Education, History
The foreign policy of Peter 1
Russia's relations with other countries in the early 18th century were particularly active. The foreign policy of Peter the Great was conducted in two directions: Asian and European. It wore as a peaceful character and was resolved diplomatically, as well as military.
The foreign policy of Peter the Great in the Asian direction was primarily concerned with opening the exit through the Black Sea. To this end, the Azov campaigns were organized , which resulted in the capture of the stronghold of the Ottomans, the fortress of Azov. In the south, Russia's borders have become safer because of the opportunity to attack the Crimea from the sea. The active construction of the port of Taganrog began. However, in the power of the Ottoman Empire the Kerch Strait was located, which means that the outlet through it to the Black Sea remained closed. Russia had neither the navy nor the finance to create it to enter the war with Turkey. Then Peter 1 introduced a new filing: each kumpanstvo (it combined 10 000 yards) was to build for the state a ship for their money. On one of these ships, the Russian ambassador went to Constantinople to negotiate. The Sultan was supportive and concluded in 1700 a peace treaty, for which Azov remained behind Russia.
Domestic and foreign policy of Peter 1 was manifested in his desire to use the achievements of the West. He could not do without the knowledge of European experts in the construction of the fleet and the formation of the army. But also Peter 1 could not allow his country to remain completely ignorant of these issues. Therefore, the hopeful nobles were sent to study the sciences abroad. And the Tsar himself soon made his first trip to the West.
He sent a grand embassy to Europe with the goal of gaining allies in the struggle against Turkey. The Tsar himself was among the members of the embassy, hiding under a false name. He not only participated in the negotiations, but also studied martial arts, shipbuilding, worked at shipyards as a carpenter, visited many famous places in England.
At that time, the Western powers were busy preparing for war for the legacy of Spain and could not help Russia in the war with Turkey. For this reason, the foreign policy of Peter the Great reoriented from the Asian to the European direction.
To enter a new war, Russia entered into an armistice with the Ottoman Empire for 30 years. This was the main condition of the Northern Alliance, which also included Denmark and Saxony. Most of all in this war was interested in Augustus II, King of Poland. He sought to seize Livland, and Russia promised to return to support the Karelia and Ingermanland, once selected for support. The pretext for declaring war by Russia was the insult caused earlier to Peter 1 in Riga.
Although Charles XII and August II were defeated, the Russian tsar managed to seize several fortresses and pave the way to the Baltic.
In 1710 Turkey, despite the signed ceasefire, interferes in the war. As a result of military operations with the Ottoman Empire, Russia had to return the fortress of Azov to her and destroy Taganrog. But, thanks to these actions, the Turks again concluded a truce, and the king could only deal with the Swedes. The Russian fleet continued to strengthen in the Baltic. This worried Sweden very much. The resumption of negotiations between the two countries led to the conclusion of peace. According to its conditions, Russia received additional territories and open access to the sea. She became a great power in Europe, as a sign of which the Russian tsar was proclaimed emperor.
After such a success, the foreign policy of Peter the Great was now directed to the organization of the Caspian expedition to strengthen the positions of the empire in Transcaucasia.
After the political actions undertaken by the emperor, Russia underwent fundamental changes. The results of Peter's foreign policy are not only free access to the sea. The patriarchal country suddenly suddenly became a European power, taking part in all international processes.
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