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Ukrainian bread is the best bread for people

Every nation has its own recipes for baking bread. All of them are practically identical and are based on the use of water and flour. So bread was baked in ancient times. Mix the flour with water and form a flat ball. To date, use different types of flour: wheat, rye, corn - or use their mixtures. To make the product lush, make a leaven, and for this use yeast. Bread can be eaten both separately and with butter, jam, honey, jelly and so on. Today we will talk about how to bake Ukrainian bread, which was widely spread in pre-war time and is in demand among people till now.

Rye-wheat bread

This product has a strong enough base and a hard crust. A great popularity acquired such bread in the pre-war time, and the technology of its preparation has since remained unchanged. The formulation includes the use of components such as wheat (40%) and rye flour (60%). When preparing the starter, strains of lactic acid bacteria are used, this makes the product particularly tasty and different from other types of wheat-rye bread. There are several variants of mixing components, which does not affect the caloric content of the finished product.

Ukrainian bread: taste

The taste of such bread is very different from the traditional white. It is much tastier and nourishing. By its nature this product is more thorough. It has a thick coarse crust, an elastic porous crumb. The bread itself is heavy, has a thick and rich flavor of starter raw materials. On the second day it becomes more dense, which is typical for the product where rye flour is used. In addition, this bread does not have so-called sticking of crumb on the cut, unlike other types of products. They liked to eat in the Soviet times, with pleasure they use it even today.

Ukrainian bread: caloric content, nutritional value, composition

This product is one of the most useful for the human body. Bread "Ukrainian" - one of the best for those people who care about their health. Its energy value is 833 kJ, one hundred grams of such a product contains 199 kcal. A distinctive feature of it is the low caloric content with a large amount of carbohydrates (83%). Fat in bread contains 2.5%, and proteins - 13.9%. The bread also contains vitamins B and PP, amino acids, as well as a large amount of zinc, iron, iodine, chlorine and potassium, sodium. The considerable fiber content in the product contributes to the normalization of the digestive system. Harmful elements of rye bread "Ukrainian", the caloricity of which is small, does not contain.

Homemade bread recipe

This recipe is as close as possible to the pre-war. It does not contain dyes and additives, so it is so useful for health.

Ingredients: four hundred milliliters of malt kvass, eleven grams of yeast, one spoon of tea salt, seven spoonfuls of tea sugar, eight grams of white wine vinegar, one spoonful of coffee beverage "Galka", three hundred grams of wheat flour, three hundred grams of rye flour, Sunflower.

All dry ingredients, except rye flour, mix, add water and knead the dough. Then sift rye flour, pour a little sunflower oil and finally mix everything. The dough is placed in a bowl, covered with a film and left for two hours to come. During this time, it should double. Then the dough is kneaded, a ball is formed from it, which is placed in a mold and left for an additional hour and a half. Ukrainian bread, the composition of which is presented above, is baked in a well-heated oven at high temperature. The finished product is removed, covered with a towel and left to cool for several hours. Bread is served to the first dishes, fat, smoked products, make sandwiches from it.

Bread according to GOST

This recipe is designed for cooking two loaves.

Ingredients for spoons: two hundred and forty grams of rye ferment (equal content of flour and water), one hundred and twenty grams of rye flour, four hundred milliliters of warm water. Ingredients for the dough: opara, one hundred and sixty grams of rye flour, eight hundred grams of wheat flour, eighteen grams of salt, three hundred ninety milliliters of warm water.

Preparation of Ukrainian bread, the composition according to GOST is presented above, begin to cook with spoons. To do this, all the necessary components are mixed and allow them to eject for three and a half hours at a temperature of thirty degrees Celsius. Then prepare the dough from all of the above ingredients. The dough is left for two hours at the same temperature as the spoon. During this time, it will increase by a factor of two.

Forming and baking bread according to GOST

The dough is kneaded, placed smoothly down into a flour-poured form or bowl, and left for ninety minutes to proof. During this time, it is doubled. In a well-heated oven place Ukrainian bread (It is put on a special pizza stone) and baked at high temperature for fifteen minutes with steam and another half an hour without steam. The finished product is laid out on a grate and allowed to cool at room temperature.

Indications and contraindications for use

Contrary to popular belief, it is not recommended to give up bread to those who want to lose weight. "Ukrainian" is well suited in this case, because it has a low calorie content, contains a lot of vitamin B, fiber, which contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract, and acids and protein resist the appearance of cellulite, helping muscles to be in good shape. However, people who have increased acidity of the stomach, it is contraindicated the use of this bread.

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