Spiritual development, Mystic
Vanga conspiracy for money and luck, for trade, for love
Vanga is a famous prophetess. She predicted not only the future, but also knew many conspiracies, prayers, which helped people to find happiness, luck or financial well-being. She is believed, because almost all of her predictions have come true, which means she is a strong clairvoyant.
The Bulgarian visionary has taught many people to correctly read prayers and conspiracies. They should be pronounced only on a special day. There are plots Vanga for money, luck, etc. That is for all occasions. About them and will be discussed in the article.
Clairvoyant Wang and her prophecies
The famous prophetess was born on January 31, 1911. For two long months, the parents were afraid to give her a name, since the girl was born very weak, and no one expected her to survive. However, a miracle happened. Vanga survived. At the age of 3 she remained without a mother, and at the age of 12 she got into trouble and became blind.
The surrounding people did not immediately notice Vanga's ability and her vision. As a child, she began to see what others could not. The clairvoyant herself did not understand how she could predict the future for people. Over time, many people began to come to Vanga for advice.
It is noted that the clairvoyant correctly predicted more than 7000 times. When she saw Stalin's death in the near future and told him about it, she was sent to prison. Six months after her prediction, he died, the prophetess was released. Everyone believed in the power of her visions.
Vanga was engaged in its activities for about 55 years. During this time, it has taken more than a million people. For her predictions the clairvoyant did not take much money. As much as he could, he gave so much. With this money she built a temple.
Vanga taught people many prayers and conspiracies from illnesses, a successful life, love, etc. People are still convinced that if they are read from the heart, happiness and peace of mind are obtained. Strong conspiracies Wangi helped the suffering in their desire. The day before her death, she asked to be bathed. She knew that tomorrow she would die. So it happened. Vanga passed away on August 11, 1996.
Plots and prayers of Vanga for financial well-being
The prophetess gave people a lot of advice so that money was constantly being born.
1. For this ritual, you need a glass of clean water. You can be consecrated in the church. In the evening, put a glass of water on the windowsill, and at dawn start the ritual. Open the window, cross and read Vanga's conspiracy for money:
- "My angel, do not turn away from me, but always be with me. Release my sins, give me a tasty meal. Do not leave me with my failures, help me in my endeavors. Give me strength, work and health. I want to be a happy person, and for this I need your help. "
After the conspiracy from the glass, drink 3 sips of water, and leave the rest on the windowsill until dinner.
2. The next conspiracy is considered stronger than the previous one. This ritual must be performed only on the full moon. To do this, take the largest bill that is in your family. On the full moon, put the money in the eastern corner and cover it with a handkerchief. Touch the note with your hand and read the plot:
- "The angels of heaven, I beg you very much, my good remains empty with me."
You need to say these words three times. Let the money remain in the corner until the end of the full moon.
Vanga argued that conspiracies do not need to know by heart. You can ask the angel for help in your own words. The main thing is to utter conspiracies from the heart. The money will definitely be voditsya.
Do not give up, continue to work and ask God to give strength and health for the realization of a dream. Vanga's conspiracy for money will help you increase your income or find a decent job.
How to attract luck to yourself
You can protect yourself from failure with the help of the Guardian Angel. Appeal to him with prayers, ask him to take care of evil and misfortune. Strong conspiracies for luck from Vanga will help you to find happy days.
Rise at dawn and wash with cold running water. In this case, say the following words:
- "Vodichka-Vodichka, wash my face and bring happy rays to my house."
Then, water in a bowl and over it say any plot for luck. This may be your prayer, in which you ask your Guardian Angel to help with problems and protect you from failures.
Vanga argued that you need to ask for the help of all the saints. For this you need to go to church. Before you leave the house, read a prayer, for example, "Our Father". Now go to church. When you leave the apartment, you can not talk to anyone. Silently walk to the church, before the entrance read the prayer again. Buy 7 candles and put in front of icons, pray for the health of all family and friends. Prayers read any that you know.
When you leave the church, pray again. Vanga conspiracy for money and luck do not learn. The prophetess believed that the strongest prayer is yours, which is read as the soul feels.
Plots for love
Rituals to attract the second half are strong, so use them with caution. Vanga's conspiracy for man's love is effective. You must be absolutely sure that you need feelings right now. After all, then you can not easily get rid of them.
If you are really determined to love, then prepare two photos (your own and your chosen one), two church candles, raw beets and a knife (preferably with a wooden handle).
Now you can conduct the ritual itself. To do this, with a knife on top of the beet, make a cross-shaped cut and drip three drops of juice into two photographs. Candles need to be wrapped in red thread.
On the table, put the photos, and above them, set the beets so that a triangle is obtained. Between the pictures, put two candles. They should be under the beets. Now say the plot:
- "I, the servant of God, ask the holy spirits to bring my spouse to me. Let him begin to think of me in a dream, as well as in reality. Yes, do not let my betrothed other girls to her. Help open your eyes to him for me. "
After the conspiracy, continue to live as if nothing had happened, and soon the beloved guy will pay attention to you.
So that he does not leave you, ask him to sharpen the knife that was used in the ritual. Now he will love you even more. Prayers and conspiracies Vanga for love is very strong, so before you perform the ritual, think about whether the guy is worth your attention.
Conspiracies and advice of the seer on successful trading
Every businessman wants to get as much profit as possible. However, this does not always work. To profit regularly grew, there is a strong plot of Vanga to trade. Take the red tape along the length of about 50 cm. At night, put it on the window sill. Get up at dawn, take the tape and tie up its ends. When the circle turns out, put it on the floor and stand in the center so that the face looks to the east.
Out loud, say the conspiracy:
- "My business is profitable, stable and strong, stand behind, in front and on each side, and I stand in the middle. Profit mine, be always with me and do not leave me. "
Now say "Amen" three times.
Use this tape to wrap a table, chair, or purse. That is, any subject that touches your business. Now this tape will be your talisman, which should always be close to the business. The plot is strong for money from Vanga. It will help increase your profits and raise your business.
Even Vanga advises never to put a bag, purse or bills on the table. There is an opinion that financial success will run away. It is best to clean the money for the night under a tablecloth. Then you will have a profit.
Vanga claims that the first buyer should be a man or a boy. If you want to buy the first woman's goods, bidding will not be the whole day.
When a man bought goods from you, wave this money over a table or counter and read a prayer. There is an opinion that you will have a whole day buyers.
How to lose weight with the help of conspiracy Wangi
This conspiracy does not work the first time. Have patience and perform a ritual every day before going to bed for 9 days. For this, take in a right hand a glass with clear water (spring, sacred or well) and sit in front of an open window. The moon should not be covered by clouds.
Focus on your desire (weight loss) and look at the sky, the moon, the stars. In the meantime, say the conspiracy:
- "I'll lose weight soon, I will become slender, with a beautiful figure. Guardian angels, help to pass the test, do not allow to eat a lot of sweet and flour. I (my name) want to lose weight and be beautiful to others. Amen".
Drink water and go to bed immediately. It is impossible to talk with anyone after the ritual all night. After 14 days you will notice the results.
Prayers and conspiracies Wangs are working, only you need to get a lot of patience. After all, from the first time nothing will turn out. The main thing is to believe in the result.
Healing conspiracies and clairvoyant advice
Vanga argued that the strongest prayers are for health. The healer believed that every disease has its own herb, which helps to heal. In order not to be ill, the clairvoyant gave several tips that helped people:
- Fat food is the enemy of man. By using these products, you spoil your stomach.
- Do not smoke. Cigarettes destroy not only the stomach, but also other internal organs.
- Eat only rye bread.
- Drink plenty of water. Thanks to her, your pancreas will not hurt.
- Drink alcohol in moderation. You can drink no more than 50 grams of wine a day.
- Move a lot. Then you are not threatened with fullness and diabetes.
- Observe the mode. A person should go to bed no later than 22.00, and get up at 6.00.
- You can not be nervous. Calmness is the most important for health.
In addition to advice, Vanga taught people many conspiracies. They help to cope with health. For example, to protect yourself from the common cold, fill the bathroom with water, pour 3 tsp. Sea salt and read the plot:
- "Guardian angels, save, save and bless. Remove from me all adversity, sickness and sorrow. Amen".
Now take a dip in this water.
If your native person is sick, you should immediately go to church and put a candle on him for your health. Wait for service and pray. When you return home, circle all the rooms with a candle, while reading prayers. Near the patient, the candle should burn. Do not forget that prayers and conspiracies help only those people who believe in a positive result.
Vanga claims that chamomile tea strengthens the body. Try to drink it at least every other day. Your immunity will be strengthened, you will get sick much less often.
If you have a bad cough, Vanga advises you to mix honey and oil 1: 1 and add 2 g of vanillin. Take the medicine 3 times a day. Cough will pass quickly and unnoticed. Conspiracies and prayers strong from Vanga will help you to be cured. Do not forget to read them from the heart.
Conspiracy to attract work
These rituals act quickly. With the help of conspiracies, you can find not only work, but also build a career. All rituals need to be done only when you are confident of success.
In order to find a job in your specialty, pour holy water into a glass and read the prayer:
- "The power that is in the water, help me. I want to prove that I was not in vain to study. The powers of heaven, help the employer find me. I will show my skills and prove that I am capable of much. Amen".
This prayer needs to be read three times. Then you need to drink water and cross yourself. Thanks to this ritual, you will quickly find work to your liking.
If you want the director to consider a professional in you and raise you in office, spend the full ritual at the full moon. Take a handkerchief, put large bills into it and tie it. Place the bundle on the window sill until midnight. Exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning go to the window and say: "I do not give money, but give up". After these words, read the prayer "Our Father". It helps from all troubles and tribulations.
Before the interview, always conduct magical rituals, read the conspiracy for luck from Vanga, and you will see the result in 14 days. If the boss summoned you, first read the prayer, then boldly go to him. Only in this way you can protect yourself and be saved from negative thoughts and emotions.
However, do not forget that only self-reliance will help you to find what you want. If you do not believe in the effectiveness of rituals and magical words, then do not wait for improvement. Luck turns to face someone who is confident of success.
Wang's conspiracies from enemies
Many people have detractors. Therefore, Vanga taught conspiracies and prayers from enemies. If you are an energetically unprotected person, you can easily pass the negative. To protect the house from enemies, prepare pins and sacred water. You will also need candles purchased in the church.
Light the 4 candles and hold the pins over them. Then dip them into the sacred water for 20 minutes. After the procedure, pins stick into every corner of your room, while saying:
- "I put an iron fence. It is hot over fire and in the water consecrated. My fence is strong and sharp, protects from enemies and ill-wishers. Now my misfortunes are closed, and the joys are open. Amen".
There is an opinion that after such a plot your ill-wisher can not cross the threshold of the house.
There are prayers and conspiracies of Vanga from those people who are plotting against you something bad. First you need three days to observe a strict fast. On the fourth day, do not eat at all and go to church for service. You completely need to defend it. Buy a church candle and bring it home. In silence, read the prayer "Our Father". Go around all corners. You need to start from the front door, read the prayer, be baptized. You need to finish where you started. After the ritual, you can have dinner or dinner, but with fasting.
There is a conspiracy from the evil eye. For the ritual, prepare a glass of consecrated water. For the night leave it on the windowsill. Before going to sleep in darkness and silence, go to the window where water is standing, and say the words:
- "Holy water, in my name ask God the Almighty to save me from evil people and their evil eye. I ask the Lord God to help me and protect me from all misfortunes and troubles. "
Now drink the water and with a calm soul go to bed. You can be sure that from now on everything will be fine.
Now you know the conspiracy of Vanga for money and luck. Take advantage of her advice, prayers and conspiracies. However, first determine what is most important for you: business, money, work, health or love. Only when you clearly understand what you want, you can start the ritual.
Do not forget that any conspiracy is effective only when a person believes in it. Remember that there was an effect of prayers, you can not swear and say bad, unacceptable words.
Vanga argued that in order for the house to have success and wealth, the threshold should always be clean. Dirt and money are incompatible things. When you are going to conduct the rite, first clean the house of garbage thoroughly.
The prophetess Vanga said: "To remove the negative from housing, it is necessary to wash the threshold not only inside, but also outside." It is through the front door that you let in both the bad and the good. Therefore, there must always be order in this zone.
In the morning, immediately after sleep, it is necessary to read the prayer, and only then to have breakfast. Vanga said how you start the day, so you'll spend it. The soothsayer taught people that it's better to use conspiracies that come in contact with material goods, not spiritual ones. Vanga believed that wealth comes faster than love.
Do not throw out the candles with which you performed rituals. Fold them in a secret place and store them as a talisman. If you decide to throw them away, luck will turn away from you. Periodically light them in rooms for 5 minutes. Extinguish and re-hide.
It is not recommended to perform rituals every day. It is enough once in two weeks. Always understand the meaning of prayers and conspiracies. Never take your time and do not perform the ritual mechanically. Conspiracies and prayers will help you, just believe in their effectiveness.
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