Technologies, Cable and satellite TV
Tricolor 2 sets for 2 TV sets: how to connect independently
Satellite TV has long ceased to be something unique, and today even in the remotest corners of our country you can find receiving devices or "plates" with the already familiar company logo "Tricolor". The owners of set-top boxes of satellite television "Tricolor" often wonder whether Tricolor can connect 2 TV sets.
Outputs of television receivers
By itself, such a connection is not difficult, but there are a number of nuances that need to be considered before you independently engage in such a connection.
All television receivers that were produced until recently were assembled in China, and, as a rule, had RF outputs (antenna), scart or tulip. Therefore, it was not difficult to switch the TV to a satellite dish through the receiver's LF output, and through its RF output it is already possible to connect other TVs using an ordinary antenna cable.
This is all the more urgent, since almost every home of television sets today is definitely more than one, and from time to time it is necessary to decide the question of "Tricolor 2" on 2 TVs how to connect yourself.
Disadvantages of connecting via HF or "tulip"
However, with this connection there is one downside - it's that you can watch only one and the same channel on all TVs, and constantly walking from room to room to switch the program is not very convenient.
Although this problem is eliminated by purchasing a so-called console extension. The cost of it - about 1 thousand rubles.
Recently, the company "Tricolor" is actively working to replace the old receiving equipment with a new, more modern. However, in practice, everything turns out to be not so rosy in terms of the user's advantages.
Before that, it was relatively easy to install "Tricolor" on 2 TV sets. How to connect the wires themselves, you could learn from any textbook or simply ask your neighbor.
With the advent of the first new 8300 receiver, the MPE4 was added to it and the number of channels increased, but simultaneously the RF output and the "tulip" socket disappeared.
Probably, the main goal was to reduce the cost of the receiver, but as a result, the opportunity to connect the second TV through the HF disappeared. In the end, all wishing to watch two TVs are forced to pay more. Perhaps the manufacturer specifically decided to exclude the potential opportunity to install "Tricolor TV 2" on 2 TV sets. How to connect it yet to watch different channels?
To watch again both TVs, you have to buy a HF signal modulator, which costs about $ 60. Either purchase a video encoder that sends commands, sound and video over the wireless network for 20-30 meters. Its cost is about $ 100.
How to connect "Tricolor TV" to 2 TV sets
First, relatively recently, the company "Tricolor TV" has launched the release of a new kit, which is designed specifically to connect two or more TVs to one satellite dish.
This set has several connection options, depending on whether you watch several channels on the same channel or you want to watch different channels. The second option will require some additional costs.
If you need to connect the equipment so that the same channel is broadcast on both TVs, then the question of how to connect "Tricolor TV" to 2 TVs, is solved as follows: you only need to buy a signal splitter and an antenna cable of the required length.
A signal divider is required only if the receiver used does not have multiple outputs for connecting TVs. If there are such exits, then you can not additionally spend money on its purchase.
Connect two TVs to watch one channel
To the antenna connector of the receiver we connect the first TV, and the second TV - through the "scart" or HDMI-output of the receiver. The only thing that is required with such a connection is the presence of the corresponding inputs on the second TV.
If you plan to view different channels on two TV sets connected to the same satellite receiver, you will need another receiver, plus a client. Get the scheme - "Tricolor 2" for 2 TVs. How to connect, consider in more detail.
Server-client for viewing different channels
In this case, the receiver will be a kind of two tuners with two LNB connections. It will work as a server, and the second receiver connected to it - the client - will connect to it already on a specially created local network.
There are different versions of this connection:
- You can connect the receivers with a twisted pair.
- With some additional costs, you can organize a Wi-Fi connection between them, that is, use a router and get a wireless network as a result, for "Tricolor 2" on 2 TV sets. How to connect, is detailed in the instructions.
As a result, each TV will have its own remote control panel, and to show both TVs will be able to different channels simultaneously.
What in this situation is worth paying attention to? The fact that the price of such a satellite kit will not be low. Therefore, for certain it is worth to determine that in this case it will be most economically profitable to buy two independent, regular sets, or the "Tricolor 2" kit for 2 TV sets. How to connect it - now it should be clear.
Here, it is still important that the configuration of the installed kit fit into the budget allocated for the task.
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