News and Society, Nature
The Caucasian reserve is a pearl of nature protection
The Caucasus is an amazing region in its beauty. Located at the junction of two climatic zones, the region is struck by the diversity of landscapes, nationalities, fauna.
According to the number of species of animals, it is second only to tropical countries. But the air temperature here is about 5 ° C lower than in other places located at the same latitude.
Animals of the Caucasus are not only known jackals, foxes, hares. This is a lot of rare species that live in inaccessible places. In the Caucasus, there are still high-mountainous chamois, able to move through the mountains at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. Here live proud Caucasian tours, cautious leopards, fearless bezoar goats, able to move on steep rocks. Bears, wild boars, bison, Eurasian lynx, deer, roe deer are all listed in the Red Book, but they still feel at home in the Caucasus region.
In order to preserve endemic animals, a unique biosphere, rare plants, preserved in the mountains and on the plains, in the Caucasus reserves have been created. They represent the highest form of conservation. They are created in strictly designated areas of the land, protected by the state. Observation and research are carried out in the reserves, but the main thing is protection of flora and fauna, stability and safety are guaranteed.
In 1998, the Association was created, which included the following reserves of the Caucasus:
• At the junction of Adygea, Krasnodar Krai and Karachay-Cherkessia is the Caucasian Reserve. The full name of the territory is the Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve. It towers over the sea for 3.5 km. From the south it is bounded by precipitous, very steep slopes, and in the north its territory is sloping. The Caucasian reserve is the oldest protected territory of the modern Caucasus. Today it is on the list of objects of special value for UNESCO.
Previously, on this territory there was a state reserve, in which bison were bred. Then the status was expanded, and the Caucasian Reserve became the legal successor of its predecessor.
To date, there are 19 families of mammals. On the territory of more than 280 hectares, representatives of the family of ezhovy, sony, bear, kuny, polorogih, deer and a dozen rare species coexist perfectly. Many animals are endemic or relict.
It is interesting that the Caucasian reserve sheltered not only representatives of the Caucasian fauna. There one can also find specimens of European, Mediterranean, Colchian fauna. The Caucasian Reserve is one of the largest in Europe.
• The Teberda Reserve borders on the Caucasus. The vast part of its territory is located much higher than the sea (at 2 000 m), and some places rise up to 4 000 meters. The climate here is similar to the sea, and on the vertical are three mountain zones: forest, meadow, nival. In the reserve there are animals typical of Central Asia, Western Europe, the Mediterranean.
• The North Ossetian Reserve is famous for its temperate continental climate, abundance of snowfalls, glacial winds. Here live 2000 invertebrates of various species, as many insects, 175 species of birds, 35 animal species.
The Association of Caucasian Reserves also includes the following:
• Kabardino-Balkaria;
• Erzy located in Ingushetia;
• Voronezh;
• Kabardino-Balkaria;
• Reserve "Black Lands";
• Bogdino-Baskunchak;
• Abkhazian "Riceni relic national park";
• Sochi Park (national).
This is not the whole list of the Caucasian reserves. A total of 27. Most of them are small in the territory (up to 30 hectares). Most of them are in the Transcaucasian republics, but everything is important.
But scientists believe that even such a large number of reserves is not enough to preserve normal conditions for endangered animals. It is necessary to create such in the near future in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan.
The general role of all reserves is uniform: they are called upon to preserve natural objects, climate, flora and fauna.
Stability, which parks and reserves provide for animals, is a guarantee of their survival.
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