
Colloidal solutions - a new word in medicine

What are all living organisms? We know from school that a person, for example, consists of different tissues, bones, etc. We know that 80% (actually less) it consists of water. So, people are, in fact, large walking colloidal solutions. And in order to know how to better treat them, we must understand well what these substances are. The chemistry section dealing with the study of the colloidal vital substrate is relatively young, but in recent years interest in it has increased significantly.

What are colloids?

Actually, it's not entirely correct to talk about colloidal substances. Rather, we are talking about the colloidal state of matter. How is it different from any other? Colloidal solutions are the same dispersed matter, which have a low concentration in the solution of suspended particles (why there is a Brownian motion, and particles have high kinetic energy) and very small in their dimensions. So small that they can not be seen in an ordinary microscope. Particles of colloidal solutions are submicroscopic. But these are still not solutions in the full sense, because solutions are also considered to be disperse systems, only at the molecular ion level. At the same time, these are not suspensions with emulsions, characterized as disperse systems with sufficiently large particles. The colloids occupy an intermediate step.

Classification of colloids

Colloids need not be liquid, they can be in a solid state. Then they are called jellies or gels. But, unlike crystalloids, colloids do not have a clear boundary between different aggregate states, and can change from one state to another when external factors, such as temperature, change.

In addition, depending on the disperse medium, the colloidal solutions may be hydrosols and hydrogels if the base is water, or alkosols (if the base is alcohol), ethers (ether), etc. The dispersion medium of pyrozols is some kind of molten body, and the cryosols are, on the contrary, a low-temperature substance.

For us, in fact, it is important that the first colloidal solutions began appearing in the pharmaceutical market, in medicine they are able to effect a revolution, since they affect our organism at a qualitatively different level.

The main features of colloidal pharmaceuticals.

We already know that the composition of all internal organs of the human body is colloidal solutions. And this means that the interaction of two substances identical in chemical properties occurs much faster and practically without losses. That is, the biologically active ingredients of the drug are 98% immediately penetrated into the tissues and organs of man precisely because of the structural similarity of the formulations.

For the same reason, biologically active substances from colloidal phytoformulas begin to be absorbed already in the oral cavity through the mucous membrane. After all, the usual drugs our body first brings to the colloidal state in the gastrointestinal tract, and then absorbs. Immediately he is offered a ready-to-use solution. So the effect of the medicine comes immediately.

Improvement of fairly complex technologies for the production of colloids made it possible to store completely different ingredients in one solution, obtaining highly effective preparations capable of affecting the body in a complex manner with virtually no side effects (after all, the liver does not need to be processed and the kidneys removed).

These include innovative drugs Novosibirsk (founded in Akademgorodok in 1996) company Argo, colloidal solutions which are almost unique. Already developed phytoforms AngiOmega, Anti-Oxidant, ArtroComplex, Detox, GasteroComplex and other biologically active formulas, the value of which is difficult to overestimate.

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