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The process of photosynthesis: brief and understandable for children. Photosynthesis: light and dark phase

How to explain such a complex process as photosynthesis, briefly and understandably? Plants are the only living organisms that can produce their own food. How do they do it? For the growth and development of plants receive all the necessary substances from the environment: carbon dioxide - from the air, water and nutrients - from the soil. They also need the energy they receive from the sun's rays. This energy triggers certain chemical reactions, during which carbon dioxide and water turn into glucose (food) and oxygen. This is photosynthesis. Briefly and clearly, the essence of the process can be explained even by school-age children.

"Together with the Light"

The word "photosynthesis" comes from two Greek words - "photo" and "synthesis", a combination which in translation means "together with light." In the process of photosynthesis, solar energy is converted into chemical energy. The chemical equation of photosynthesis:

6CO 2 + 12H 2 O + light = C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 + 6H 2 O.

This means that six molecules of carbon dioxide and twelve water molecules are used (together with sunlight) to produce glucose, resulting in the formation of six molecules of oxygen and six molecules of water. If we represent this in the form of a verbal equation, we get the following:

Carbon dioxide + water + sun => glucose + oxygen + water.

The sun is a very powerful source of energy. People always try to use it for generating electricity, warming homes, heating water and so on. Plants "came up with" how to use solar energy millions of years ago, because it was necessary for their survival. Photosynthesis can be explained briefly and clearly in this way: plants use the light energy of the sun and convert it into chemical energy, the result of which is sugar (glucose), the excess of which is stored as starch in the leaves, roots, stems and seeds of the plant. The energy of the sun is transmitted to plants, as well as to the animals that these plants eat. When a plant needs nutrients for growth and other life processes, these stocks are very useful.

How do plants absorb the energy of the sun?

Talking about photosynthesis is brief and understandable, it is worth mentioning the question of how plants manage to absorb solar energy. This is due to the special structure of the leaves, which includes green cells - chloroplasts, which contain a special substance called chlorophyll. This is the pigment of plants, which gives the leaves a green color and is responsible for absorbing the energy of sunlight.

Why are most of the leaves broad and flat?

Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of plants. The surprising fact is that the plants are very well suited for capturing sunlight and absorbing carbon dioxide. Due to the wide surface, much more light will be captured. It is for this reason that solar panels, which are sometimes installed on roofs of houses, are also wide and flat. The larger the surface, the better absorption takes place.

What else is important for plants?

Like humans, plants also need nutrients and nutrients to maintain their health, grow and fulfill their vital functions well. They get the mineral substances dissolved in the water from the soil through the roots. If the soil lacks mineral nutrients, the plant will not develop normally. Farmers often check the soil in order to make sure that it has enough nutrients to grow crops. Otherwise, resort to the use of fertilizers containing basic minerals for nutrition and plant growth.

Why is photosynthesis so important?

Explaining photosynthesis is brief and understandable for children, it is worth mentioning that this process is one of the most important chemical reactions in the world. What are the reasons for such a loud statement? First, photosynthesis feeds plants, which, in turn, feed all other living things on the planet, including animals and humans. Secondly, as a result of photosynthesis, the oxygen necessary for breathing is released into the atmosphere. All living creatures inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Fortunately, plants do the opposite, so they are very important for humans and animals, since they allow them to breathe.

An Amazing Process

Plants, it turns out, also know how to breathe, but, unlike humans and animals, they absorb carbon dioxide from the air, and not oxygen. Plants also drink. That's why you need to water them, otherwise they will die. With the help of the root system, water and nutrients are transported to all parts of the plant body, and through small holes on the leaves carbon dioxide is absorbed. The trigger mechanism for triggering a chemical reaction is sunlight. All the resulting exchange products are used by plants for nutrition, oxygen is released into the atmosphere. That's how you can explain briefly and clearly how the process of photosynthesis takes place.

Photosynthesis: light and dark phases of photosynthesis

The process under consideration consists of two main parts. There are two phases of photosynthesis (description and table - further in the text). The first is called the light phase. It occurs only in the presence of light in the thylakoid membranes with the participation of chlorophyll, electron transfer proteins and the ATP synthetase enzyme. What else hides photosynthesis? The light and dark phases of photosynthesis change each other as day and night begin (Calvin cycles). During the dark phase, the same glucose, food for plants, is produced. This process is also called a reaction independent of light.

Light phase Dark phase

1. Reactions occurring in chloroplasts are possible only in the presence of light. In these reactions, the energy of light is converted into chemical energy

2. Chlorophyll and other pigments absorb energy from sunlight. This energy is transferred to the photosystems responsible for photosynthesis

3. Water is used for electrons and hydrogen ions, and also participates in the production of oxygen

4. Electrons and hydrogen ions are used to create ATP (a molecule of energy storage), which is needed in the next phase of photosynthesis

1. Reactions of the extra-light cycle occur in the stroma of chloroplasts

2. Carbon dioxide and energy from ATP are used in the form of glucose


From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Photosynthesis is a process that allows you to get energy from the sun.
  • The light energy of the sun is converted into chemical energy by chlorophyll.
  • Chlorophyll gives plants a green color.
  • Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of cells of plant leaves.
  • Carbon dioxide and water are necessary for photosynthesis.
  • Carbon dioxide enters the plant through tiny holes, stomata, and through them oxygen leaves.
  • Water is absorbed into the plant through its roots.
  • Without photosynthesis, there would be no food in the world.

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