EducationSecondary education and schools

The main types of oral speech (2nd class). What kinds of oral speech are there?

Each person can speak with the help of oral speech with rare exception. Thanks to communication, people can express their experiences and feelings, tell about the vital, exciting. Oral speech allowed a person to rise to the highest level of civilization. In the scientific literature one can find an uncountable number of grounds for the classification of oral speech. In general, the study of language as a means of communication is necessary for understanding the deep processes that occur in the mind of a person in verbal interaction with other people. After all, the process of acquiring speech skills goes unconsciously and naturally. The school program gives the task of acquainting students with the theory of oral speech. Later, this linguistic problem is studied by students of philological specialties. This article is devoted to the typology of the sounding form of language.

Number of interlocutors

To begin with, consider the simplest types of oral speech. Second grade of the school in accordance with the educational program acquainted with the concepts of dialogue and monologue. This classification has as its basis the number of participants in the communication process. So, these words have the same part "-log", which is translated from Greek as "word", "meaning," speech. " Taking the origin from the same language part of "mono" means "one". Thus, a monologue is a speech of one individual, which is addressed either to himself or to an audience. In turn, part of the "di-" in Greek means "two". Therefore, dialogue is the interchange of messages between two interlocutors. In this case, each of them is a monologue. The meaning of the dialogue is to change the replicas.

When answering the question, what kinds of oral speech are, people often only call these most common definitions. However, another similar type of communication is the polylogue. "Poly-" means "a lot". Here we are talking about the presence of two or more interlocutors.

The nature of the pronunciation

What other types of oral speech are there? 2 class studies the classification of direct communication, based not only on the number of interlocutors. Another reason for classifying the language is the beauty and sublimity of his syllable. On the basis of this criterion, there were such basic types of oral speech as pre-literary, literary and sounding in the text. First, consider the first language type.

Simple communication

As you know, people first learned to make sounds and only then - to represent signs. Initially, speech only existed orally. The pre-literate language nowadays mainly includes everyday communication, which will never be fixed on the letter and in essence there is no need for a sign prototype. This includes various kinds of oral talks, stories written on the move, rumors repeatedly transmitted. The theory of linguistics relates rumor, dialogue and folklore to the most common forms of pre-written speech. The basis for their selection is the number of messages played. Thus, rumor is reproduced only once. The main purpose of this type of speech is to convey certain information to each member of the conversation. Such a message ceases to exist immediately after it reaches all the interlocutors, since its repeated reproduction is not necessary. The prohibition of reproduction can be violated, but then the rumor begins to exist in another form - in the form of gossips, which are misinforming.

We already considered pre-written speech in the form of a dialogue, but in this classification it is used somewhat in a different meaning. Here attention is paid not to the number of interlocutors, but to the number of reproductions and the semantic load of the text. Dialogue in this sense is considered as a certain set of statements of different subjects on the same topic. As a rule, texts are reproduced only once, because even in case of a questioning, the interlocutor, repeating the previously pronounced phrase, changes the intonation or order of words.

And finally, folklore is a pre-written form of speech, which is characterized by repeated repetition. In contrast to rumor, folklore is a cultural treasure, its texts are well preserved for many years. This type can include folk tales, legends.

Literary texts

We considered pre-written speech as the first of the types of messages depending on the nature of the spoken language. Now let's turn to the literary language. Here there is far from everyday communication. This kind of speech is characterized as sublime, literate. Initially, literary texts are fixed on paper and have a very distant relation to verbal communications. But then they learn and turn into sound. It is thanks to such a complex procedure of creating the resulting texts get their ideal state. There are such literary types of oral speech in Russian as rhetoric and homiletics. Let us consider them in more detail.


This kind of literary oral text is a speech of a person to a certain audience, which affects the vital life themes of listeners. However, the speaker does not have the opportunity to establish a dialogue with his audience. He is forced to say everything he wants in one speech. An example of rhetorical statements is judicial speech. For example, a lawyer in his last statement has the opportunity to demonstrate his oratorical skills and express his personal vision of the situation, but he can not ask questions to those present. Listeners respond to the words of the defender immediately, internally agreeing with him or not taking his point of view. Thus, the oratorics are in essence a monologic speech.


When answering the question, what kinds of oral speech (literary) exist, it is impossible not to mention this type of utterance. In comparison with the oratorics homiletics is more like a dialogue. Despite the fact that there is also a preparation for the oral statement, however, the rhetorician does not have to express all that is desired in one message. As a rule, he breaks the text into certain portions for the greatest impact on the listeners. Such statements have a greater impact on the education of the public. Answering the question, what kinds of oral speech are there, it is necessary to mention the ecclesiastical, propagandistic and educational genre of homiletics.

Pastoral Word

This kind of homiletics is aimed at influencing listeners, in particular, on their feelings and will. The church variety of homiletics exists in the forms of preaching, interview and confession. The first speech is a detailed account of some sacred truths. The preacher in his statement addresses the people with the purpose of actualizing the already existing knowledge of people, increasing their importance, emphasizing their importance. The interview, in turn, is a kind of test of the assimilation by the public of the truths that were presented at the sermon. The last stage is confession. After repentance, the priest, assessing the degree of fulfillment in practice of people's prescriptions, also makes a speech that is called upon to influence a person for the purpose of favorable changes in his soul.

Educational process

Homiletics permeates the whole system of education. The main forms of communication between the teacher and students are lectures, seminars and test / exam. They can easily be compared with the varieties of communication between the pastor and the believers discussed above. Lecture, as well as a sermon, is designed to cover important questions and explain them to listeners. However, unlike the church homiletics, which involves pronouncing statements known to the public to increase their relevance, the teaching involves communicating the audience to new, previously unknown information.

Now let's compare the next stage of educational communication, a seminar, with an interview. A practical lesson with trainees is also conducted to check the degree and quality of their mastery of knowledge. Finally, the exam is a kind of confession, where the teacher assesses students' perception of the truths that were presented to them in lectures.

Propaganda statements

The speech of the rhetorician, aimed at disseminating and advertising certain information, consists of previously known truths combined with new ones. Thus, the propaganda homiletics is a combination of church and teaching.

Now consider the forms of existence of such texts. The first of these is propaganda (activities to transfer certain knowledge). The second stage is agitation, where the rhetorician justifies the transition from pondering to active action. Finally, the third form of propaganda homiletics is advertising, which has an effect that controls the effectiveness of agitation.

Scoring of written text

Not always a person who wants to say aloud written, learns it. After all, you can, for example, read. By the way, the literary appearance and sound of the text are types of oral speech, approaching the written language. In view of the fixation of these kinds of statements on paper, they represent literate and logically constructed texts. As mentioned earlier, scoring can occur in the form of a simple reading. With this form of expression, as a rule, the text is simply pronounced, without necessarily using certain intonations and facial expressions. Studying the types of oral speech, the 2nd class of students encounters a linguistic term such as recitation. This reading is not a simple reproduction of the letter, but an expressive, even pompous, rhythmic sounding, as a rule, of works of art (more often poetry).

Readiness degree

There is one more reason for the typology of verbal texts. So, answering the question, what are the types of oral speech, the 2nd class, based on the knowledge gained, can lead to the classification of speech depending on the degree of its preparedness. Most often the utterances uttered by us are characterized by spontaneity and are formed gradually, in the process of communication. Unprepared forms and forms of oral speech are constantly encountered, because each person contacts with other representatives of the society not once a day. It is the household communication that can not be thought out in advance, therefore, speech errors, pauses, the use of simple sentences and the most common words are more common here. In turn, the prepared speech (for example, the report) is characterized by the presence of a pre-conceived and logically constructed structure.

Paying attention to all the information given in this article, you can bring the following types of oral speech: dialogue and monologue; Prepared and unprepared; Pre-written, a statement on the text and literary.

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