Homeliness, Tools and equipment
Toilet bowl "Sanita": reviews. Toilet bowl "Sanita-Lux": reviews
The toilet can be called an integral attribute of the sanitary system of any bathroom. Today you can buy such a device at an affordable price, choosing for yourself the design features and other characteristics of the device. The modern consumer is trying to choose a toilet, guided by an acceptable price and good quality. Toilet bowl "Sanita", reviews about which today are often only only positive, are presented in stores in a wide range. In order to choose the most suitable option, you need to pay attention to several factors, among them: the cost, the method of attachment, the types of bowls, the flushing system, as well as the additional functionality of the type of anti-splatter.
The choice of toilet bowl brand "Sanita" at a cost
The price of the described product will depend on the type, the material in the basis, the design features, as well as the individual elements that determine the functionality. The mentioned manufacturer has both cheap and medium-priced, and expensive plumbing fixtures. To expensive 80% of all production of the manufacturer concerns, such variant perfectly approaches for medical institution, office or any other building of public function. Toilet bowls "Sanita", reviews about which you can read in the article, are presented for sale and in the middle price segment. Such attributes for the toilet room are chosen by consumers most often. Elite plumbing is in demand among buyers much less often, but some still allow themselves such acquisitions.
Choice of toilet bowl by fixing method
If you are interested in Sanit toilet bowls, it is recommended to read them in advance. Only in this way you will be able to determine with which method of attachment the device is preferable. It is important to take into account the possibilities of planning and free territory, on which it is possible to place plumbing fixtures. The most common among the described models are hanging and outdoor. The latter option is classic, and it should be installed in a certain place on the foot-base, which smoothly passes into the bowl. Installation of such a device will need to be carried out on the screed, using the anchor bolts and clamping nuts. Toilet bowls "Sanita", reviews about which you should be known as a consumer, are often represented with an attached skirt that covers the bottom of the device. With this element, you can protect the bottom of the substrate from contamination by carrying out a wet cleaning of the outer surface at any time. It will be much easier to clean the surface. If you have a separate bathroom in the house, it is best to prefer the floor type of toilet bowl, this option will perfectly fit into a common bathroom, the area of which exceeds 6 square meters.
Among the line of the manufacturer mentioned, one can also find angular variants that save space. If the area of the room is rather limited, it is best to choose a hanging type design.
Suspended toilet bowls of the brand "Sanita"
On sale it is possible to meet a toilet bowl "Sanita-Ideal-Comfort". Reviews about it will help you make your choice. It is a hanging version of the device, which has a foot-base. With this installation it will be possible to install the construction close to the wall. It is rare that today on the market you can find variants of an adjective type, which are represented by a hybrid of a hanging and a floor toilet. Thus, the plumbing has a base, mounted on the floor surface, however, the device itself is close to the rear wall. The drain tank can be located in the thickness of the wall. This option is rarely chosen by the owners of small apartments, since the device will take much more space when installed in comparison with traditional analogues.
The choice of the device "Sanita" in the form of a bowl
Toilet bowl "Sanita-Ideal", reviews about which you will be useful to read before shopping, can have a different bowl, namely, funnel-shaped, visor or dish. In the first case, the drain hole is located almost in the central part. The greater amount of impurities immediately enters the drain, and when the tank is drained, the sewage is finally disposed of. Experts advise to choose this brand for those people who are puzzled by the issue of choosing a device without splashes. Such a disadvantage of such designs are completely devoid of, while using a brush almost does not have to be in use.
When it is necessary to choose the bowl of the Sanita device
Toilet "Sanita-Lux", reviews of which are often only the most positive, can have a bowl. At the same time, the drainage hole is somewhat shifted forward, whereas in the flow path of the liquid from the valve to the drain there is some depression. At the same time, impurities will fall from the plate back into the depression, from where they will be washed by the pressure of the drained water. If you are not ready to additionally adjust the work of the tank, and also to regulate the intensity of the flow of water for flushing, then it is not worth choosing a device of a similar brand. With excessive head, turbulence can occur which will cause the spray.
Reviews about the device "Sanita" with a visor bowl
Toilet bowl "Sanita-Lux", reviews about which you can read by reading this article, can have a canopy bowl. In this case, the drain hole will be approached forward, in the place where the above-described variety of the bowl has a recess, the visor will have a protruding bend. Consumers choose this kind of bowl for the reason that impurities leave the wall in the sink, and the remainders can be eliminated by the pressure of water. I like the modern buyer of such a device also for the reason that it does not involve splashing water.
Reviews about varieties of toilet flushing brand Sanita
Toilet bowl "Sanita-Lada", reviews about which you must read before choosing, can differ by direct or reverse circular flushing. The first type of flushing is characterized by the movement of water almost in a straight path from the opening of the tank. The liquid moves along the wall of the bowl and rushes to the drain. Such a drainage system was used by all natives of the Soviet Union, as consumers, they single out a single approach, which is carried out during the descent of water. However, this type of flushing, as the users emphasize, has a drawback, it is expressed in the fact that during the descent the water does not wash and cover most of the inner surface of the bowl. This leads to the need to use a brush.
Reviews about the toilet bowl brand "Sanita" with a circular flush
If you are interested in Sanit toilet bowls, customer feedback about them should be interesting to you. If we are talking about a model that is equipped with a circular flush, then it will be radically different from the one described above. As an advantage, one can distinguish the absence of noise during use, as well as a uniform washing of the entire surface of the bowl. However, do not forget about the drawbacks, one of which is the higher price of a plumbing fixture, where such a system is implemented. When choosing the Sanita-Lux-Best toilet bowl, which you are advised to read about before making a purchase, you should be aware that there is a huge risk of clogging the drainage hole after several years of use. This is true in the event that the toilet has a circular flush.
How to choose toilet bowl brand "Sanita" without spray
The Sanita-Ideal-Comfort toilet bowl, which you will probably be interested to read about before you visit the store, may have a special system that eliminates splashing, which is very popular with consumers. It is also called an anti-splash. This functionality is intended to compensate for splashes during the operation of the device. Do not trust the consultants who are trying to prove that the anti-splash is an inclined wall that is located on the inner surface of the structure. In fact, the antisplash is a hole that has a special geometric shape. This element is narrowed and recessed into the lower part of the structure. If you want to choose the Sanita-Ideal WC toilet, the reviews about which are presented in the article, then it is better to choose a device that has an anti-splash located with some displacement relative to the symmetry axis from one side. The intensity of the water column will be significantly reduced.
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