
Truly the Moscow Question


... This work should not be considered at all, as is known, communist propaganda, since the Author has never belonged to such a party and, in many respects, does not share their views - since, initially, the very principle of anti-gumanistic expropriation And is very alien to the mind that wrote it. And, nevertheless, if it is essential to determine the goals of the development of society, as a path to progressive bourgeois-democratic socialism, then to this is the composition. A great request is to read, if possible, with due seriousness, even if some of the places seem suddenly unreal and utopian. I assure you that a small fraction of the confidence will be enough to see the whole perspective of the signified meanings.

/ M. Tulepov (Gyubris) - a poet, a writer, in 3 generations of Moscow intelligentsia. /







The content of the article:





INTRODUCTION. Unexpected events that appeared to be the resignation of the capital's Mayor Luzhkov Yu.M., prompt now to present here a whole series of thoughts, which represent elected proposals to the Government on the view of the possibility of new Moscow reforms. Initially, not being a claim either personal or historical, this essay, however, touches upon questions concerning the total number of native Muscovites, whose circle, according to a known statistical measure, alas, is becoming increasingly a minority in its city, the fact which implies a deliberate bias In the consideration of the questions. The ideas outlined here are not proposed to be considered only for a compressed scale of only one or two terms of the government of a democratically elected (sic!) Head of the Government, but that is an idea of the ways and methods of reforms that require thorough discussion and timeless constitutional-legislative approval. All of the above is addressed to the sense of preserving the national dignity of the City and strengthening the moral and material well-being of its indigenous inhabitants.

STATUS OF MOSKVICH. THE NEXTED INDIGENOUS PRIORITY AND ITS RIGHT. An ethical view of the national and demographic situation in the City encourages us to affirm that the population in generations of Muscovites needs more encouragement and support, and this is so that the moral priorities of their rights and freedoms must be strengthened and protected with a select attention to that and respect. . The meaning of the Reforms implied here should be aimed primarily at raising the level of the importance of the status of the native Muscovite, the value of whose rights acquired from birth in his City should be relatively distinguished from the general mass of "residents of recent rights" and foreign migrants. (To this it can be noted that the five-year term for a Moscow residence permit, I think, is not an indicator in such important issues - whereas, in other government decrees, the figuring age in five generations of Moscow roots, ie at least 150 years, The historical and social difference between "serfs" in the roots and "free" people, which, of course, when compared, can be perceived with a subconscious insult.)

Since the days of the first democratic republics, the principles of which we inherit even today, it was ethically accepted that the free citizen, in his primordial right, be the symbol and sense of the success, dignity / independence / and pride of the City. Especially, it has always been seen and encouraged in the capitals of states. We can recall the priorities of democratic ancient Athens with respect to our free fellow citizens in comparison with the rest of the hired (not to mention the slaves) and the visiting people - however, it is enough to look into any book on the history of Moscow, to be convinced of a similar attitude both in our handicrafts , And in philistine philistine circles. To this, it suffices to add (only that) that the majority of factory and (unskilled workers) - those who during the periods of historical cataclysms, one way or another, were actively involved in the mass unrest that destroyed the capital from within - came from other cities and villages . Although this requires today some sort of social and ethical reassessment in the canvas of all neo-democratic thought, nevertheless, the fact remains a fact ...

Here we inevitably need to ask again: what can be considered the satisfaction of such pride, with what can be compared the level of significance of the proclaimed status directly in people? - The first right to education and medical care, which is indirectly done (in the capital) is more expensive? The first priority is the level of growth of the wages: a) which, in any case, can not be compared with the level of those in private commercial structures, (which, for all the Moscow etymology, is not always the Moscow ethic), and b) Which, as before, makes the real Muscovites be embarrassed when looking at the next "buckwheat" ambition of the consumer market, whether it is for a new "ringing" municipal tax, inevitably produced in the calculation of the state "inflation" budget? (Is it only) those pensions and benefits that, with all the promised supplements, are so close to the living standards of the non-indigenous strata of the City, is the guarantee of all the proclaimed priorities of the born Muscovites, who again hear the New May equalizing words about the possible "at least"?

Speaking about the benefits in the right of a born Muscovite, can we avoid the question of what inherited freedoms the very concept of stipulated rights is preferable to? (Freedom is not so much common state and known, but inside-Moscow freedoms.) "Free use of one's abilities" (Article 34.1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), at the root of the very statement, proclaims the acquisition of those benefits that presuppose the possession of free time- - sic! - is not connected only with the "right to rest" of the inevitably working people, but also with the right to arbitrary self-realization, both purely personal and public nature: * -

So, how much would it not be said about the so-called. Laziness of indigenous Muscovite, nevertheless there is a clear-and-clear statement about the inadmissibility of overstretching in employment, i.e., the need to reduce the level of labor and educational stress, at least, and primarily among Muscovites, more than 66% of whom, according to The Ministry of Health claims the assistance of a psychologist}, - what should also be in society and encouragement, and an indispensable guarantee of the fortified well-being (which, however, is not only in figures the estimated income or benefit, but for life tuschy wealth). As soon as this prosperity is expressed in the spheres of national interests, it is emphasized that on the scale of the City it should be more consistent with the principle of "fundamental priority" in Muscovites.

What, it turns out, is in this case there is better a native Muscovite (be it a child or a pensioner) a non-resident resident of the capital? It seems that it is unlikely that it will be a nonsense to say again that the historical gene pool of the City is the fundamental basis of its moral-democratic forces; In this case, the "rooted" family is, first and foremost, the bearer of the truly Moscow heritage, (trans-ethnic, subordial) concept and upbringing. From the foregoing, it seems, it should hardly be repeated to note the direct importance of strengthening the mental and physical health of the selected part of the population, whether they are representatives of the intelligentsia in the roots, be they descendants of working families.

Is it not humiliating in the eyes of the whole of the Moscow world to see how the Muscovites beloved by the historical sense of the city, from infancy, continue their days often in cleaners or in guards or couriers? Those of us who, from birth, share the special love and hatred of Moscow, which has passed through colossal democratic and social changes in the past at least 25 years, those who have experienced and experienced the power of all circumstances, really should be so treated with the views that are sometimes imposed upon them And the thinking of people unfamiliar with this? And we, who have seen both Putch, inherited and generated ideas of proprietary, moral, cultural and sexual (European) revolutions-are we, in relation to ourselves, to be equated with that layer of the community of the modern metropolis, in which sometimes everything coexists Complexes and imperfections of people of little-capital and (democratically) little-brought up, and such others who, using material only sense, allow themselves to look down on the hospitable of true citizens?

If the "rooted" Moscow families are always somewhat indebted to the City, ie In essence, to each other - then it is certainly so that citizens "seeking rooting" in the capital must also be in a certain debt to its original inhabitants. And if this question is implemented in the practices of general transnational state administration, the Moscow municipality should try harder to see the boundaries of this material and demographic (indispensable) contrast, and that in the generations the Muscovite can justifiably and contently feel thanked For the hospitality provided.

That - the unconditional truth that ethnically, outside the region, to the Muscovites has long been formed not the most benevolent attitude; - the more it is unpleasant, when it becomes noticeable how such an indiscretion becomes more and more in the capital itself, which is provoked again by grandiose demographic changes. And at the same time: involuntary relaxation of the ideas of the third world, which entails such a dangerous return for us to the "enserced way of thinking", in which superfluous xenophobic or, conversely, socially indiscriminate blind admiration for foreign relations; - Do not we, in the view of the need for new social reforms in Moscow, first of all take into account all these nuances, and in the idea of strengthening the timeless ethical platform of the determined hereditary freedoms and their priorities in the capital? ... To everything, before and now Stated, the issue of raising the level of the status of a native Muscovite is obviously being made in Moscow the most relevant and significant, which, in direct and indirect sense, presupposes the maintenance of that only virtue in the Moscow community, which is truly incarnated Historically, the first of the capital - and not only the Third! - The world.

The question is, which of the effective ways can we really achieve the most worthy sense of affirming the proclaimed "fundamental priority" in Moscow? It will not be a secret to say that anyone who is inevitably presumed to be a materialistic approach (from the viewpoint of solving the tasks of reform) must condition the fulfillment of the above-mentioned ethical attitude; - in that, obviously, as long as we talk about the timeless strengthening of the hereditary priority, we should take into account the neo-ethical moment of the whole reorganization, namely: considering the implementation of the reform principle not by the introduction of a new decree or preferential order, but by approving the right : - the right that determines the new category of persons.

To all the meaning of the initiated reformation, let it be said that the main criterion for a positive evaluation of its implementation should be the undoubted adherence to the principle of the timeless inherited welfare of citizens, (which is not connected solely with the material right of the heritage of property.) In the foreground of this statement, The constitutional fundamentality of the newly-defined rights, which in no way contradict either the provision of universal equality or the City's right to self-determination. In its objective essence, the proclaimed "The right of a hereditary fundamental priority" is believed to be that the very time of the heritage of such affirms the priority of equality in the roots of generations. This is an invariable and indispensable condition for the realization of the ethical and material principle of innovation.

ENFORCEMENT OF THE RIGHT OF "THE LATEST INDIGENOUS PRIORITY". Social reform of society is inevitable. Regarding the situation in Moscow, it is obvious that the state-encouraged idea of strengthening the middle class should more correspond to the cultural and ethical interpretation of this process. In view of the same questions that are not limited only to the problems of structuring the Moscow society and the democratization of its institutions, the idea of worthy provision of the "Rights of the Crowned Root Priority" seems to be in the light of the truly positive among many constructive solutions. Regarding the sphere of Moscow's "popular interests", the practical implementation of the approved Law presumes to be an indispensable extension of the boundaries of the layer of successful townspeople, at the same time, emphasizes their chosen belonging to the City (with its inherited culture and aesthetics), which quite satisfies the principle of "inherited welfare".

Especially important is the question of which of the concrete materialistic decisions can be expressed the new right to be announced - in other words, which of the approaches can be practical provision of the above benefits? In the arrangement of decisive accents, here it is necessary to repeat deliberately, having noted before that before the concept of "inherited fundamental priority" existed only for certain groups of pensioners and persons with disabilities. This, undoubtedly, must be subject to a decisive revision, since we take into account, first of all, the generalized interests of an active and healthy part of the population. On this basis, if we refer to the above-stated ideas about the realization of "new freedoms" in Moscow, then, for example, such as "having (large) free time," in providing for itself, it would imply a reduction in the working day for a selected category of citizens, t .e. The transgression of constitutional norms (universal) equality - which, of course, is impossible, and therefore requires a material and compromise approach. So much more. In view of this and the foregoing, - and with this, referring to the community of Muscovites as a special (new) category of persons - in the idea of securing the "Right of a Crown Priority", the introduction of such a term as "Lifetime Incentive Rent" is supposed here.

It is proposed that any representative of hereditary Muscovite inheriting the Right of his fundamental priority in the context determined by the new law (meaning, first of all, the time boundaries in generations of roots), in the preferred form, is worthy of being paid (from the budget) , Which is neither the type of labor or invalid pension, nor the unemployment benefit, but which is assigned from the moment of its birth to death, and in the idea of approval of Priority, other restrictive conditional STI. In this perspective, it should be emphasized that the acquisition of the cited right of the aforementioned, by a special category of persons, in no way implies the division of people by the right of ownership, by national or some other sign, but solely by the birth and inheritance of the roots. Specific issues in this case are only issues relating to the legal rehabilitation of those native Muscovites who return to Moscow from correctional colonies and prisons; - such, however, requires in itself that decision, which in no way would contradict the constitutional and ethical norms in the adoption of the new law.

It is assumed that the provision of the New Law on the Right of a Crown Priority in Moscow, in its design, does not mean the infringement or neglect of the interests of other groups of the City's population, but is a conditional way of redistributing funds allocated from the budget. Given the direct possibility of introducing new government taxes (at the time of the nearest) - the idea of which (sic!) Is not at all the consequence of the law proposed here - is fully capable of distinguishing that initial basic material basis, which will be sufficient for the initial steps in realizing this legislative project . (In particular, also, the idea of regular payments of lifelong rent for native Muscovites, in a compromise way, can find their agreement with the rule of benefit payments to help families of newborns - that can be offered for public discussion, in strict observance of the fundamental democratic principles.)

PERSPECTIVES OF APPLICATION OF LAW ... All of this relates to the meaning of the main content of the proposed draft law, which can be represented in the framework of the general program of the new Moscow reforms. I want to emphasize especially that the very essence of the material and ethical principles proclaimed here (which presume lifelong benefits) is timeless, which can be preferably of substantial, constructive significance, compared with those state programs that cover only a certain limited period of time with their meaning Own (practical) implementation. - What, in particular, can serve the idea of strengthening the social and ethical platform of the whole of modern society. Since in all of the foregoing, the obvious fulfillment of the initially-postulated principle of "timeless inherited welfare" is seen, the more obvious is the preconditionality of the promising results of the application of the proclaimed legal draft. So, indeed, if the statement "Russia for the Russians" sometimes sounds very contradictory, the proclaimed meaning of "Moscow for Muscovites" seems to be more than convincing and unambiguous.

It is hardly to be questioned how certainly successful the results will be possible realization of the idea of Indigenous Muscovite in the foreshadow of the proclaimed timeless innovations. During the next 18 years - (the period of the implementation of the initial stage of the proposed reform, which is determined by the age of the final entry into the civil rights of today's Moscow kids) - the amount from the appropriation of redistribution of people's budgetary funds (which is tied to any financial and personal account, the idea of regular charging From the date of the birth of a Muscovite in his fundamental right) will undoubtedly constitute an essential precondition for securing the proclaimed Priority. Greater accessibility of higher education in Moscow State University and in the best Moscow universities for low-income and non-undergraduate students from rooted families - and those who can not afford to educate on a commercial basis alongside the more affluent inhabitants of the non-indigenous community; Initially, there was a greater possibility of material independence from parents, such as the easier possibility of earning an early loan for an individual home in their native city; Once again, the opportunity for the intelligentsia to choose individual scientific and creative activity is again possible; - that way, not to mention even the inevitably greater degree of material security during periods of economic crises and unemployment; - all this is from the beginning of the surveyed prospects for the application of a potentially new-introduced legal reformation program in the capital. If we are concerned with the issue of the social and ethical perspective of this process, the fact that the legitimate strengthening of the globally significant positions of the socially determined indigenous gene pool of the City will undoubtedly contribute to the fact that foreign diaspora interests are approved more and more with the opinion of the original representatives of the Moscow The world (in particular, long-rooted families of a different nationality, who, nevertheless, inherit the Moscow experience and the culture of upbringing and respect.)

To the words of these and similar conclusions, we can add only that the program of an identical foreshortening is always able to carry out not only within Moscow and the Moscow region, but also in other regions of the Russian Federation. However, this is not the meaning of this compiled Appeal, since this concerns the direction of the activities of the regional Governments of other cities. This is all that, in the context of the context, can be a sufficient response to the notorious outbursts of those critically-oriented minds, which are determined to see the so-called. "Potential discrimination" of the proposed policy of introducing a new draft law in Moscow.

Here it seems that the level of consciousness of today's Muscovites is quite sufficient for the democratic adoption of initial steps in the implementation of the proposed reforms, which - and in the minimum percentage of its provision - is an unconditional deposit of a new future city preserved in the roots of its true community of free citizens.

(18.10.2010 - 10.12.2010 - Moscow)

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