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Tofu - what is it and what does it eat?

In the second century of our era in the East, in particular in China, began to eat tofu. What is it in our country learned relatively recently. Together with the fashion for Japanese and Chinese cuisine, where tofu takes an honorable place, this soy cottage cheese has gained popularity among Russian gourmets.

But still, vegetable cheese, which in the East has long provided a place for one of the main food products, we still have an exotic. Although every year fans of this product is becoming more and more, especially among vegetarians.

So, tofu - what is it? By its consistency, color and even slightly by its smell, it resembles the usual cottage cheese, which is obtained as a result of processing milk. Only here no products of animal origin in tofu and "does not smell"! This is 100% vegetable food. It is created by the method of special processing of soy milk. For this purpose, magnesium chloride, potassium sulfate or conventional citric acid is added to the milk, and after heating the mixture is filtered. Everything - tasty and useful vegetable cheese is ready for consumption.

There are several types of such product. But, as a rule, the closest to the domestic consumer is a tofu sign (what is it, we have almost figured it out), which is sold in a compressed form in vacuum packets filled with water. It has a white color. By regularly changing the water in which the cheese is located, it is possible to store this product in the refrigerator for several weeks, its quality is preserved at the same time in full.

Inhabitants of the Celestial Empire believe that it is the regular use of tofu (what it is, even small children know there) that provides the nation of China with health and longevity. And undoubtedly, they have every reason to think so. The fact is that in terms of the number of proteins in its composition, tofu, the calorie content of which, compared to conventional curds, is very low, can compete with selected meat. Moreover, vegetable protein, as is known, is much more easily absorbed by the human body, which means that the use of this cheese does not have unpleasant side effects that are inherent in experiencing avid meat-eaters.

Vegetarians sing the praises to this product, arguing that even children who eat tofu in any form can easily give up meat, and they do not at all threaten to lack protein. Besides it, this plant product is rich in iron and calcium. And one more plus - a complete lack of cholesterol.

Cheese can be eaten raw, just like a snack, it is fried, stewed. Tofu is perfectly combined with all kinds of fish and meat dishes, it is based on delicious desserts. In general, not a product - but just a fairy tale, if not for one "but". Cheese tofu, whose benefits to the human body is beyond doubt, are made from soy milk, that is, from soy. And for today this product is number one in the list of plants that are most often amenable to gene modification. And if the soy is created thanks to the GMO, then its benefits are out of the question.

The worst thing is that it is practically impossible to protect yourself from the use of such products. The inscription "without GMO" on packages, to which we are all already accustomed, does not give absolutely any guarantees. So even with tofu in all respects it is better not to overdo it and to show a sense of proportion.

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