
The formation of a centralized Russian state: prerequisites, features, milestones

The final collapse of Russia in 1132 was inevitable. The development of feudal society always leads to this. This in itself is not a negative phenomenon for the society of the corresponding epoch. Of course, the lessons of history in school, as well as the study of ancient literature, instill in the descendants a negative shade of fragmentation. Suffice it to recall some of the authors who "reconciled" the princes, warned them about the danger of fragmentation of the state. However, this process, on the contrary, leads to the development of the periphery, the flowering of culture, the productive forces in every land. The fragmentation "squeezes" out of the appanage principalities before they unite into a stronger state with a single market.

The fragmentation coincides with the invasion

The formation of a centralized Russian state was not rapid, despite all the prerequisites. All the blame - the invasion in the 30-ies of the 13th century by hordes of Mongol-Tatars. Their expansion pushed the formation of the centralized Russian state for several centuries, and the specific centers of Russia from powerful rich cities turned into seedy villages. The princely administration ceased to take care of the territories entrusted to them during the Mongol occupation. Its main task is to collect in time a tribute to the conquerors, while not forgetting about themselves. The stronger the principality became, the more dangerous it was in the eyes of the Mongols.

Forgotten "feats" of Alexander Nevsky

The history of this time includes several cases of total destruction of entire cities, who dared to rebel against the power of the khans. The most remarkable thing is that such conspiracies were "drowned in blood" by the Russian princes. One of the main accomplices of the Mongols is our "defender" of faith Alexander Nevsky. Several times, on orders from the khans, he personally led punitive expeditions against the insurgents. However, it was Alexander Nevsky who started a new dynasty, with which the unification of Russian lands around Moscow is connected.

Prerequisites for the formation of the Russian centralized state

The former Russia could not but unite in a single state. This was facilitated by:

  • Single language.
  • Common faith.
  • Joint traditions, laws.
  • Unified measure of account.
  • Family ties, etc.

Development of agriculture

While the development of the productive forces does not reach a peak in the regions, it is too early to talk about unification. But from the beginning of the 14th century active economic cooperation between the once united lands begins. The reason for this is the intensive development of agriculture.

The Earth has already learned to live under oppression. However, do not forget that the "Mongolian cap" reliably protected against large-scale wars and invasions. Peaceful development led to the fact that the once empty territories began to develop again. In addition, the invaders showed new industries that had not previously been mastered by Rusichi, livestock and horse breeding. There was an economic regionalization, without which active economic interaction would be simply useless. Therefore, the formation of a centralized Russian state was influenced by the need to create a single market. But most of all it was necessary for the big feudal lords. The largest of them was the church. It will be discussed further.

The role of the church

Belongs to the enormous role of the church in the formation of the Russian centralized state. This is due to the fact that during the Mongol-Tatar invasion the invaders did not touch it. On the contrary, they gave her complete freedom and independence. The wisdom of the Mongols does not know analogues in history - they never changed the conquered peoples. Being, as a rule, lower in cultural and technical development than conquered peoples, the Mongol-Tatars tried to adopt all the significant results of their development. However, even what they did not need was preserved: religion, literature, art. Only political liberties were limited. As for economic and cultural development, it gave full freedom of choice, if only "time" was paid in time.

By adopting Islam, the Horde did not once raise the question of infringement of Orthodoxy in Russia and the imposition of another religion. They understood that for a common man tribute is a common thing. It does not matter where it goes - to Kiev or to the Shed. However, an attempt on faith, on the soul - with this man could not be reconciled. Life was perceived as a temporary refuge before eternal bliss. Try to change this - and Russian people will die in the fight against the invaders.

The occupation of Russia leads to the rise of the church

For this reason, the church in Russia not only did not die out, but, on the contrary, became rich. She was given an empty land, which was ruined by war and devastation. In addition, the church was a powerful feudal lord. Offended and oppressed people ran to it. Here they were sheltered, sheltered, but obliged to work for its good. Conditions, of course, are much softer than those of ordinary feudal lords. The church was exempted from paying the obligatory Mongolian "exit", and the holy fathers were more modest than the secular aristocrats.

The growing power of the feudal lords required a single state

The power of monasteries and large feudal lords required a single state to legislatively consolidate its privileged position not in every single principality but in a single vast territory with a powerful administrative apparatus. Therefore, the church was the first feudal lord to support the unification of Russian lands around Moscow. It is the move here from Vladimir, which is one for all Russian lands of the metropolitan, long before its rise allows such conclusions to be drawn.

The creation of a single state: the first stage (the end of the 13th century - 1462)

The creation of a centralized Russian state took place in several stages. At first the question of the future capital was decided. Today it is hard to believe in this, but the formation of a centralized Russian state could have occurred under the flag of Tver, and not of Moscow, since it had much more chances for this:

  • Advantageous geographical position;
  • A large center;
  • Initial support for khans;
  • Economic and military power.

Weakness is the main advantage

However, the peculiarities of the formation of the Russian centralized state are that the above-mentioned advantages in the struggle for leadership often turned into shortcomings. The Khans were suspicious of such centers. First they disarmed the city of Vladimir, making it only a nominal center. Recall that the main title in Russia was called "Grand Duke of Vladimir." With him, Russian princes received a shortcut to the administrative leadership in all cities. However, the city of Vladimir itself became a village, as the Mongols watched the impossibility of its elevation. They feared that he could become the banner of the liberation struggle against the khans.

Winners are not judged

At the first son of Alexander Nevsky Daniil Alexandrovich (1282-1303 gg.), Only the surrounding villages within a radius of 40 km left Moscow. However, the descendants of the winner of the Germans and Swedes over 80 years have done, perhaps, everything that is possible: they have become related to the khan, accumulated money, bought up all the free boyar estates in other principalities, moved the metropolitan's residence to himself, and brutally suppressed the uprising in Tver against Khan, having equalized this city with the earth.

First resistance

By 1380, believing in their strength, Prince Dmitry decided to give resistance to the Horde. Of course, whatever the chronicles and the Old Russian writers said, the battle on the Kulikovo Field was not against the Khan, but against one of the Horde Murza - Mamai. Speaking modern language, "upstart", which had no legitimate power in the whole Horde. But in itself the fact of disobedience gave rise to the fact that already the official Khan Tokhtamysh 2 years later, in 1382, personally took part in the campaign against Moscow and burned it to the ground. History textbooks talk a lot about the Kulikovo battle, its significance, its victory. However, only two lines in them mention punitive reprisals against the Russians after this event.

Unification does not stop

In addition to the battle with the Golden Horde, Dmitry Donskoi continued the formation of a centralized Russian state. To Dmitrov, Uglich, Starodub, Kostroma, and Beloozero were joined to Moscow.

By the end of the 14th century, the first steps have been taken to join the Novgorod Republic. However, even to secure the right to the Dvina land can not. Novgorod is a serious richest shopping center not only in Russia but also in the world. Huge finances allowed her to give any rebuff to the invaders. Only later, after joining all the lands that supplied grain for the freedom-loving republic, Moscow, with the help of blackmail and economic blockade, breached the defensive in Novgorod. The dependence of Novgorod on grain played a cruel joke with the republic.

The final stage

The final stage of the association is attributed to 1462-1533 - from the reign of Ivan III (1462-1505) until the end of the reign of his son Vasily III (1505-1533). After them, a single state will exist peacefully only under Ivan the Terrible. If, of course, this time can be called peaceful. After that there will come a long period of Time of Troubles and interventions.

The formation of the Russian centralized state (14th-15th centuries) is associated with the following major events:

  • Overthrow of the Horde yoke.
  • Joining Tver.
  • The annexation of Novgorod.

After the overthrow of the Horde in 1480, there was no longer any force capable of hindering such a process as the formation of a centralized Russian state.

Chronology of accession

  • 1478 - Ivan III by force joins Novgorod. Moscow is doubling in size.
  • 1485 - the main political enemy of Moscow - Tver - finally joins.
  • 1489 - Vyatka land with a large non-Russian population.
  • 1510 - Pskov, which disconnected in its time from Novgorod. After that, the annexation of the latter remained only a matter of time.
  • 1514 - Moscow during the war with Lithuania recaptures the ancient Russian city of Smolensk. This city in the future will still become a stumbling block in the foreign policy of the Russian state and lead to constant wars with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
  • 1521 - formally joins Ryazan, although in fact long ago the Moscow princes dragged to their side all the Ryazan boyars.

I want to say that Muscovy, as it was then called our country, was the largest in Europe. But the formation and development of the Russian centralized state were not peaceful. The processes were accompanied by constant wars, bribery, executions, treachery.

The formation of a centralized Russian state. The policy of Ivan III and Vasily III

After the unification process, the policy of enslaving the peasants began. Actually, what the feudal lords sought, including the church. It was in the foretaste of Ivan III of 1497 that for the first time a restriction of the right to leave the peasants from the landlords was fixed. Of course, until the end of the nut was not twisted, but the very limitations were already a serious shock. So far, peasants were allowed to move one week before St. George's Day, the end of November, and one week later, in early December. However, the Code of Law of 1550 by Ivan the Terrible will also repeal this rule. From here comes the saying: "Here's to you, grandmother, and Yuryev's day," which rightly reflects the initial mistrust at its introduction.

Rules for the transition

As for the terms of the transition, everything is logical here. The cycle of agricultural work was limited. If the workers leave the landowner in the middle of the cycle, then it will turn into ruin for him. There were two innovations during the transition:

  • Short term, equal to two weeks of autumn.
  • The need to pay the "elderly".

The last point means that the peasant did not have the right just to get away from the feudal lord. It was necessary to pay for the workers' hands plus for the rest, that is, for living in the house. If the employee occupied the yard for more than four years, then he was obliged to pay the full cost of the new building.

Thus, the formation of a single state led to the beginning of the enslavement of peasants on the ground, as an administrative opportunity appeared to control their movements.

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