
The drug "Danabol": reviews, instructions. "Danabol": side effects

"Danabol" refers to oral anabolic steroids with an active component of methandienone, which has a moderate androgenic effect. It accelerates the processes of amino acid and protein synthesis, and also increases the increase in the muscle mass of athletes during weight training, because fat stores are burnt and anabolism is increased.

What are the features of the drug "Danabol"

Many athletes, "Danabol" is used as a drug that contributes to a marked increase in muscle mass (in the process of intensive training). The active component (methandienone) multiplies the production of protein compounds many times, develops endurance and gives strength. It also affects the rapid recovery of the body after heavy loads. "Methane" (Danabol) - reviews of many athletes indicate this fact - supplies bone tissue with the necessary trace elements, which contributes to the strength of bones.

It is known that cortisol and testosterone contribute to the activation of the muscular system. However, excessive accumulation of cortisol can cause destruction of muscle fibers. Methandienone almost completely eliminates this process, blocking the harmful effects of the hormone, and enhances the flow of blood to the muscle fibers, while ensuring the maximum oxygen supply of the latter.

It should be noted that as a result of taking the full course of the drug, muscle mass gain in the volume of 8-12 kg is achieved, but after the end of the use of "Danabol", its loss is observed. This is due to the fact that "Methane" (the second name of the drug used in the athletes' environment) provokes the accumulation of fluids in the body and the delay in their withdrawal. Nevertheless, the use of methandienone in combination with various anabolic steroids gives a noticeable result in the creation of relief and elasticity of muscles.

The effect of the drug on the athlete's body

In combination with some drugs, "Danabol" (reviews of many powerlifters confirm the effectiveness of its use) promotes the buildup of muscle mass after intense physical exertion in the process of heavy training. The drug not only gives significant strength to the athlete, but also strengthens the musculoskeletal system. In addition, in combination with such synergies as "Deca", "Danabol" (reviews of athletes emphasize the effectiveness of joint use of drugs) significantly accelerates the process of increasing the "dry" mass of muscle fibers.

Methandienone prevents the outflow of fluid from the joints, so that the pain sensations associated with microdamaging tissues disappear as a result of lifting large weights during training. What other effect can you expect from such a tool as "Danabol"? Experts say that it contributes to the increased production of glycogen, so the body quickly restores, feeling tired. In addition, under the influence of the components of the steroid, there is a rapid burning of fatty tissue, so external changes in the external relief of the muscles will not take long.

How to properly take "Danabol". detailed instructions

"Danabol" (reviews of beginning athletes, heavyweights and experienced bodybuilders confirm the effectiveness of the drug for muscle mass gain) is recommended to take the course for 6 weeks. The disintegration time of the active component of methandienone is 3-4 hours. In this regard, it is recommended to take the drug half an hour after a meal.

During the first week, take 20 mg of the drug daily. From the second week the amount is increased to 3 tablets per day (30 mg). Experienced athletes can increase the dosage to 50 mg (with an athlete's total weight of 100 kg). It is allowed to increase the daily dose to 100 mg for professionals, which should be controlled by an experienced trainer or sports doctor.

Beginners can recommend a 5-week course "Danabol" solo. The reviews of many athletes indicate the fact that during the period of taking the drug according to this scheme it is possible to gain 6-7 kg of muscles. But very often, Methane is drunk with Proviron. This drug reduces the risk of losing weight at the end of the course, the muscles become elastic and embossed, remaining so for a long time. "Proviron" is usually taken during the course of 1 tablet from 2 to 4 weeks.

It is not recommended to use "Danabol" (the review of many doctors indicates the seriousness of this comment) for more than 10 weeks, as this can lead to addiction. In addition, in the future, the muscles no longer respond to the effects of methandienone, the work of the liver may be disrupted, and the increase in muscle mass is not observed.

About the diet of an athlete taking a steroid course

To achieve the desired results, it is not enough to adhere to the correct administration of the drug. In addition, a special diet is needed that will allow the athlete to maintain the body in a tonus and supply it with the necessary energy reserve. To do this, it is recommended to eat protein foods with a high content of calories. In addition, many powerlifters and coaches on power sports recommend using food protein supplements, creatine and essential amino acids. All this in a complex provides the necessary level of energy for the siloviki, as well as the building material for the cells, since methandienone significantly enhances their metabolism.

Scheme of simultaneous administration of "Danabol" and "Stanozolol"

Experienced powerlifters advise beginning athletes to apply the scheme "Danabol" - "Stanozolol" (reviews of many bodybuilders indicate the effectiveness of joint intake of these drugs), which allows you to quickly build the desired relief and gain muscle mass. In addition, there is practically no fat deposition and fluid retention. This scheme has proven itself as a first course for beginners and allows you to gain from 6 to 10 kg of "dry" muscle mass.

The cost of packing the oral drug "Danabol" (100 tablets of 10 mg) is 650 rubles. The price of "Stanozolol" (similar packaging) - 800 rubles. Below is a table of taking drugs under the scheme "Danabol" - "Stanozolol".

Steroid drug

1 Week/

Amount per day, mg

2week /

Amount per day, mg

3 weeks /

Amount per day, mg

4 weeks /

Amount per day, mg

5 week /

Amount per day, mg

"Danabol" 20 thirty thirty thirty thirty
"Stanozolol" 20 thirty thirty thirty thirty

Steroid intake rate according to the scheme "Danabol", "Stanozolol" and "Tamoxifen"

Reception of oral steroids according to the scheme "Danabol", "Stanozolol", "Tamoxifen" (reviews about the course left by different athletes are ambiguous, since in this case there is quite a large load on the liver, although in general people are happy with the result) is carried out within 25 days (Each remedy), followed by mandatory restorative therapy. It is carried out through the use of "Tamoxifen" for 37 days, which normalizes the body's own production of testosterone. The table below will allow you to get acquainted with the features of taking medications under this scheme.

A drug 1-25 days, dosage 26-50 day, dosage 51-53 day, dosage 54-87 day, dosage
"Danabol" 4 tablets / day every 4 hours - - -
"Stanozolol" - 4 tablets / day every 4 hours - -
"Tamoxifen" (post-course therapy) - - 1 tablet in the morning / 1 at night 1 tablet in the morning

What side effects can be caused by the reception of "Danabol"

What can lead to taking an oral steroid "Danabol"? Side effects (reviews of satisfied athletes refute the harmful effects of the drug on the body) can be observed in humans only in the case of deviation from the recommended course of intake norms. The drug can affect the work of the liver and cause pain. It is not recommended to use the remedy for people suffering from kidney disease and liver failure. In addition, taking steroids in excess of the normal can lead to the development of gynecomastia (an increase in mammary glands in men). Therefore, post-course therapy with such a tool as "Tamoxifen" is so important.

External side effects can occur in alopecia (in rare cases), and in women - in increased hair growth. In addition, acne and copious secretion of sebum can be observed, resulting in the skin becoming oily. When these symptoms appear, it is recommended to take an additional anti-estrogens. It is also advisable to consult a trainer or doctor who may advise you to take a less aggressive "Nandrolone". This drug costs about 540 rubles.

The course of reception according to the scheme "Danabol" and "Deca"

Quite popular and effective is the scheme, which foresees the use of the drug "Danabol Balkan" (reviews of specialists in power sports indicate a positive dynamics in the development of muscle mass and its effect on the body as a whole) and "Deca Durabolina."

Using drugs under this scheme allows for a short time to build up a "dry" muscle mass. Admission of steroids lasts for 6 weeks, while the athlete must take 40 mg (4 tablets) of "Danabol" daily and 1 time per week, the "Deca" means, the amount of which is 250 ml. At the 6th week there is a daily application of "Stanozolol" in the amount of 40 mg. To reduce the production of the peptide hormone prolactin, which affects sexual function, it is recommended that every 4 th day, after 2 weeks of taking the course, drink 0.25 mg of "Caberolgin". Restorative therapy involves taking Clomid 50 mg for 25 days.

Recommendations for beginning athletes on taking steroid drugs

According to many athletes, "Danabol" has established itself as an effective drug that contributes to the increase in pure muscle mass, which, with strict adherence to the rules of reception, does not cause side effects and addiction. It is recommended to adhere strictly to the manufacturer's dosage and not to increase the amount of the drug at your discretion.

During the course, you should stick to the protein diet and minimize the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates. In order to avoid loss of muscle weight, after the end of taking steroid drugs, it is necessary to discuss with the trainer or doctor the possibility of taking such drugs as "Nolvadex" or "Clomid", which also contribute to the outflow of the accumulating liquid.

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