
"Vasoket": instruction manual, reviews. Drug analogues

Why can a doctor prescribe a drug "Vasoket"? Instructions for use and indications of this tool will be discussed in this article. From it you will learn also about what analogues this medicine has, what is included in its composition (active and auxiliary substances), in what form it is released, what contraindications and side effects it has.

Composition, form and packaging of the medicinal product

You can buy this drug only in the form of oblong tablets (600 mg). What does the Vasoket tool contain? Composition of the medication is indicated in the instructions. It says that the main active substance of such tablets is diosmin. As for the auxiliary elements, they include povidone, magnesium stearate, corn starch and microcrystalline cellulose.

The preparation "Vasoket" (tablets) goes on sale in blisters, which are placed in a cardboard package.

Pharmacological properties

What is the drug "Vasoket"? Instruction for use states that its active ingredient is diosmin. As you know, this element has a good venotonic effect. It allows you to reduce the extensibility of veins, increase their tone (a dose-dependent effect occurs) and reduce venous congestion.

One can not help saying that this drug significantly improves lymphatic drainage. This is due to an increase in the frequency of reduction of capillaries (lymphatic) and their tone, as well as increasing their functional density and lowering the lymphatic pressure. In addition, such tablets are able to improve microcirculation, increasing the resistance of capillaries and lowering their permeability.

Experts have shown that this drug improves perfusion in skin tissues, diffusion of oxygen, and also reduces the adhesion of leukocytes to the venous walls and their movement into the parainous tissues. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the vasoconstrictor effect of adrenaline, serotonin and norepinephrine, and also blocks the synthesis of thromboxane, prostaglandins and the production of free radicals.

Pharmacokinetics of the agent

Where is the absorption of Vasoket? Instruction for use informs that after taking 1 tablet inside the drug is quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. In the patient's blood plasma the drug is determined after about two hours. Its highest concentration is achieved already after 5 hours after admission.

The agent in question, or rather its active component, is evenly distributed, and subsequently accumulates in virtually all layers of the walls of the hollow and subcutaneous veins of the lower extremities. Small concentrations of medication are found in the liver, pulmonary system, kidneys, as well as other internal organs.

The accumulation of diosmin (selective), as well as its metabolites in veins and vessels, reaches its maximum after 9 hours after taking the tablets. This effect persists for 96 hours.

79% of the drug in question is excreted along with urine, 11% with feces and 2.4% with bile.


Tablets "Vasoket", instructions for the use of which are presented in this article, are prescribed to patients according to the following indications:

  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • Vein widening (varicose) of lower extremities;
  • Microcirculation disorders;
  • Chronic lymphovenous insufficiency of the legs.


Are there any contraindications to Vasoket? Instructions for use indicate that this medication has virtually no contraindications. However, experts argue that such a tool is highly not recommended for people under the age of 18 years. Also, this drug should not be administered to patients who are hypersensitive to certain drug substances.

Venotonizing agent Vasoket: instructions for use

We will present the patients' comments about this medicine at the very end of the article. With regard to this section, in it we will consider the dosage of a medical device and the methods of its administration for various diseases.

Prescribe this drug should only a narrow specialist after examining the patient. With such a deviation as the veins (varicose) of the lower extremities, and also in the initial stage of lymphovenous insufficiency of a chronic nature (that is, with heaviness in the legs), the drug in question is usually prescribed 1 tablet per day. The drug is taken early in the morning, before breakfast. The duration of such treatment is 2 months.

If a patient has severe forms of chronic lymphovenous insufficiency (pain, swelling and convulsions are observed), then medication therapy is increased to 4 months. In the presence of trophic changes on the legs and the appearance of ulcers, the medication is taken within half a year, and sometimes even longer. This course is repeated every 3 months.

Does the Vasoket medication treat hemorrhoids? Patients' reviews say that with acute inflammation of the hemorrhoids, such a remedy helps very well. The main thing is to strictly follow all the instructions of the instruction.

With an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, this drug is prescribed in an amount of 2-3 tablets per day. Take it is recommended during meals for a week. After seven days, the medication can be continued. However, in this case, the dose should be reduced to 1 tablet per day for 1.5-2 months.

Whether it is possible to accept the considered means for women during gestation? With lymphovenous insufficiency of a chronic nature in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, the drug can be prescribed in the amount of 1 tablet per day. In this case, the medicine is canceled 3 weeks before the expected onset of labor.

As for the period of lactation, during the feeding of a newborn baby with a breast, the drug should be stopped. This is due to the fact that it penetrates into breast milk.

If the patient misses one or more medications, then the therapy should be continued as usual.


At present, no cases of overdose have been identified by the agent in question. Symptoms of this state are not described in the manual.

Interaction with other means

Clinically significant effects of this drug on other funds are not noted. Therefore, the drug "Vasoket" is often prescribed in conjunction with other medicines.

Side effects

What undesirable consequences can the drug "Vasoket" cause? Instructions, reviews about this tool inform you that there are no side effects. However, in some cases, this drug can cause headaches, and also cause dyspepsia. In this case, stop taking the medication and consult a doctor. In turn, the doctor must designate another, safer drug.

Special instructions for the use of the medicinal product

Before using this remedy for the treatment of certain diseases, it is necessary to read the instructions and consult an experienced doctor. Only in this case, therapy with this drug will be highly effective.

Treatment of inflamed hemorrhoids should be done only in conjunction with other agents (for example, together with rectal suppositories, ointments, etc.). In the event that a rapid clinical effect has not occurred, then an additional medical examination is required, as well as adjust the treatment. For this it is necessary to consult a proctologist.

At present, there is evidence that this drug is highly effective in the treatment of fetoplacental insufficiency. Also, it is often prescribed for bleeding prophylaxis, which arose after using intrauterine spirals, as well as during phlebectomy.

Terms and conditions for storage of the preparation

The medicament in question should be stored in a dark place, inaccessible to children, at a temperature of no more than 30 ° C. Shelf life of this medication is 3 years. After 36 months, use of medicines is prohibited.

Cost and analogues of a medicinal product

Like any venotonic drugs based on diosmin, the drug "Vasoket" is quite expensive. So, for 30 tablets you will have to pay about 650-700 Russian rubles. In the treatment of acute hemorrhoids, approximately 90 tablets are needed, which noticeably hits the pockets.

What can replace the drug "Vasoket"? Analogues of this medication also contain an active substance such as diosmin. Replace the drug in question with one of the following drugs: Venolek, Detralex, Diovenor 600, Diosmin, Phlebofa 600, Flebodia 600, Mediven.

The cost of these funds is similar to the price of the drug "Vasoket". However, there is another medicine, which is much cheaper than those presented above. This is the preparation "Venarus". Diosmin also acts as its active element. Although it should be noted that many patients talk about the poor efficacy of this drug.

Patients' feedback about the drug

What do patients say about a drug such as Vasoket? We will review the reviews right now.

After therapy with this drug, many patients note the ease in the lower extremities. The medication is able to eliminate leg pain, cramps, stagnation and puffiness. He also quite quickly solves the problem associated with microcirculation disorders.

As for acute hemorrhoids, on the second day of taking the dosage indicated in the instruction, patients observe a decrease in inflammation of the nodes. Although in most cases this happens only if the patient used the drug in combination with other drugs, including local (ointments, candles, etc.).

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