
The drug "Captopril" from what? Application, Feedback, Price

What is the drug "Captopril", from what it is used and what properties does it have? The answers to all the questions are in the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you how to take this medicine, as well as what side effects and contraindications to use it has.

General information about the medicinal product

The drug "Captopril" in Latin sounds like "Captopril". This medication is a synthetic inhibitor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (or abbreviated as ACE). It is widely used in medical practice for the rapid reduction of blood pressure.

Composition and form of the drug

Medication "Captopril" - from what is this medication prescribed? As a rule, doctors prescribe it to those who constantly suffer from hypertension. The presented medicine goes on sale only in the form of flat-cylindrical tablets, which are placed in a cardboard package. The active component of this drug is captopril. Its content in each tablet is 25 or 50 mg. In one package can be 100, 50, 40, 30, 20 or 10 pieces.

Pharmacological action of the drug

As mentioned above, the capsules "Captopril", the instruction to which is enclosed in a cardboard package, are an inhibitor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (i.e., ACE).

It should be specially noted that the antihypertensive properties of this drug are associated with competitive inhibition of ACE activity, leading to a significant decrease in the rate of conversion of angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2, which is a fairly potent vasoconstrictor component.

After a marked decrease in the concentration of angiotensin 2, the plasma renin activity increases again due to elimination of negative feedback during its release, as well as a direct decrease in the production of aldosterone. In addition, the drug "Captopril", analogues of which are presented below, is able to influence the kinin-kallikrein system, thereby preventing the disintegration of bradykinin.

Due to the vasodilator effect, this drug significantly reduces the overall vascular resistance (peripheral), the pressure of wedging in the capillaries of the lungs and the resistance in their vessels. In addition, it is able to increase the minute volume of the heart muscle and tolerance to the load.

If the drug "Captopril", reviews about which are more positive, take a very long time, then it prevents the development of heart failure, reduces the expressed hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium, and also slows the progression of dilatation.

Among other things, this drug is able to prevent the progression of diabetic nephropathy, lower the tone of the arterioles carrying out the glomeruli of the kidneys and significantly improve intraclular hemodynamics.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

After taking the drug inside it is quickly absorbed. Activate this medication begins in about 40-60 minutes. The maximum concentration in the human body is reached after the lapse of the 1st hour.

It should be specially noted that the simultaneous intake of food with the drug presented reduces its absorbability to 30-40%. That's why such pills are advised to take 1 hour before the meal or 1-1,5 hours after it.

The duration of action after using this medication (to lower blood pressure) depends on the frequency of its administration and dosage. To develop a full therapeutic effect, the patient may need several weeks of therapy.

Features and properties of the drug "Captopril"

Now you know what the drug "Captopril" is, from what it is used and how it works in relation to the human body. But in order to understand why this drug is so popular, one should consider its properties.

The active substance, which is part of the drug "Captopril", has vasodilator, hypotensive and cardioprotective properties.

This drug is able to increase the release of biologically active substances that have a natriuretic effect. Due to this property, the blood flow in the kidneys is markedly improved. In addition, the drug "Captopril" from pressure reduces the total post- and preload on the heart, and also increases cardiac output.

Indications for use of the medicinal product

The drug presented is indicated for the therapy of the following abnormalities:

  • Hypertension arterial and renovascular. Can be used in both combined and monotherapy.
  • Violations of the left ventricle. As a rule, this drug is used against those people who underwent myocardial infarction and are now in a clinically stable state.
  • Diabetic Nephropathy. It is prescribed only to those who have type 1 diabetes mellitus, that is, insulin-dependent people.
  • Cardiomyopathy.

The drug "Captopril" - from what else is this medication prescribed? As is known, the presented drug can be used as part of complex therapy for heart failure (stagnant).

Contraindications to the use of medicament

According to the instructions, the drug "Captopril" is strictly forbidden to take in the following cases:

  • With increased sensitivity to the active component - captopril. It should also be noted that this medication is not recommended for those who have an obvious intolerance to the group of drugs, which are inhibitors of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (that is, patients who developed angioedefrophic edema during treatment with other ACE inhibitors).
  • At the expressed infringements of job of a liver.
  • With cardiogenic shock.
  • With disorders of the digestive tract.
  • At the expressed disturbances of work of kidneys, a condition after transplantation of the given organ, bilateral stenosis of arteries, azotemia, hyperkalemia, and also primary hyperaldosteronism.
  • With arterial hypotension.
  • With immunological diseases.
  • With mitral stenosis and stenosis of the aortic estuary.

Among other things, the drug "Captopril", analogs of this medication is not recommended for pregnant women, children under 18 years of age, as well as nursing mothers.

The drug "Captopril": the instruction, the price of the medicament

According to the attached instructions, this drug should be taken about 1 hour before meals. The duration of therapy, as well as the dosage regimen of the medication presented, should be determined only by the therapist on an individual basis, depending on the type and course of the existing disease.

So how should I take the drug "Captopril"? The dose (initial) of this medication in the diagnosis of hypertension is 12.5 mg twice a day. At acute necessity at once you can use 2 tablets of the drug for 25 mg. But in this case it is desirable to divide reception by 3 times. The maximum daily dose of such a drug is 150 mg.

If the doctor has prescribed a maintenance therapy for a long time, then the drug "Captopril", the indication of which we examined just above, should be taken on the first pill (25 mg) three times or twice a day.

With renovascular and renal hypertension, the initial dosage of such a drug is 6.25 mg three times a day. Supportive therapy should include 1 tablet of the drug (25 mg) three times a day.

If you are diagnosed with chronic heart failure and there are abnormalities in the kidneys, the initial dosage should be 12.5 or 6.25 mg three times a day. At the same time every 2-3 weeks it should be brought to a maintenance dose of 25-50 mg with the same periodicity. In the postinfarction period, the method of taking this medication is similar.

Groups of drugs ACE in old age are prescribed only by the therapist. In this case, treatment should be selected individually. Take the drug "Captopril" such people should be in the minimum dose. In addition, it is highly not recommended to increase it throughout the therapy. If necessary, loop diuretics can additionally be used.

As for the price, for 40 tablets of this drug you will have to give about 50-60 Russian rubles. As you can see, the drug "Captopril" is a relatively inexpensive medication that allows you to effectively lower your blood pressure without harm to your health.

Take with extreme caution

The presented medicine should be taken with extreme caution when:

  • Oppression of bone marrow circulation;
  • Severe autoimmune diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Ischemia of the brain ;
  • Ischemic heart disease.

Side effects

According to the instructions, after the use of the drug "Captopril", the following adverse reactions can occur in patients:

  • Bronchospasm, bronchitis, dyspnea, unproductive dry cough;
  • Oppression of the central nervous system, headache, convulsions, ataxia, dizziness, tingling in the upper and lower extremities, as well as a feeling of numbness, confusion, impaired sense of smell and vision, increased fatigue, depression;
  • Exfoliative dermatitis, skin itch, skin rash, photodermatitis, pemphigus, Quincke's edema, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, toxic epidermal necrolysis, alopecia;
  • Heart rhythm disorder, angina pectoris, orthostatic hypotension, myocardial infarction, tachycardia;
  • A taste disorder, flatulence, loss of appetite, stomatitis, nausea, constipation, glossitis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach mucosa and oral cavity, diarrhea, vomiting, xerostomia, abdominal pain;
  • Paresthesia, arthritis, peripheral polyneuropathy;
  • Neutropenia, hyperkalemia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, eosinophilia;
  • Oliguria, proteinuria, impaired renal function;
  • Cholestatic hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholestasis, hepatocellular necrosis.

According to reviews that leave consumers about this drug, side effects can manifest themselves much more if, while taking a medication, observe a low-salt or salt-free diet.

The drug "Captopril": an overdose

In case of an overdose with this remedy, such side effects as myocardial infarction, pronounced and rapid decrease of arterial pressure, acute violation of the blood circulation of the brain and thromboembolic complications can appear in patients.

Precautionary measures

According to experts, it is not recommended to take this medication together with potassium-sparing diuretics, as well as other drugs that significantly increase the concentration of potassium in the blood plasma. If you disregard this advice, then there is a large risk of hyperkalemia.

In addition, the drug "Captopril" should be used with extreme caution with the simultaneous administration of funds "Prokainamid", "Allopurinol", "Azathioprine" or other immunosuppressants, especially for violations of kidney function.

With diffuse diseases of connective tissues, as well as chronic heart failure, this medication should be taken only under close medical supervision.

It should also be noted that, according to reviews of patients and physicians, the hypotensive effect of this medication reduces the drug "Indomethacin" and estrogens.

Storage conditions

The drug "Captopril" refers to the drugs of the list B. This medication is dispensed in pharmacy networks only on the prescription. The storage period is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Contain such a device preferably in a protected from light and dry place, at a temperature of not more than 25 ° C.

Medication analogues

The following structural analogues of this preparation exist for the active component:

  • Captopril Ferein;
  • Angiopril-25;
  • Captopril Acry;
  • Alkadil;
  • Captopril Sandoz;
  • "Vero Captopril";
  • Captopril UBF;
  • "Blokordil";
  • Captopril AKOS;
  • Captopril Hexal;
  • "Kapoten";
  • Captopril FPO;
  • Captopril Sar;
  • "Catopilus";
  • Captopril Aegis;
  • "Epsetron";
  • Captopril STI.

As you can see, the presented medicament has quite a lot of analogues. In this regard, patients often have a question about what is better - the drug "Captopril" or "Kapoten." There is no fundamental difference between the two. They differ from each other only by the manufacturer. For the same reason, the "Kapoten" remedy is 3.5 times more expensive than the drug "Captopril".

Reviews about the drug

Despite the cheapness, the drug "Captopril" effectively lowers blood pressure. Patients who have repeatedly used this drug, note that its effect is noticeable already after 1-3 hours after ingestion.

Individual allergic reactions after application of this remedy are found in about 5-8% of people. Many argue that such a preparation causes severe edema. That's why before using it, you should always consult a doctor. If the drug "Captopril" causes at least one side effect, then it is desirable to abandon it and switch to a medicine from increased pressure from another group.

There are quite a few reviews that the drugs "Captopril", "Kapoten" and other analogues of these drugs effectively help to get rid of hypertension in the elderly. But before such a reception should always consult a doctor. In addition, it is recommended to use only the minimal dose of a medicine in an elderly person in order to eliminate high blood pressure and treat other diseases.

How safe is the drug?

On the basis of the regional clinical hospital in Rivne (Ukraine) in 2010, a study was conducted of the incidence of adverse events from taking the drug "Captopril". In this procedure, people with moderate and mild arterial hypertension took part. As a result, out of 500 subjects, only 73 people complained of side effects. Of these, 53 - abolished the drug, and the remaining 20 - continued, because it was considered that for health it brings much more benefit than harm.

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