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Sore throat: how to remove at home?

How quickly to remove a sore throat at home? This question arises when there are unpleasant sensations in this area (painful discomfort, perspiration, dryness), which are symptoms of a cold, viral or bacterial infection. Also, the pain in the throat can be caused by a load on the vocal cords or the manifestation of allergic reactions to a certain stimulus. The disease, proceeding in a mild form, can be cured by proven folk methods. If alternative medicine during the first days of malaise did not bring positive results, in order to avoid serious complications, you should always seek medical help.

Warm drink for sore throat

What to do if, along with a general malaise, there is a symptom such as a sore throat? How to remove discomfort? An effective means of home therapy is a warm drink in unlimited quantities. Traditional medicine offers a wide variety of drugs capable of washing away harmful bacteria from the tonsils and mucous throat to the stomach, where they will be disinfected with gastric juice.

In the treatment of sore throats, warm milk, combined with honey and butter, has proved its worth, and a tablespoon of which should be diluted in a glass of liquid. Take in warm form as often as possible. Reception before bedtime is mandatory.

How to quickly relieve the pain in the throat at home with angina? Help the affected throat can anise infusion. In 1 glass of boiling water should be fried 1 teaspoon of anise fruit, insist for 20 minutes, filtered. The norm of a single dose is 50 ml each half an hour before meals.

Inflammation and swelling of the throat will help to remove freshly prepared carrot juice, which for 1 intake should be drunk 100 ml. A useful composition can be sweetened with honey, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Useful teas

How quickly to remove a sore throat at home? For a few tricks, the painful symptoms of garlic tea will be eliminated in the throat, to prepare which one should grind the peeled garlic head and combine it with 200 ml of apple juice. The resulting composition boil on low heat for 5-6 minutes. Drink small sips. Daily allowance is 2 cups.

A lot of medicinal properties are linden, flowers and bark which are used by folk medicine as an antipyretic, bactericidal and sweating remedy. To save the sore throat, dried raw materials (1 tablespoon) are required to boil with a glass of boiling water. Drink 3 to 4 times a day. Norm for 1 reception - 2 tbsp. Spoons.

The analgesic effect is possessed by tea from raspberry and dogrose. In an arbitrary amount used in a warm form, it will help in a few minutes to ease the pain in the throat.

How to remove the pain by other means? Major anesthetic effect has a cup of tea. In a glass of boiling water, you need to brew marjoram (1 tablespoon), insist a few minutes, drink warm. The healing solution can be sweetened with honey.

In the treatment of the throat, ginger tea has proved itself well. For its preparation, a glass of boiling water should be poured into ½ tsp of peeled and chopped ginger. You can add honey to taste.

Honey and lemon for the treatment of throat

How quickly to remove a sore throat available means? A popular combination of honey and lemon in the treatment of sore throat is popular. To make a healing composition of 3 lemons, you need to squeeze out the juice, which is combined with a glass of honey. Take a teaspoon as often as possible. Already on the first day of use this remedy, which in the course of reception is required to be thoroughly absorbed, will help to calm the pain in the throat.

How to relieve the pain quickly? Relieve the throat of uncomfortable sensations will help lemon-honey drink, for the preparation of which in a glass of warm water it is required to dissolve a spoon of lemon juice; Here add honey to taste. A warm drink that has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also relieves pain and sore throat, should be drunk throughout the day as often as possible.

Rinse against sore throat

How to quickly relieve the pain in the throat at home during pregnancy? The most safe and at the same time effective means for the mother and the future baby is the rinsing of the throat, the action of which is aimed at cleansing the mucous from harmful bacteria and preventing further aggravation of the physical condition. Rinse the sore throat with a break in 2 hours, using for each procedure different compositions.

In pregnancy, to ease the pain in the throat, you can rinse a solution of ½ liter of warm water, 1 tbsp. Spoons of soda and 0.8 tbsp. A spoonful of salt - a natural antiseptic of soft action, which helps to reduce puffiness and draw extra liquid from the mucous membranes. The resulting warm solution, which creates an alkaline effect and prevents the spread of harmful microorganisms, requires rinsing the sore throat. On the first day of the manifestation of painful symptoms, the procedure is required to be carried out every hour, the next day - every two hours, the third - every three hours.

Home remedies for sore throat

Iodine solution is a proven remedy in relieving symptoms of malaise. In a glass of water, you need to dissolve 5 drops of iodine and a tablespoon of soda and salt. In a few days after thorough rinses, you can forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as a sore throat.

How to remove discomfort home remedies? A sore throat will help freshly squeezed beet juice in a complex with vinegar (1 cup - 1 teaspoon).

Strong antiseptic effect has a tincture of calendula. For its preparation, it takes 1 hour a spoonful of dried raw material to brew in a third of a glass of boiling water.

Rinsing of the throat can be carried out onion solution: in 1 liter of water for 3-4 minutes you need to boil 4 teaspoons of onion husk. Broth to insist for several hours, then filtered. Rinse as often as possible.

Sore throat: how to remove compresses

In the treatment of the throat, compresses that promote the acceleration of blood circulation, the disappearance of the pain syndrome, and the suppression of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms are well established. How to quickly relieve the pain in the throat compresses?

The most applicable is an alcohol compress with ingredients such as camphor oil, aloe juice or honey. To avoid spasm of blood vessels it is not recommended to perform this procedure at elevated temperature.

Help the sore throat compress of chamomile, for the preparation of which in a glass of boiling water it is required to brew and insist 1 tbsp. Spoon of dried raw materials. As soon as the medicinal solution has cooled to a warm state, it should be moistened with a clean towel, squeezed and put on the throat for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is desirable to be carried out several times a day and must be applied before going to bed.

Treatment with inhalation

Painful symptoms in the throat can be eliminated by inhalations, the healing effect of which is based on the inhalation of hot steam, formed from the broths of medicinal plants: peppermint, lavender, fir, eucalyptus, sage. This method helps quickly get rid of the painful symptoms and inflammation in the throat. To obtain a healing effect, it is recommended to inhale the useful steam for a quarter of an hour. The temperature of the drug composition should not be above 65 degrees, otherwise the effect of steam for the sore throat will be scalding. A few performed procedures will significantly help ease the pain in the throat.

How to remove painful symptoms with home remedies? From folk ways well-assisted onion-garlic inhalations, characterized by a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. To make a healing solution you need to take in equal parts juice of garlic and onions, which are connected with water at a rate of 1 to 10.

For inhalation with herbal solutions, it is recommended to use at least 3 components, such as oak, juniper, chamomile, cedar, birch, mint, pine.

How to quickly relieve the pain in the throat at home in adults?

To ease the condition and reduce pain symptoms will help eucalyptus tincture. Drink 30 drops, diluted with water, in three divided doses.

To get rid of the discomfort in the throat, you can use foot baths. The procedure should be performed before bedtime for a quarter of an hour. The temperature of the water should not be above 38 degrees.

Propolis is an effective treatment for the throat. The bee product shows excellent medicinal properties when lubricating patients with tonsils. Pre-alcohol propolis must be combined with vegetable oil in the same proportion or with water at a rate of 1 to 2. For lubrication use a cotton swab or bandage wrapped on a long stick (for sushi) or the reverse side of the spoon. The procedure is carried out three times a day.

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