Homeliness, Tools and equipment
Copper moonshine: reviews
Self-mastery is known since ancient times. An interesting detail of this peculiar art is that it was copper medieval devices that were used from the earliest times. There are a lot of good reviews about them, and a wide variety allows each buyer to find a model that he likes.
Why copper?
Connoisseurs of quality alcohol always note that the most delicious alcohol is obtained when it is made in metal dishes. Copper surface is good in that it preserves the specific taste of the drink, helping to open it and add new shades. And copper self-made devices serve much longer - not by chance they choose because of the practicality and affordability of the price.
In the modern version, the apparatus, of course, has changed significantly. They have become more compact and stylish in terms of design, and sometimes are created manually. With the help of copper vodka machines, it is possible to make whiskey, calvados, wine of different fortress and taste bouquet. Some models are created on the basis of a combination of copper with stainless steel or glass. And sometimes a pipe or a dome is made of copper.
The secret of popularity
Copper homeowner reviews are good for those who are looking for ways to make delicious alcoholic beverages. The distinctive features of this equipment include:
- High thermal conductivity: the power of the device and the quality of the product depend on it. The steam will cool better, and the distillation rate will be higher, but it will be possible to reduce the amount of water used.
- Durability and reliability of the system: a fully made of copper apparatus is characterized by high wear resistance.
- An unusual taste and aroma of a ready-made drink, which, moreover, will be spared from certain connections during the run. The taste of the drink will be more saturated, which is explained by the peculiarity of copper. The metal itself and the substances in its composition are capable of absorbing sulfur oxide.
- The infusion rate: the copper moonshiner accelerates the process of preparation of the drink, since the holding time is not as great as in the equipment of another type.
- Ecological safety: the alcohol product is prepared without the use of harmful impurities, and during the operation of the device, no harmful harmful compounds will be released into the drink, which can damage the taste or fortress.
What are the features?
Copper moonshine machines are used much more often, as they preserve the subtle fruity aroma and taste of the drink, which is not influenced by any extraneous factors. Premium models are created from high-grade purified copper, and excellent thermal conductivity ensures rapid heating and cooling of the device, increasing its productivity and making the preparation time of the composition smaller.
The main advantage of using copper for the production of moonshine is the ability of the metal to absorb sulfur oxide, which is released during fermentation of the product and can spoil the flavor and taste of the final product. Consider the most popular devices, which consumers have left a lot of feedback.
Max Cuprum
Copper moonshine machines Max Cuprum are created quite often. Thanks to such devices, the final drink will have no impurities, no unpleasant smell or taste. For the production of home cider, grappa, cognac this device is suitable just perfect. The company offers such innovative developments:
- Congo.
- Copper dried boxer Max Cuprum.
The Congo's self-contained apparatus is made of copper, thanks to the unique properties of which all harmful sulfur compounds and fatty acids are collected. These impurities can affect the taste of the drink. The peculiarities of the copper apparatus of the Congo include the following:
- Thanks to the compactness of the distiller, the unit can easily be placed under the hood on the plate;
- At small sizes the device shows good power, and the built-in king ensures effective selection of the product by fractions, that is, you can not worry that the drink will get fusel oils ;
- Being miniature, the device is characterized by high performance.
Many buyers say that the device works perfectly, it is convenient, therefore it is easy to apply on a conventional hob.
The second model is a copper self-made apparatus with a dry cup Max Cuprum. It serves as a guarantee that you will receive a high quality product in terms of taste, color and flavor. In addition, it prevents the ingress of foam and brags directly into the distiller. It is easy and simple to clean the device - simply remove the cover from the top of the dry cell.
If you are looking for a high-end device, pay attention to this model. The copper self-made apparatus "Madrid" attracts attention with a stylish design, in which the classic and innovative approach are harmoniously combined. Many buyers note that this device is ideal for obtaining a high-quality and tasty drink that preserves the taste and aroma. The use of copper is not accidental: the apparatus is environmentally friendly, since sulfur does not accumulate in the liquid.
In addition, the manufacturer upgrades the device to improve the quality of moonshine:
- With the help of an electronic thermometer it is possible to control the temperature and the exact division of the fractions;
- A special nozzle allows you to make the brewery apparatus a distillation column, while increasing the purification of the product, but leading to a decrease in productivity.
The device "Madrid" can be supplemented with nozzles of different sizes, therefore both the degree of purification and the degree of the final product will be different. As noted by users, this device is good cleaning, interesting design, and for home use is just perfect.
The copper self-propelled apparatus "Krepysh" is a device consisting of three parts: a tank, a dry-cell and a coil. In addition, the model is equipped with two practical handles and a built-in thermometer. In the reviews it is noted that the device works stably, the barrel has a special filler made of stainless steel from the outside, so unnecessary impurities are eliminated in the tank, and the moonshine is strengthened and cleaned. In addition, all connections of the device are dense and airtight, so there will not be any excess odors in the room.
Self-made apparatus "Krepysh" (copper) can be equipped with a tank of different volumes - from 12 to 20 liters. The presence of the king allows you to keep harmful substances and rid them of the final product. Users note that the coil is specially wrapped in a cartridge, which contributes to better cooling of the steam. Due to the compactness of the device can be used on any gas or electric stove. The main differences of this model include:
- Increased diameter of the coil tube, which provides high efficiency;
- A pipe-shaped dryhouse in the form of a pipe has a special filler that cleans the distillate;
- Vertical coil provides a constant speed of making drinks;
- Thanks to a flat bottom it is possible to use the product on electric and glass-ceramic plates.
The copper self-contained apparatus "Volga 28" is another popular model, which is made of copper.
Copper apparatus premium-class "Chicago" draws attention to a fundamentally new device that does not imply the presence of a dimple and a coil. Such innovations are rare, so the moonshine is in high demand among buyers. The demountable design provides simple cleaning from the inside and outside using any means.
In addition, the model is compact, and therefore will fit harmoniously even on a small plate. Requires a minimum amount of water during operation.
With your own hands
You can make a copper moonshine with your own hands. Although experts advise buying ready equipment, having special knowledge, you can create such a device yourself. The main thing that needs to be considered is the capacity and the amount of equipment. The main materials used are sheet copper and solders, which contain silver.
Each stage of the creation of the moonshine requires careful attention:
- Competently drawn up drawings of blanks - it's better to trust the experts.
- Each workpiece is processed qualitatively. It is believed that it is not easy to work with copper, so it is not always possible to give the necessary configuration to the products.
- The process of soldering also requires accuracy, and all parts should be attached to the maximum quality and airtight. To give aesthetics, the finished structure can be polished.
Until recently, moonshine machines created by European brands were popular. But today the products of Russian brands are in demand, which is not only economical, but also in no way inferior to more expensive analogues. And if you want something unusual, you can choose an apparatus that is created according to individual characteristics and has an unusual design.
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