
The meaning of the phrase "permanent state", cases of use, synonyms

Fashionable women of the mid-twentieth century finally had the opportunity to acquire curls, even if by nature their hair was straight. "Chic!" - as Ellotchka the ogre would say. Women have always dreamed of changing their appearance. Curls add volume to the hair, create a feminine and cute image. Since the time of the ancient Greeks and up to the twentieth century, women have walked for the sake of fluffy curls on great sacrifices. We slept on hard metal or wooden sticks (they were called curlers), knit from strands of flagellum-papillot. And finally, the household chemical industry pleased the beauties with a breakthrough in the field of hair care. The procedure was called the magic transformation of straight curls into curly permanent. Until the hair grew, they retained this property without additional stitching with forceps. Such permanent hair condition became synonymous with chemical wave. And in what other cases can this word combination be used? What are its synonyms and antonyms?

Etymology of the term

Like many other words from the realm of science, the term "permanent state" came to us from the Latin language, fostering Russian suffixes and endings. Many researchers even tend to believe that the root of the term is of ancient Aryan origin - men in the pre-Indo-European dialect means "to stay." A Latin verb permanere formed from the confluence of two words: "per" (for, through) and "manēre" (last). Thus, it is not difficult to guess what it means to be "permanent". This epithet is endowed with something that lasts for a rather long, significant period, almost forever. But nevertheless there is a nuance. Long - does not mean forever, and this is the difference between the Latin words "permanent" and "aeterno", "perpetuum". The last two terms define something really lasting: in scholasticism, for example, God.

Cases of use in the beauty industry

What is the use of this term? We already mentioned the chemical wave. Hair retains curly hair until it grows. Also distinguish between permanent and temporary tattoo. The first one is kept for a minimum of several years, because the dye is injected under the skin. A temporary tattoo is just a drawing of henna, which is washed off after two weeks. In this vein, it becomes clear what "permanent makeup" means. As in the tattoo, the dye (highly disperse pigment) is injected into the upper layer of the epidermis. But it does not create a picture, but an imitation of the usual make-up. With him you can at least in the sauna, even in the bath. Cry in three eyes - makeup will not float. However, such a dye burns in the sun, hence, it is not eternal. However, chemists are now working on finding a pigment that would be resistant to the influence of the vernal environment, would not be rejected and would not dissolve in the body.

The revolution has a beginning ...

The term "permanent state" is used not only in chemistry or cosmetology. He took on his arms and such a serious science as political science. Still classics of Marxism put forward the theory of a permanent, permanent revolution. Once started in one of the underdeveloped peripheral countries of the world, it will not abate until all the proletarians on the globe overthrow the exploiting classes. The theory was supported and Vladimir Lenin. He supplemented it with the thesis that in Russia this bourgeois-democratic upheaval will grow into a socialist revolution. A striking adherent of this theory of the victorious march of the specter of communism across the planet was Lev Trotsky. It was shared not only by the theorists of Marxism (Ernest Mandel, Livio Maytan, Joseph Hansen and Michael Levy), but also by Western Social Democrats.

The term in economics, psychology, agriculture

The permanent state is not only in the revolutionary masses, but also in a single individual. Constant nervous tension, an overabundance of information, insufficient sleep plunges a person into a state of stress. Sometimes this mood is so long that psychologists call it permanent. And if a single adrenaline rush into the blood is even beneficial to the body, then life in constant stress leads to depression and nervous illnesses. In the sphere of economics, the term is used in the notion of "permanent costs". This is the finance that goes to the workers' salaries, taxes, rent of space, depreciation of equipment. That is, those costs that occur regularly. Permanent crop is a relatively new type of farming. It consists in planning the cultivated land in such a way that it does not deplete the ecosystem, but maintain a balance in it, that is, use nature for a long time.

Synonyms and antonyms

Well, in colloquial speech, what is a "permanent state"? It is something unceasing, never-ending, permanent, ongoing. We can say that in the years of the Soviet Union there was a permanent deficit. The same epithet can be given a constant shortage of money. Or an alcoholic who is permanently drunk. But you can not tell about a chronic illness - long periods of remission exclude permanent. Synonyms for this term are also the words "methodical", "uninterrupted", "continuous", "never-ending", "persistent" and "constant". Whereas the antonyms of "permanence" are "occasionally," "sometimes," "from time to time," "from case to case."

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