
The preparation "Arthron-complex"

The drug "Arthron-complex" has a pronounced chondroprotektornoy activity. The agent includes two active ingredients: glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. The Arthron complex stimulates the restoration of cartilage tissue, improves the mobility of the joints, eliminates the pain caused by the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The active substances contribute to the improvement of the structure of the joint tissue, stimulate the synthesis of fluid inside the joint. The activity of the components can prevent the development of osteoarthritis, slow the degenerative processes in bone tissue and joints. The use of the drug in patients who receive therapy with NSAIDs and glucocorticosteroids, helps reduce the likelihood of damage to cartilage tissue of a metabolic nature. The active ingredients contribute to the mineralization of bone tissue, resulting in accelerated bone repair in patients with fractures. Glucosamine has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.

Means "Arthron-complex" (reviews of experts confirm this) is effective in spondylarthrosis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, as well as humeropathy periarthritis. The indications include chondropathy, periodontopathy, osteopathy. Medication "Arthron-complex" is also assigned to athletes for the prevention and treatment of joint injuries against the background of increased loads. The agent is also shown to patients who underwent surgical interventions on the musculoskeletal system.

The medication is intended for oral administration. It is recommended to swallow whole with water. Duration of use and dosage is determined by the attending physician individually. As a rule, people over 15 years of age are prescribed on a tablet from one to three times a day. When the therapeutic result is achieved, the dosage can be reduced to one tablet once a day. The duration of therapy is about three months. After completion of the course, the therapeutic effect is observed for a long time. If necessary, the course is repeated once or twice a year.

As practice shows, the drug "Arthron-complex" is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, there is nausea, flatulence, stomach pain, and an upset of appetite. In some cases, hives, itching, rashes may appear.

The drug is not prescribed in the presence of serious violations of kidneys. The medication is contraindicated in pregnant women who are nursing women. Children under 15 are not prescribed medication.

In practice, cases of overdose are not described. In the case of a single use of the drug in a dose many times higher than recommended, it is necessary to rinse the stomach. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

It should be remembered that with the simultaneous use of the drug with antibiotics, there is an increase in the absorption of tetracyclines in the digestive tract and a decrease in the absorption of chloramphenicol and penicillin.

For the drug "Arthron-complex" the price in pharmacies depends on the number of tablets in the package.

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