
The medicine Espumizan. Reviews. Description. Application

The drug "Espumizan" is included in the category of funds used for functional disorders of the intestine. The drug for adults is available in capsules. There is a special form of medicine - an emulsion for children.

The drug "Espumizan" for newborns (reviews in this case are different) is prescribed often enough with intestinal disorders. Parents, whose children were prescribed the drug, respond about it as a whole positively. The disadvantages of the funds include its not very pleasant taste. In this regard, there are certain difficulties in order to give the medicine to the child. However, the preparation "Espumizan" for the newborn (many mothers confirm this testimony) can be added to the infant formula or breast milk. In this case, children rarely give up the medicine.

It should be noted that, despite the unpleasant taste, Espumizan is effective in eliminating intestinal disorders.

The active ingredient is simethicone. The substance is able to change the surface tension of the gas bubbles that are present in the digestive system and food mush. As a result of the effects of simethicone, the vesicles decay. The gases released at the same time can either be absorbed into the intestinal wall, or removed from the body.

The medicine "Espumizan" (doctors' reviews confirm this) is effective as a symptomatic treatment of digestive tract disorders complicated by flatulence. The drug can also be used as a preparatory agent before ultrasound or radiographic examination of the abdominal organs.

If digestion is disturbed due to excessive formation of gases, adolescents, adults and children at six years of age are recommended two capsules three times or four times a day. The drug "Espumizan" (reviews of experts are unambiguous in this) should be taken during or after a meal. If necessary, the medicine is taken before bedtime. The duration of the course is determined in accordance with the symptoms. As agreed with the doctor, the drug Espumizan is allowed to take a long period (if necessary).

Before x-ray or ultrasound , two capsules are prescribed three times a day, one day before the diagnosis. On the day of the study, two more capsules are taken in the morning.

The dosage of the emulsion "Espumizan" (reviews of experts confirm this) for children under six years of age are set individually.

The drug is contraindicated for individual intolerance of components.

When using the drug Espumizan (reviews of a number of patients suggest this), urticaria may develop, a delayed-type allergic reaction (eg, contact dermatitis) or an immediate type with bronchospasm may occur. As a rule, these side effects are associated with intolerance of the components.

Caution should be observed for persons prone to allergies. At appointment it is necessary to consider, that the preparation contains the dye, capable to provoke reactions of raised sensitivity.

Often there is an allergy to the drug Espumizan in patients who are hypersensitive to acetylsalicylic acid.

The medicine is not forbidden to use nursing and pregnant. However, the physician prescribes the appropriateness of the application, as well as the dosage and the regimen. During the entire therapeutic course it is necessary to monitor the condition of patients.

In the course of the studies, the ability of Espumizan to reduce the reaction rate or to influence negatively the concentration of patients' attention was not revealed. Thus, for patients taking medication, there are no restrictions in dealing with potentially hazardous activities.

Before using Espumizane, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

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