
Description and History of Voronezh

On May 7, 2007, Russia officially announced the introduction of the City of Military Glory. On February 16, 2008, Voronezh was also awarded this title. The history of the city for children and adults who live there today is a story about their heroic fathers and grandfathers, who for four centuries took an active part in the events that took place in our country. In addition, from it you can get interesting information about people who have done much to give the city its modern, young and attractive appearance.

Voronezh: the history of the name of the city

In connection with the etymology of the toponym "Voronezh", to date, there is no more or less clearly argued hypothesis, although systematic studies in this area have been conducted for more than a century and a half. In particular, in the 19th century the Russian linguist-Slavist I. Sreznevsky believed that it originated from the name of the bird "Raven". Somewhat later, this point of view was supported by the German linguist M. Fasmer.

In 1947, the Leningrad explorer A. Popov suggested that the geographical name "Voronezh" is associated with the Mordovian word "vir", which translates as a forest. This hypothesis provoked controversy, and she found both supporters and opponents.

In 1971, V. Zagorovsky in a monograph devoted to ancient Voronezh and its history, suggested that the toponym is associated with the name "Voroneg" which has not yet been revealed.

An interesting hypothesis was put forward by the local historian J. Mulkidjanian, who suggested the connection of the city name with the word "varu", which, in Iranian language, sounds as wide.

In 2009, A. Lazarev suggested using the "nominalistic method" of M. Mueller to determine the mythoepic "ancestors" of the hypothetical hero Voroneg. In addition, he supported the consideration of the etymological relationship of the hydronyms Vranje (Serbia), Crow (Russia), Varna (Bulgaria), Varna (Germany), etc. from the point of view of their origin from the Indo-European root meaning "water". Here is a story of the name of the city of Voronezh.

Briefly for her children do not usually tell, limiting, as a rule, mention of the version that Voronezh is a combination of the words "gates" and "onega".

The first written mentions

The history of the city of Voronezh, according to some historians, begins long before 1177. This is evidenced by the chronicle, which mentions the battle of the Vladimir and Ryazan princes, which ended in the escape of Yaropolk of Ryazan to the settlement "Voronozh". In addition, in the memoirs of the outstanding European medieval traveler monk Julian, written in 1235, there is a record that the third part of the army of Khan Batu stopped against the Don river next to the castle that belonged to the "principality of the Russians." Researchers, whose subject is the history of the city of Voronezh, believe that it is about him. Another chronicle record about this settlement dates back to 1284. There, when describing the massacre of the Tatars with the inhabitants of the Kursk Principality, the "Voronezh forests" are mentioned.


Description and history of the city of Voronezh are of great interest to tourists who want to visit it. However, there is still no consensus on how many years there is Voronezh. The history of the city is officially calculated since 1585. The basis is the entry in the Discharge Order, according to which the "departure of Ryazan boardwain's wives ... to the new city of Voronezh" must be made. Around the same time, the construction of the fortress begins there. The leadership of its construction was entrusted to the first Voronezh governor Semyon Saburov. Peasants from the cities of Pereslavl Ryazan, Dankov, Ryazhsk, as well as carpenters, archers and other servicemen were sent to build a new city.

In the 16th century

In 1590 Voronezh (the history of the city in previous centuries is known badly enough) was destroyed by the Kaniv Circassians. The reason for his early recovery historians believe that the settlement was on a lively trade route, in the confluence of the rivers Voronezh and the Don. It was this reason that served the further development of the city.

In the middle of the 16th century, trade in Voronezh reached a large size, but soon in southern Russia Ostrogozhsky Circassians began to build new cities, entitled to duty-free trade and shredding. Voronezh was deprived of such privileges, so his economic prosperity was seriously threatened.

Events of the early 17th century

The economy of the medieval Voronezh was also undermined by the events that took place in the Time of Troubles. The fact is that the famine, caused by a crop failure in the central regions of the Moscow state, caused their inhabitants to flee to the south. As a result, several thousand people were homeless and without means of subsistence in Voronezh. This led to a shortage of food in the city, and "the last straw in the cup of patience" was the so-called tithe service, which was introduced by Boris Godunov. As a result, the residents supported False Dmitry First, and then refused to obey Shuisky. Some time later, in 1610, the Voronezhs received False Dmitry II, who was preparing a shelter in Voronezh, gathering food and weapons there. However, he could not use them, since he was killed on December 22.

Before the Peter's era

The further history of the city (Voronezh, the year of foundation - 1585) was marked by numerous uprisings. So, in 1648, the townspeople unsuccessfully tried to get rid of the power of the governor Vasily Gryazny, and in 1670-1671 they took an active part in the Peasant War, which was led by Stepan Razin. This was facilitated by the circumstance that the native uncle of the ataman lived in the city. However, the local voevoda managed to prevent rebellion in the city, and the Tsar's troops, led by voevoda G. Romanovsky, could finally suppress the mutiny around Voronezh.

In the late 17th century

The statistics of the population and the history of the city of Voronezh have been more or less accurately monitored and documented since the second half of the 17th century. In particular, it is known that in 1677 there were more than 300 scribes, towns and peasants' households, as well as 15 churches, of which 3 were monastic.

In 1682 the Voronezh diocese was formed, the first head of which was Bishop Mitrofan. In addition, it is known that in 1683 the strength of the Voronezh Regiment was 1,099 soldiers, of which 580 were from the city itself and from the surrounding villages.

Under Peter the Great

In 1696-1725 Voronezh occupied lands on the right bank of the river of the same name in the area of the modern Admiralty Square. In 1696-1722, Peter the Great repeatedly visited the city, having spent there, in total, more than 500 days. In this period, Voronezh at times became virtually the capital of the Russian state. In particular, it was there that in 1699 the most important allied treaty was signed with Denmark.

In general, the history of the city of Voronezh could have been quite different, except for Peter the First, who decided to start building a navy there. It was built for operations on the Black and Azov Seas against Turkey. The work was so large-scale that even the new shipyards appeared in the shipyards - Pavlovsk and Tavrov. In total, they built about 200 galleys and multi-gun ships. The fleet, built near Voronezh, helped Russia to seize Azov, a powerful Turkish fortress located at the place where the Don flows into the Azov Sea.

In 1711 the city receives the status of provincial and becomes the administrative center of a fairly extensive territorial division of the Azov province. After 14 years, it is renamed Voronezh, but in 1779, during administrative reforms, its dimensions underwent a sharp decline.

In the first half of the 19th century

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first gymnasiums and folk schools opened in Voronezh, and in 1802 the first professional theater began its work there. An interesting event was marked in 1804, when candle lighting was introduced on 9 main streets. The peaceful life of Voronezh violated the invasion of Napoleon. It is known that during the Patriotic War of 1812 the city of the ambassador to the front of 10 regiments of the people's militia.

In the memory of contemporaries, the first half of the 19th century remained due to miracles connected with the incorrupt relics of St. Mitrofan, mentioned by the history of the city (Voronezh). The basis for considering the Metropolitan to be a saint was during his lifetime, however, it was in 1830 that a huge number of believers arrived in Voronezh, who wanted to ask him for intercession. The influx of a large number of believers gave impetus to the development of the epidemic of cholera.

Every day 300-400 people died from this disease in the city. Thanks to the efforts of Governor Begichev, cholera was defeated, and a special hospital with 200 beds was built in Voronezh.

The history of the city (Voronezh in details can be described for a very long time) contains a mention of the arrival of Emperor Nicholas I there. The monarch visited him to participate in the solemn opening of the relics of St. Mitrofan.

Voronezh before the Revolution of 1905

In 1863 a census of population was carried out. The history of the city of Voronezh, which you already know from the moment of its foundation and until the middle of the 19th century, is reported by this event: 38672 people were registered, that is, the population occupied the 12th place in Russia by the number of inhabitants.

In the 1860-1870 years, through the territory of the Voronezh province , railways were laid. Good transport accessibility was the reason for the appearance of large industrial enterprises, and in 1881 the exploitation of the horse railway was started.

On the eve of the new century, the population of Voronezh, according to the census, was 84,100 people. The urban area was mainly located on the right bank of the river of the same name, and 5 slobods adjoined it.

In total there were over 5 500 houses in the city, more than half of them were made of stone.

During the period of revolutionary events and during the Civil War

In the fall of 1905, riots broke out in Voronezh, culminating in the Black Hundred pogrom. In the same year, a rebellion arose in the disciplinary battalion stationed there, which was soon suppressed. Later, in December 1905, a political strike took place in the city.

No less turbulent events began to occur in Voronezh after it became known about the overthrow of the Provisional Government in Petrograd. In particular, as early as October 30, 1917 (according to the old style), Soviet power was established there. In addition, the city of Voronezh (history briefly before the 20th century is presented above) became one of the first cities in which a special unit of the Red Army was formed.

In the pre-war years

The first five-year plans were marked in Voronezh by large-scale works on improvement of the city and modernization of its communal economy. Along with this, in 1926 in Voronezh, long-distance telephone communication was carried out, and a tramway was opened. At about the same time, the city where, according to the data received from the census, there were 120,000 people, became the administrative center of the Central Black Earth region, and several large industrial enterprises were built and put into operation there.

This led to the flow of labor to Voronezh from the surrounding villages, so in 1939 the number of residents exceeded 362,000.

Military years

As in the war with Napoleon, the Voronezhs as one rose to fight against fascism. Already in September 1941, the volunteer regiment went to the front, which became part of the 100th Infantry Division. Subsequently, this military formation was awarded the title of Guards, and it ended the war, liberating the Austrian capital of Vienna, in the spring of 1945. However, long before that the city and its inhabitants were in terrible danger, since in the autumn the Nazis managed to come close to the walls of Voronezh. This event did not break the determination of the inhabitants to protect their small Motherland. This was confirmed by a parade on the main city square on November 7, 1941, held at the direction of the rate.

When talking about Voronezh, the history of the city for children usually does not contain a reference to the horrors that the residents had to endure after the right-bank regions were occupied by the fascists. At the same time, the Soviet troops did not stop trying to beat out the enemy. Thanks to their efforts, on January 25, 1943, Voronezh was released.

It turned out that about 92% of the total housing stock, as well as almost all public buildings, had been destroyed. Although the restoration of Voronezh began immediately after liberation, only by 1950 the face of the city was able to get rid of the scars received during the fighting.

Recent history

Up to perestroika, almost every year new industrial enterprises, including high-tech ones, intended for servicing the space industry were opened in the city.

Voronezh (the history of the name of the city you already know) significantly expanded in the 60s and 70s. As a result, well-equipped microdistricts appeared. A little later, in 1972, the creation of the Voronezh Reservoir was completed. It became a favorite place of rest for the townspeople. However, at the same time, the main sights of Voronezh, the buildings of Peter the Great's Admiralty, the remains of the Temple of the Murderers and the Admiralty Church were lost.

In the stalemate, the city was in the 90's, but today most of the problems have been overcome.

Description of the city today

Since the beginning of the new millennium Voronezh (the history of the city in the names of the streets is reflected quite fully) again began to be actively built up. In particular, modern shopping and entertainment centers and business centers were established there. In recent years, the city's transport system has been restored and modernized. There are many new cinemas, restaurants and cafes, as well as other entertainment facilities, where you can organize your leisure and adults and children.

Modern Voronezh is a city of students, as there operate 36 universities. Among the most famous of them - the State University and the Medical Academy. Burdenko. In them, in addition to the residents of the Russian Federation, about 1,500 foreign students are enrolled, most of whom are citizens of far-abroad countries.

The city of Voronezh is actively improving. In particular, in most of the yards and parks there are playgrounds, beautiful flowerbeds and flower beds, and even in the most remote neighborhoods, evening lighting is organized, which for many years was considered an insoluble problem.

The history of the oldest educational institution in the city of Voronezh

In 1703 a school was opened in Voronezh. It became the first educational institution in the history of the city and the region to train officers of lower ranks. The pupils of the school, who were selected from among the dragoons, received from the capital the first alphabets, letters and arithmetic. The foundation of this educational institution, where only young men and young men could learn, was occupied by FM Apraksin. Initially, there were 90 students and emphasis was mainly on mastering the basics of arithmetic.

The first Voronezh school was able at first to provide the young Russian fleet and shipyards with much needed at that time competent experts in the field of engineering, and went down in history as one of the brainchild of Peter the Great.

Now you know the history of the city of Voronezh. For children, a brief summary of the chronicles of this locality is interesting to imagine quite easily. After all, they contain references to events related to the creation of the Russian fleet and the heroic struggle of the inhabitants of Voronezh during the Great Patriotic War.

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