or against the backdrop of the development of increasing respiratory insufficiency.

Paragripp is an acute influenza-like disease caused by parainfluenza virus. It is characterized by the defeat of the upper respiratory tract, as well as a slight intoxication. Mostly children are ill, but there are cases when the body of an adult is affected. With parainfluenza, laryngeal edema and acute laryngitis occur , which is complicated by asphyxia and false croup.

Adenovirus infections are acute respiratory viral diseases caused by adenoviruses. Ways of infection are identical to those that are characteristic of other acute respiratory infections. Sources of the disease are both the patient and the virus carrier. Infection is characterized by airborne droplet transmission. In this case, the upper respiratory tract, lymphoid tissue, eye conjunctiva are affected. There are two forms of the disease: light and heavy. For an easy form, the development of acute rinolaringotraheheronchitis in catarrhal form, acute conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, and regional lymphadenitis is characteristic. When a severe form of the disease is characterized by the attachment of a secondary infection, which causes suppuration, necrosis and morphological changes in the organs.

Prevention of viral diseases

You need to eat more foods that contain vitamins, especially vitamin C. Do not forget about onions and garlic, because they are simply "afraid" of viruses. It is more common to be in the open air and to ventilate the room, because the increased air circulation will reduce the number of viruses in the room.

Be sure to clean the area once a week. Viral diseases are "feared" when we monitor personal hygiene when I wash my hands with soap. Regular gargling and washing or dripping into the nose of saline solutions are also helpful. So we reduce the concentration of viruses in the nasopharynx.

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