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How is guava? Cultivation of guava and beneficial properties

In the world there are a lot of trees and shrubs, the fruits of which can be eaten. But if, for example, pears and apples are all grown up in their summer cottages for a long time, the exotic trees have not yet had time to get accustomed to and grow fond of gardeners. And completely in vain.

Today we would like to talk about an exotic plant like guava. The properties of the plant, as well as its unusual taste, are certainly familiar to many. However, not everyone knows that this evergreen shrub can be grown at home if desired.

Myrtle family

So, what is the guava. This is a green plant, which is most often found in Africa, Central America, Asia. The height of an evergreen tree is between three and five meters. Fruits the tree once or twice a year and brings a very significant (up to one hundred kilograms) harvest. The fruit of guava resembles a small tennis ball of green color with a bright red, green or gentle-yellow core.

The fruits of this tree are somewhat like shriveled apples, only bright green. Sometimes there are fruits of a pear-shaped form. The fruit is incredibly pleasant and quite strong smell. They say that the aroma of guava can easily drown out the smell of tobacco, if you put it in a smoky room, where a dozen smokers have just visited.

Beneficial features

Guava, whose useful properties are sung by many botanists and dietitians, is perhaps the only fruit that contains vitamin C in a larger quantity than a popular lemon or any other citrus fruit. For example: for 100 grams of the product contains about 250 milligrams of vitamin C. And this is ten times the amount of the same vitamin contained in the lemon. Thanks to the availability of this vitamin, guava is always recommended to people with low immunity, as well as those who want to strengthen the lymphatic system and improve overall tone.

One of the few fruits that is allowed to eat young mothers, pregnant women and babies, is again guava. Useful properties, vitamin composition and a huge amount of substances useful to the body make guava an indispensable product that can diversify any diet.

It is very often prescribed by nutritionists, since guava is rich in protein, calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. Using this fruit, you will not only easily recover strengths spent on power or cardio training, but you can even lose a couple of extra pounds even without going to the gym.

Benefits for the heart and relief from pain

If you need to adjust the digestive or cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure, then guava should be eaten directly with skin and seeds. Of course, the skin of this fruit is slightly bitter, but in combination with the sweet flesh it is not so noticeable.

In Brazil, for example, guava is often prescribed by doctors, when patients are disturbed by digestion (constipation, colic, etc.). In the Philippines, guava is treated with pneumonia and asthma. In Panama, India and Israel, this fruit is prescribed when a person suffers from epileptic seizures, frequent angina or bronchitis.

Guava juice added to tea will help to normalize the menstrual cycle in women, will reduce abdominal pain, migraines and headaches. Also, knowing how to eat guava correctly, you can save yourself from unbearable toothache, sore wounds and high fever.

How to eat Guava

Very often, buying some exotic fruits in stores, we do not always know how to properly eat them. The same goes for guava. Sometimes people just do not know how to eat guava. They buy in the store unripe fruits (not realizing that the guava is still green and unripe), try the fruit and spit out. Why?

The thing is that guava contains in its composition quite a large number of ethers of hexahydroxydiphenic acid. It is she who gives the unripe fruit of this plant an awfully sour taste. When the fruit ripens, it increases the content of pectin and reduces the number of esters of acid, which makes guava incredibly tasty and sweet.

It is important that you, before buying this fruit, become convinced of its maturity. How to determine the ripeness of the fetus? As a rule, this can "tell" the peel of guava. Than it is denser and firmer, the ripe fruit.

What to do with bones

Very often people know how to eat guava, but do not know what to do with the bones that are inside it. Here everything is exactly the same as, for example, with watermelons. Harm for the body from drinking water-melon stones will not be any, but not everyone likes to eat this berry with them. Similarly, with guava. Want - eat the fruit together with the skin (and this is allowed) and bones, you want - take out the inner firm contents and clean the fruit from the skin.

How to grow guava at home

Despite the fact that the fruit is not so popular in our latitudes, like apples, pears or watermelons, guava at home can be grown without problems. The main thing is to know how to plant and how to care for the plant. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Immediately say that it is not possible to grow a guava in a small pot, standing on a dark window sill. This plant likes space and sunlight. Unfortunately, you will find domestic seeds. Guava, the cultivation of which is developed in Egypt, India, America, will be sold from these countries. But there are no problems today with the acquisition of seeds or seedlings, they can be found in any foreign floricultural or seed catalog.

What you need to grow guava

So, you found a plant. Where and how to plant it? There are several important aspects that should be considered if you want to get a strong tree with regular fruit:

  • Choose the most lit place.
  • For the normal development of the plant, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature. Its minimum value is 15 degrees.
  • As for the soil, here guava is completely unpretentious. It can develop both on sandy soils, and perfectly bear fruit, growing on a heavy-clay terrain.
  • Varieties of guava can be different. There are self-pollinated and require cross-pollination. There are propagating cuttings, others require planting through the seed.
  • Does the plant need pruning? If you want a tree with a height of twenty meters to grow in your dacha, then you do not have to cut it. If you want to limit the bushiness and the height of the guava a little, it will calmly transfer the pruning.
  • Fertilizers and fertilizers are used at will.
  • Watering should be moderate. You can not allow too dry soil, but it is also not allowed to overflow.

In conclusion, I would like to say: you now know how to eat guava, how it is useful for the organism, and how it is possible to grow this tree at home. We hope you will not go past the fruit shelves any more, but be sure to put a fruit in the basket that is ten times more useful than a lemon and works well with an air freshener.

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