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The worst people in the world: amazing facts

The worst people in the world, the photos of which we will consider below, most often have such an unusual feature of the body due to the fact that they were born with extremely rare diseases, from which modern medicine does not have medicines.

The Worst People in the World: Lucia Zárate

The first person officially recognized as the worst was Mexican-Lucia Sarate. She was born in early 1863 and immediately struck her parents with small body sizes. In the process of growing up, namely, at the age of eighteen, the girl-lillipot grew to only 43 centimeters. However, not the growth of Lucia struck people around, but its weight, which reached only 2300 grams. It is worth noting that thanks to such unique data, the girl was very often confused with the doll.

The Worst People in the World: Isabel Caro

As you know, the record of a little girl from Mexico is still not broken. However, among people with habitual growth, too, there are those who are excessively thin. For example, the Frenchwoman Isabelle Caro, born in Marseilles in 1982, with an increase of 1.63 meters weighs only 28 kilograms. But, unlike the previous Mexican woman, who was already born with a congenital pathology, a resident of France became an owner of excessive leanness because of her mother, who, afraid to stay after the divorce alone, stopped releasing her daughter on the street in order to slow her development. As a result, thirteen-year-old Isabel began to eat poorly, which eventually led her to anorexia.

The Worst People in the World: Lizzie Velasquez

Currently, the owner of the leanest body is Lizzie Velasquez, who lives in Texas and studies at the university. Its growth is 1.57 meters. At the same time, an American weighs only 28 kilograms. But, despite such deviations, Lizzie leads a completely normal way of life. After all, the cause of her thinness is not anorexia or any other psychological disorders. Such a body Velazquez was the result of a congenital unknown to modern medicine disease.

The Worst People in the World: Hopkin Hopkins

It is worth noting that not only women but also men suffer from excessive leanness. After all, such a representative of the stronger sex lived in the British city of Llantriziant in the middle of the XVIII century. His name was Hopkin Hopkins, and he suffered from a disease of chondrodystrophy, whose name in plain language sounds like the inferiority of cartilaginous tissue. According to historians, at the age of seven the boy weighed only 8.6 kilograms, and by the time he was seventeen his weight had dropped to 6,000 grams altogether.

The worst people in the world: Claudius Ambrosimia

Another champion at the minimum weight was the Frenchman Claudius Ambrosima Seuart. He was born in April 1979 and was quite normal. However, during the growing up period, his body simply stopped growing in width. Thus, with an increase of 1.60 meters, Claudius Ambrosima weighed only 16 kilograms. It is worth noting that the distance from his sternum to the spine was seven centimeters. In this connection, with sufficiently bright illumination, one could see with his own eyes how his heart beats.

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