
Carnation of cirrus: growing from seeds at home

Carnations in gardens are very common. This is a favorite plant of flower growers. There are about 400 kinds of carnations. These are perennials and annuals. The species have features that are the same for all. On them it is easy to determine whether the flower belongs to the genus of carnations. Grow this plant in pots and in the open ground. Carnations are great for landscaping.

A bit of history

Cloves are pinnate, the cultivation of seeds of which is not difficult, is the oldest garden plant. It is mentioned in Ancient Greece. Then it was called a divine flower. It used to be used to treat plague. In the time of the Crusaders, this flower began to be mentioned very often. In the 17th century, a cultured carnation spread in England. Since then, there have been a lot of hybrids and varieties of this flower, which are very popular among gardeners. They differ in appearance, flowering period and presence of odor.

Kinds and varieties of carnations

In nature, this flower has five petals in the inflorescence and red, white or pink. Cultural plants are of a variety of shapes and colors. They are white, purple, pink, red, salmon, yellow, cream and colorful flowers. There are even representatives with a border around the edges, dots or strokes. In gardens, usually grow a Turkish, Chinese, garden, Dutch and pinnate cloves. Each of these species is divided into several varieties.


Carnations are classified as stunted plants. They are usually planted along the edge of the flowerbed. Carnation is pinnate, growing of which is described below, has a height of about 30 centimeters. The shoots of the plant look very attractive, thanks to the greenish-green leaves of an elongated shape. Flowering pinnate cloves last about a month. This perennial plant has a single inflorescence with a diameter of about 3-4 centimeters. They are divided into terry and simple. Flowers exude an amazing aroma. If they are cut off and placed in a vase of water, they will rejoice in their beauty for about two weeks. Many varieties can produce flowers up to two times per season.

Place for planting

Carnation is pinnate, growing from seeds at home requires simple conditions, likes sunny areas. In the penumbra, the bloom will be less lush and plentiful. It's better if it's an exalted territory. Carnation does not like boggy soil. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil in this plant. It is considered unpretentious and for this it is so loved by gardeners. The only thing that this flower does not tolerate is too acidic peat bogs.

Reproduction by seeds

There are several variants of reproduction of this plant. Carnation pinnate, growing of which seeds, this is the most popular way, is not whimsical. Her planting is within the power of even an inexperienced gardener. Seeds can be planted in open ground. They do this in May, when the earth is sufficiently warmed up. The distance between individual specimens of the carnation should be about 1-2 centimeters. Although you can make a more dense planting. After the appearance of sprouts, the cloves are thinned out. You can also grow seedlings in the indoor environment, and then move it to the open ground. Carnation pinnate (growing from seeds, when planting it on the bed early, is carried out in small pots) gives excellent seedlings. For starters, it is necessary to germinate the seed material. The temperature is 15-18 degrees. This takes about a month. Then the sprouts are planted in separate pots. In the open ground seedlings are moved at the end of May. Between plants should be a distance of at least 20-30 centimeters. Carnation is pinnate, the cultivation from the seeds of which will not give a result immediately, will begin to bloom in 1-2 years. It will decorate any corner of the garden or flower bed.

Reproduction by cuttings

How does the carnation reproduce? Cultivation from seeds is not the only way. Sometimes use the propagation cuttings. This is especially important if it is necessary to preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant. For the cuttings, shoots that do not have flowers are suitable. It must have at least 2-3 knots. Cuttings are planted in moist sand and covered with film. After the appearance of a good root system, they are transplanted into the open ground or left to hibernate at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees. In the first case, landing is carried out at the beginning of summer. After wintering, the rooted cuttings of cloves are planted in the soil at the end of May.

Division of the bush

For reproduction of cloves spend also division of a bush. If plantations are rapidly developing and have many processes, then this method is used. Carnation is pinnate, growing of seeds and cuttings of which - this is not the easiest way, can form lush bushes. They are carefully excavated and divided into parts. We must try not to damage the root system. Each part is then planted separately. Each root must have good roots. Division of the bush is best done at the beginning of growth - in the spring or at the end of the summer season.

Caring for a carnation

The main condition for good growth is a sunny area with fertile and not acidic soil, which should have good drainage. Like any other plant, cloves like timely watering. But do not wet the soil very much. Despite the unpretentiousness, a carnation pinnate loves top dressing. Growing from seeds, the reviews are also evidence of this, seedling or dividing the bush should always be done with fertilizer. This is especially important in the period of active growth. Any mineral product is suitable. From organic materials, you can take humus and add it in the spring when planting or use it as an alternative to mulching. Pruning is necessary when the clove fades. Growing out of seeds, photos and tips on caring is in this article. We cut off the wilted inflorescences in plants and cut them a little. In winter, you can use any concealed material to protect the planting from freezing. Carnation does not require transplantation for 5 years. After that, you can update the flower bed in any way. To do this, pre-harvest seeds, rooting cuttings or dividing the overgrown bushes, which acquire an unattractive appearance.

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