Health, Women Health
Thrush in women. From what and how to be treated?
Quite a lot of women and girls face such an unpleasant, but obviously not fatal disease, like thrush. Its other name is candidiasis, because the disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. They provoke the formation of white plaque and the allocation of curdled consistency. There are also other symptoms that indicate thrush in women. How it is treated and what preventive measures to be taken to prevent its development, we will learn from the article.
What is thrush in women
From what this disease developed in a particular patient, it is very difficult to say. One can only assume one or another reason. Let us first consider the disease itself. The fungal disease, which is thrush, develops on the mucous membranes due to the rapid reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida. They are in fact constantly present in the human body (including men): in the digestive tract, on the skin, in the genitourinary system, on the mucous membrane of the mouth. Infringement of the balance of microflora leads to such a diagnosis. In practice, the most frequent is the defeat of the genitourinary tract. Sometimes this fungus affects the internal genitalia. This form is widespread and, as a rule, is chronic, periodically exacerbating.
So, thrush in women - from what it occurs? Several factors could affect the development of this disease. Mainly:
- Weakened immunity, both general and local.
- Dysbacteriosis.
- Reception of antibiotics.
- Sexually Transmitted Infections.
- Gynecological diseases.
- HIV.
- Endocrine diseases (diabetes, obesity and so on).
- Physiological conditions (pregnancy).
- The use of hormonal contraceptives.
- Wearing close synthetic underwear.
- Incorrect food.
- Frequent douche or non-compliance with personal hygiene.
Symptomatology and course of the disease
Thrush in women from what occurs, we found out. Now it is worth turning to the symptoms. The disease is not at all dangerous, but it gives the woman many unpleasant sensations that reduce the quality of life. About 75% of women at least once in their lives, but will feel all the "delights" of this disease. The main symptoms are cheesy discharge of whitish shade, strong enough itch in the place of the lesion, a specific smell.
Milkmaids in women. Treatment, reviews
We are talking about a compulsory visit to a gynecologist or a dermatologist also because he is likely to find it necessary to write you a referral for a survey. So, thrush in women: from what it appears, we have outlined above. Probably, it is necessary to be checked up on a HIV, a diabetes, an infection. A gynecologist or a dermatologist can find other infections in the smear taken. But, it is likely, the disease could be caused by banal malnutrition, age, pregnancy or medications. The doctor gives standard recommendations that help to speed up recovery with such a diagnosis, as for women with milkweed. Treatment - suppositories (or vaginal tablets), ointments, creams, tablets for oral administration. Especially popular, inexpensive and effective is the drug "Clotrimazole". Not less popular are the tablets "Fluconazole". To treat thrush in the mouth often use the drug "Nystatin" (absorb tablets). But in any case, you should first take tests and visit a doctor. A lot of drugs can relieve you of this ailment in just a few days.
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