Education, Colleges and Universities
The most good institutes in Moscow: review, rating, faculties, specialties
Education has always been an important issue for all those parents who understood that the future of children depends almost 90% on learning. In fact, the choice of a profession is the foundation in a person's life. Therefore, understanding the seriousness of the matter, we will conduct a small excursion to get acquainted with the institutions of Moscow.
A few words before the important
Good institutions of Moscow have been and are to this day. However, often, choosing one or another educational institution, many make one gross mistake: they rely entirely on rumors. It's no secret that you can find reviews about everything today, but this does not mean that they correspond 100% to reality. So, before you start looking for the best institutes in Moscow, the reviews should be studied extremely. And it is even better to find a list, in the reliability of which there will be no doubt.
And another important point. We must always remember that the rating is also very variable. The good institutions of Moscow, which now occupy the first places in TOPs, tomorrow can give way. So you do not need to rely on the rating entirely.
On what can you rely on, choosing from thousands of options, the good institutions of Moscow? On your own mind, experience and, of course, the desire of the child. After all, first of all, he should be comfortable in this institution.
The best universities in the capital
In order to choose it was easier, here will be presented the top of the most popular universities to date. And also a brief description for each of them.
Moscow State University (MSU)
This is the oldest university in the country, founded in 1755. The well-known Russian academician M. V. Lomonosov did much for the work of this educational institution.
More than two centuries there is this organization of highly qualified specialists whose contribution is indispensable in society. On the basis of the University there are 15 institutes, training in which is conducted on completely different training profiles, from geodesy to journalism.
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)
It is a unique authoritative scientific and educational center. His work began more than half a century ago. To date, the university has two dozen educational programs, the most interesting is that besides a huge number of faculties, 50 world languages are taught here.
Higher School of Economics (State Higher School of Economics)
Compared with the previous, this institute is young, has been working since 1992. The emphasis is on the most demanded spheres of economic and social sciences. And despite the fact that the school is young, it nevertheless was the first to switch to the Bologna system - "4 + 2": that is, 4 years of bachelor's degree, two years of magistracy. The university works in a modular scheme, which allows you to correctly distribute the workload of students and force them to make efforts. It is worth noting that not only future economists are being graduated from here, but also experts in media structures, advertising, PR, journalists and many others.
Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (FA)
One of the oldest institutions in Moscow, which prepares specialists in finance and economics. Annually more than 11,000 students are trained here. And this itself speaks about the quality of education. The Academy closely cooperates with foreign universities, so students often participate in exchange programs and are internships abroad. Approximately 20 directions are presented.
Russian Academy of Economics. GV Plekhanov (REA)
The history of the institute begins in 1907. There are more than 150 professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, more than 500 associate professors. Here you can offer more than thirty specialties to choose from. For all of its work, the university has paid much attention to its own publishing house. And today not only educational and methodical literature is published, but also scientific works, reports, monographs, theses.
Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (MSTU)
Opened in the Soviet period, this institute managed to pass the test of time and gain a foothold in the best Moscow universities. Training is conducted in 30 areas of technical specialties (optics, engineering, nuclear power, metrology and standardization, etc.).
State University of Management (GUM)
Is a leading university of management, which has the status of a legal entity. This is the largest economic institute of the capital, which conducts training in 22 areas. By the way here, if desired, managers of different industries can improve their qualifications.
Moscow Aviation Institute (State Aviation Institute)
The institute is the leading in the country, it prepares specialists for all branches of aviation and rocket and space science. There are ten faculties and two universities in the educational institution. It is famous for its qualified staff and long-standing traditions, which is a guarantee of a good future and an excellent education in this field.
Of course, Moscow's good institutions do not end there. The list is far from complete. Above is the TOP of the Universities of Moscow (the best universities represented by the list), famous not only in the capital, but also in the regions.
Medical institutions of the capital
Looking through the best institutions of Moscow, reviews are not always unambiguous. One does not like eating in the dining room, the other has personal grievances against the teachers or the dean, the third is engaged in the promotion of the university. The bottom line is that there is no objective, sensible assessment. And the university needs to find the best, because a doctor is a very serious profession, which you only need to study in the best institutions. In order to dispel these rumors, below is a list of universities, among which you can find the best medical institute in Moscow.
To date, in Russia there are about one hundred medical schools. Among them, some can be identified to answer the question: which medical institute is better in Moscow. So, let's consider those universities that enjoy popularity and prestige on an international scale.
Moscow Medical Academy named after Sechenov (university)
This university was opened at the end of the eighteenth century. Therefore, it is considered the oldest medical institute in Russia. On the basis of the educational institution is currently open a huge scientific base, invested by the Moscow government. About 10 directions are open. Students often participate in sports, KVN and other cultural and leisure activities.
State Medical University of Russia. Pirogova
Not so long ago the institute was given the status of a "national research university", because here there are several scientific bases and buildings where the development of prevention of the most dangerous diseases is being conducted. On the basis of about 17 educational areas, including completely new areas, such as: medical cybernetics, biophysics, biochemistry and so on.
Peoples' Friendship University
On the basis of the university there is a medical institute. It was opened one of the first. Training is conducted in 4 specialties ("pharmacy", "nursing", "medical business", "dentistry").
Colleges at universities
It became a fashionable tendency before the university to enter the college at the institute. And parents spend a lot of time trying to find the best colleges in Moscow at state institutions. Below is the list:
- "Industrial and Economic College. Plekhanov. "
- «College of RSSU».
- "Moscow College of Railway Transport MGUPS Emperor Nicholas II."
- "Moscow Financial College of the Financial University".
- "Humanitarian Law College of the Law Institute of the Moscow State Pedagogical University".
Training is the most important stage in the life of every person. Fortunately, today there is a wide choice in this direction. Make a deliberate and correct decision. A lot depends on this.
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