Arts & EntertainmentLiterature

The novel "Choice": a brief summary. "Choice" Bondarev

The books by Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev have always been very serious. The writer was always interested in complex issues of a moral and philosophical nature. Today we turn to one of the most interesting works of the author, which can be called a novel-biography. In particular, consider its brief content. The "choice" Bondarev, as you will see, is a serious philosophical work about the life and actions of human beings.

About the book

The novel was published in 1981. The main theme of the work, as well as the entire work of the writer, was war. It is about what a person experiences during difficult war years, how his soul and moral guidelines change, Bondarev writes. However, the main problem of the work was the problem of choosing each person's life. It was this complex part of human life that the writer decided to illuminate.

Summary: Bondarev's "Choice"

The main character of the story is Ilya Ramzin. This is a person who is striving for freedom, wishing not to depend on anyone, educating himself in will power. He goes in for sports, goes to fight. His greatest fear is to be humiliated by the surrounding people.


In fact, from this moment begins the summary. "Choice" Bondarev (on the chapters it can be even more clearly traced) - the product is not about a peaceful life. The main purpose of the author is to depict a person in a situation where life is at stake, and not ephemeral notions of sublime ideals.

So, the Great Patriotic War begins. Ilya is still very young. Our hero is in the artillery school, where he is sent to the front. The beginning of the war for our country was unsuccessful, the troops had to retreat on all fronts.

And now Ramzin with his battery is surrounded. He makes desperate attempts to save at least part of the guns that the artillerymen had at their disposal. However, the soldiers are commanded by a stupid and short-sighted man who does not only destroy weapons, but also his subordinates. The fascists take the artillerymen in a tight ring. Ramzin decides to shoot the commander, which he manages. But to finish his life does not have time.

The seriousness of the danger in which the main character is located can be realized only by reading a brief summary. Bondarev's "choice" tells how good and clever, in fact, a person is being captured through the fault of a negligent commander.

In the camp for prisoners of war Ramzin is not ready for the fact that other prisoners can so easily communicate against each other, lie and betray. In addition, the fascists perceived his deed (killing the commander) as a feat.

Thirty years later

We continue to retell the novel "Choice". The summary of the chapters describes events that occur in thirty years, after the war. Ilya lives in Venice, where he accidentally meets his former classmate - artist Vasilyev. It turns out that Ramzin was all considered missing. Ilya had not written to anyone and tried to avoid places where Russians could be found. Even his mother, who had been looking for him for a long time, he did not say anything about himself.

Over the years Ilya married and even widowed, he has a son who now lives in Munich.


A short summary ends. "Choice" Bondarev - a novel that described the fate of a man who was in a difficult situation. The writer himself does not give any assessment to the act of his hero. However, it is difficult for the reader to condemn Ramzin.

Ilya decides to see her mother and return to the USSR. However, the old woman did not accept him, calling her a traitor. Ramzin for a long time can not come to his senses from these words, he is deprived of peace of mind, his conscience begins to torment him. The result of this is the decision to commit suicide.

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